Guitar Player's Thread

I can't be bothered to post comments but I can be bothered to post my "COB/Alexi Collection".

It's nothing fancy but I took it for a thread somewhere else and it looks pretty cool.

Wow Mitch, how many amazing things in just only a pic... *watches with admiration*

Seems like you have some nice stuff about our Alexi and Children Of Bodom, plus, maybe you saw them live.. what could you ask more? Lucky guy. :)
┼Victim of the Night┼;6216593 said:
Wow Mitch, how many amazing things in just only a pic... *watches with admiration*

Seems like you have some nice stuff about our Alexi and Children Of Bodom, plus, maybe you saw them live.. what could you ask more? Lucky guy. :)

Yeah, I saw them on the 26th Jan 2006. The yellow thing in the middle is the ticket. I skipped seeing them again on the Unholy Alliance because I didn't want to pay £40 to see COB play4 songs and then Lamb Of God (for the 3rd time), Slayer (for the 3rd time) and the other band...Mastadon? Or was it Thine Eyes Bleed. I dno.

I'll go see them when they tour again. Hopefully, Sinergy will tour Europe again once Sins Of The Past is released.

Swabs said:
You bought an AYDY shirt?

Yep. First time seeing them was on their 2005/2006 AYDY promotion tour so they had AYDY shirts and played AYDY songs. Haven't had the chance to get anything else by them but I did want something from the clothing store so that's what I got. The hat and wristbands were gifts from my mum last christmas.

I ordered To Hell And Back the other day so that should be added in there too. And I still need to get the YG mags with the Reap N Roll and Passage To The Reaper things.
Yeah, I saw them on the 26th Jan 2006. The yellow thing in the middle is the ticket. I skipped seeing them again on the Unholy Alliance because I didn't want to pay £40 to see COB play4 songs and then Lamb Of God (for the 3rd time), Slayer (for the 3rd time) and the other band...Mastadon? Or was it Thine Eyes Bleed. I dno.

I'll go see them when they tour again. Hopefully, Sinergy will tour Europe again once Sins Of The Past is released.
Hmm, maybe the band was Thine Eyes Bleed? Dunno, but there's somewhere in my memory that suggests me that name... well, maybe it's wrong. :p

Anyway, I think you must have had fun seeing COB guys live... I really wish you to see them again, as I wish you to see Sinergy live too. :)
Ghey -_- I took all my strings off, got the new set out ready to put on.....And now I have no idea where I put the alan key >.<
Actually, I think TEB only did the US dates and Mastadon replaced them in the UK. I think In Flames cancelled the whole thing? I can't remember.

Hopefully you can see them too. They've played in Italy before so I don't see why they shouldn't again.
^Thanks Mitchy, I wish to myself (haha!) to see them live too... but I think I already know how it will end (like the last time they came here during the Unholy Alliance... some personal problems + parents' bothering towards me and my choices = nothing!).

But well... never say never... only time will tell, we'll see. :)
"Hey mum, I'm going over to a friends house for the night. I'll be back quite late 'cause we might watch a film..."

^Hahah!! :lol: Is that one of the excuses you often use, Mitch? :p :saint:

Anyway yeah, why not? That could work out... that could work out if... if I hadn't these sorta Robocops that I have as parents... :D ...emotional as I am, they would understand that something veeery important would happen, and they would follow me to make sure that I'm acting like an angel. o_O (I'm in jail... :cry: )

I think I'll just run away from home... soon enough!! And OUT of Italy... away, away. I must be free about my life and my choices, right? :Smokin: :)
&#9532;Victim of the Night&#9532;;6216723 said:
I think I'll just run away from home... soon enough!! And OUT of Italy... away, away. I must be free about my life and my choices, right? :Smokin: :)

Definitely!!! 23 is certainly old enough to be making your own choices and decisions, especially if you want to go to a concert or something.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Gotta be up at 5am ish and I don't wanna be going to bed at 2 like usual. :zombie:


Dno if I'll take pics or anything 'cause the only digital cam we have is my mums and I don't wanna be paying her another £100 if I break it or loose it.

Nite all.
Woah cool stuff, have a good time. I would say take plenty of pics, but as you say there is a risk so don't worry about it. I still have to make arrangements to see PG.

@Victim your parents follow you? thats so freaky deaky :lol: If your thinking about leaving home, I say go for it! :p the world is yours to explore. (you could always come live here in england :D ..not sure why its not that great but hey.)
^Pheonix (Brad, right?) You're right, my parents are really weird, haha. :lol:
Well, in reality I planned to leave Italy for real, you know? I wanted to do it after finished to study. :)

Also, I've always dreamt to move to England... but don't be scared, I won't, so you'll all be safe and won't have to be worried about meeting me somewhere around, maybe while just taking a walk.... but anyway, whatever, the important is to leave this country that I can't stand anymore.

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Gotta be up at 5am ish and I don't wanna be going to bed at 2 like usual. :zombie:


Dno if I'll take pics or anything 'cause the only digital cam we have is my mums and I don't wanna be paying her another &#163;100 if I break it or loose it.

Nite all.
Nobody here wanna make you lose hours of sleep, don't worry, we want you to have rest... so you'll feel good and will record soon something nice and we'll hear it, clapping! :)
Goodnight, Mitch, sleep well!

And have fun sunday at Paul's live concert... bye!
&#9532;Victim of the Night&#9532;;6216781 said:
^Pheonix (Brad, right?) You're right, my parents are really weird, haha. :lol:
Well, in reality I planned to leave Italy for real, you know? I wanted to do it after finished to study. :)

Also, I've always dreamt to move to England... but don't be scared, I won't, so you'll all be safe and won't have to be worried about meeting me somewhere around, maybe while just taking a walk.... but anyway, whatever, the important is to leave this country that I can't stand anymore.

Hey, don't be silly there's me, Mitch and alot of other people who'd love to meet you here in merry old England. :) ..and yeah my name is Brad :D Out of curiosity why do you hate Italy so much? I've always wanted to go there, experience the culture, the weather, the girls :p.

Anytime. Good playing should always be complemented. ;)
Hey, don't be silly there's me, Mitch and alot of other people who'd love to meet you here in merry old England. :) ..and yeah my name is Brad :D Out of curiosity why do you hate Italy so much? I've always wanted to go there, experience the culture, the weather, the girls :p.
(yay, I remembered your name correctly! Btw, if you want you can call me Eli aswell, it's easier than writing "Victim of the Night" :))

Well, thanks for your kind words... I've always had a weakness for your England, maybe one day I'll really move there, who knows if my dreams will come true.... and my english is crap... well, it's really hard, we'll see what happens.
And anyway, about my dear Italy... glad that you seem to like it! Hmm, well, it's not like I really "hate" it, but... well, I can't stand this place anymore, I really need to change place cuz tired of some situations, and many people too.
The weather here is is nice, our food is good (well, in my opinion at least) the culture is too, and so does our art... I love these things about my country, but I don't feel good about people... "bad" persons are anywhere, yeah, but here too many are selfish and treat you bad for free, without a reason... and I often feel like nobody understands me.
But then again, maybe I am the one who is wrong, yeah... it can be, yeah. :)

Oops, I wrote so much... this is a guitarplayer's thread... what the heck am I doing here? I leave, forgive me you guys! :saint: And goodnight to you all... :wave:
Well I to hope you can make your dreams happen Eli, and your english is excellent from what what you post so don't worry about it :) I understand what you mean with the bad people etc. we get that here aswell but I suppose it depends where you are. You're welcome in this thread anytime! Night Eli!