Guitar Player's Thread

Okay so yeah, I just saw Paul Gilbert, I just blew a load that build up from the extreme excitment, enjoyment and happiness and here's my review. Don't die 'cause it's pretty long.

Mitch DuCran's "Paul Gilbert Live @ The Mean Fiddler, London, UK" review.

So I turned up in London at 02:30pm and went down to the ventue to find it was empty. So I wandered down Denmark Street (Tin Pan Alley) in hope to find some chaps that I would hopefully recognise just jamming in one of the 7 or so guitar shops on that small road. After I realised that I was on my own (couldn't find anyone), I just walked back up and noticed a large HMV so I walked in there instead and had a quick browse round the "metal" section until I noticed a "musical instruments" sign on the wall. Obviously, I wasn't going to not go down there, so I did. I actually ended up finding 3 of the guys I knew which was awesome because they were so cool, it felt like I'd known them for ages even know I'd never even seen them before. Also, the fact that I had someone to hang around with until the show started was also comforting.

I wandered around down there for a bit while they played and noticed a White (w/black pinstripes) Jackson RR24. :D So I got the guy that worked there to let me play that and ended up playing for over 40mins haha. I have to say, without a strap, those things are fucking horrible to play because you have to stick your knee in between the horns and so your left hand is actually doing more work holding the guitar in place, rather than actual concentrating on playing something so I fucked up loads and just totally embarrassed myself. :p

I wasn't really impressed with the sound or the feel I got out of the stock model straight from the shelf because there wasn't much gain (there isn't a gain boost installed) and the action was probably higher than I would have it so that obviously makes a difference. When I plugged in some other random red guitar into the same amp, there was a much better sound so I think it had something to do with those EMG 81's in the JRR24 or just the action (pickups were further away from the strings). I also wanted to play one to test out how easy it is to hit the 24th fret...well, it wasn't easy. I don't know if it's just that particular model or all V shape guitars but I'd have to practise alot more to get those real high licks on that guitar, that's for sure. It's put me off getting one tbh, although I might do one day just for the sake of having a kickass looking RR shape guitar. Ya' never know, I might actually love 'em if I tryed one with a strap or something.

But anyway, after that, we went and queued up right near the front at about 5 (only a few people there) and met a guy there that owns Paul's pink BC Rich guitar that he plays in THIS and THIS (03:44) video, so that was fucking cool. We were just talking about him seeing Paul in 2005, seeing Yngwie and him buying Paul's guitar for £450.

When we got inside, we noticed a sign saying "Paul Gilbert Signing 25 mins after". That pretty much made me :OMG:. That GUARANTEED that I would meet Pablo Gilberto hehe. I also knew that I would definitely get stuff signed too, since it was a signing session. We were just all planning to meet him before/after and ask him to do it then because we didn't know this was happening.

There was a 3 piece support act on before PG called "The Rain" and they were indie rock, reminded me of Placebo. They weren't a bad band but I didn't really enjoy the music much. Tight playing though.

Well as for Gilbert, I pretty much knew what to expect song wise 'cause I had people tell me his setlist for as many shows as possible so I could learn the words 'n' such and as I expected, he played the same songs. My positioning was absolutely fucking incredible. I couldn't be in a better place. I was dead centre, front row for the whole thing. :D I stared so much at Paul 'cause I just could not fucking believe that the guy that I idolise was playing this shit LESS than a metre away at times. He was wearing a full purple spacesuit and his "PG" headphones. His new signature orange picks with the print of his face were all stacked up on his mic stand and everyone kept talking about them before he came on. I was tempted to take one but I left it, just incase he needed them all. There were times where he'd strum a chord and let go of his guitar and I was so close, I could have strummed his guitar, turned his volume down, change pickup or take the lead out. I could have changed the settings on his pedal board or even just unplugged one and fucked off with it too. :lol: Fucking unbelievable. :worship:

Nothing really special or funny happened, it was just an average "Hey, I'm fucking better than you and everyone on guitar" kinda PG show. You could really tell that guy LOVES playing guitar. Emi (his wife...plays keyboards) looked pretty bored and pissed off most of the time tbh, Mike (bass) looked like he was really into it too. He was sweating loads and really going for it. The Addicted To That Rush intro was great. Jeff (drums) looks fucking awesome. He has a real mean look about him and he can certainly play those drums!!

As soon as they all walked off stage after bowing together, all these hands appeared to try and grab the 4 picks that were still in the mic stand. Luckily for me, all I had to do was life my arm up and take I fucking did. :D:D:

Then, some sound guy dude was walking around picking up cables 'n' shit but he had 2 setlists in his hand. There were at least 10 hands in the air all trying to grab them from him. I thought, "hmm, I'd like a setlist". So as soon as I put my hand out, he put his out and I grabbed it, folded it and threw it straight into my pocket. There was no fucking way I was going to let something snatch it from me and run or anything. (It's just a fucking piece of paper but it means alot to me).

After that, we just all went upstairs to meet Paul. When I got there, I put my ticket, Street Lethal album booklet and setlist on the table for him to sign and I asked him to write "To Mitch" on the setlist for me. Aaaand, he even spelt it RIGHT. Usually, people write Mich, instead of Mitch. He actually said, "So what's going out to Mitch?"...;) I put my arm around him, got a picture and shook his hand twice.

After that, I pretty much walked out the venue with a huge erection since I just watched Paul Gilbert play, got a Paul Gilbert pick, got Paul Gilbert's setlist, met Paul Gilbert, had Paul Gilbert sign my stuff and write my name and got a pic with fucking Paul Gilbert. Oh yeah. You guys know how much I love Paul Gilbert so...I'm a very, very happy man. This beats seeing COB, EASILY. Next time, though, I'll wait around and meet Alexi aswell.

Seriously guys, Paul Gilbert is the best guitar player I've ever seen. It's just a shame that Bruce couldn't make it, due to budget or something. Maybe he'll come back with Bruce and do a Racer X type setlist.

After that, me and a friend just wandered the streets of London for about 2 hours or so and then found a nice lil' 24hr food bar thing so we just bummed around in there for about 3 hours until Liverpool Street Station opened. Then we just went home.

The end.


My signed Street Lethal album cover:

My signed ticket:

My signed setlist:

My PG pick (side 1):

My PG pick (side 2):

Dunno if anyone cares but whatever, it was the best day of my life. :Smokin: Thank You Paul Gilbert!!!!!
Great review Mitch! :kickass: I felt just like that when I saw MAB, I was sitting a meter away from him ALL the time, and sometimes he came like 30cm away from my face with a guitar, I could easily fret some notes then :D.
I had oppurtunity to see and meet PG too, he played in a city about 45min away from here. He came early that day and spent the day sightseeing and I could have easily gone with them since I know the organizers, but we had a math test the next day so :erk:. I also don't know PG that much (except from video instructuals) so it wasn't that appealing to me. I'll probably be smashing my head sometime in the future cause I missed this :lol:.

Post a pic of you with PG!

As for the RR, yeah, strap does help A LOT when playing sitting down. It's also easier if you lift your right leg on some small stool or something. 24th fret is definitely not that easy to hit, especially on lower notes. All neck-thru Jackson RRs have the same neck-joint so Alexi played on one like that too ;). I'm not sure how it's on his ESPs now and frankly I don't care :).
I will post a pic with me and Paul but I'm blurring my face 'cause I was making some fucking retarded smile, I think I got caught off guard but yeah, PAUL GILBERT!!!

I did have my leg up a bit on the amp but that didn't help without the strap so...:erk:.
Yeah, great review I must say! :)

I'm so fucking jealous of you atm dude, you wouldn't believe! Damn!

Great to hear you had a blast though. I hope I'll be meeting some of my guitar heroes in the future. :kickass: :D
Yeah, really a great review, Mitch... and who cares if it was a long one? It was funny to read, expecially for all those other P. Gilbert's fans that are in this thread and maybe have never seen him live yet.

It's great that you had the chance to meet personally one of your fave guitarists (if not "the" favoured), that you had fun, that you met nice people and it all went fine... I think you deserved it, afterall, so I'm happy for you.

Also, congrats for "gaining" those new cds... they are absolutely great stuff, I'm glad for you twice.
Congrats Mitch! i'm happy for you, really. it must be amazing to meet one of your heros and not to mention one of the greatest guitar players alive!!! hopefully i'll get to meet the great m00hammed when i see necrophagist in 12 days....can't wait for that :D:D:D

and dude, don't blur out your face in the pic, you'll ruin it. we already know what you look like so who cares :p
Awesome review Mitch! Get those pics posted!

And Mystique, if you do meet Muhammed you'll probably just die from his awesomeness-aura.
good review! very interesting read

umm about V's yeah its hard playing in the sitting position for someone who's never played a V before. I tried a RR Js35 once and found it almost impossible to play anything on the higher frets.
Awesome review Mitch! Get those pics posted!

And Mystique, if you do meet Muhammed you'll probably just die from his awesomeness-aura.

:lol: that's probably true. but i actually heard from someone, i think it was Enjoi, that Muhammed doesn't like to come out much and isn't very friendly. he stays inside the backstage area a hopefully i get lucky.
so as you can see below, I was terribly bored. I decided to make my own brtual deathmetal song,lol. So basically I just recorded one drum pattern and winged the guitar part and put vocals. The guitars suck (almost on purpose). I kind of wanted it to sound crappy for effect and I didnt feel like re-recording it. I love the solo cause it doesnt fit at all.
so here is Vaginal discharge smoothie.

Vaginal Discharge Smoothie
Slurp it up, fell the creamy discharge in your mouth
Let it run down your face, bathing in it, rolling in it, let it flow in your eyes and your anus
Feel the goodness trickling down your throat as you crave for more.

Now you live it craving it every moment of the day
Always in hell until you enjoy a smoothie.
All mixed together your favorites
What a brutal delight.

I might not have said everything in there
So i got to Spain yesterda, i only brought my guitar. But i was hoping i could buy something like a POD here. Luckily my cousin borrowed me his amp today, too bad it's a sucky amp, but on the bright side, the worse the amp, the better i have to play.

I asked about the POD before in this thread, incase someone didn't see it, i'll ask again: Does someone have one, or have tried one so they could give me some advice about it?
One of my friends has a POD, I'll get his opinion of it tommorow if no-one else does before me.
so as you can see below, I was terribly bored. I decided to make my own brtual deathmetal song,lol. So basically I just recorded one drum pattern and winged the guitar part and put vocals. The guitars suck (almost on purpose). I kind of wanted it to sound crappy for effect and I didnt feel like re-recording it. I love the solo cause it doesnt fit at all.
so here is Vaginal discharge smoothie.

Vaginal Discharge Smoothie
Slurp it up, fell the creamy discharge in your mouth
Let it run down your face, bathing in it, rolling in it, let it flow in your eyes and your anus
Feel the goodness trickling down your throat as you crave for more.

Now you live it craving it every moment of the day
Always in hell until you enjoy a smoothie.
All mixed together your favorites
What a brutal delight.

I might not have said everything in there

Dude, do you ever record anything when you're not bored? :zombie:
so as you can see below, I was terribly bored. I decided to make my own brtual deathmetal song,lol. So basically I just recorded one drum pattern and winged the guitar part and put vocals. The guitars suck (almost on purpose). I kind of wanted it to sound crappy for effect and I didnt feel like re-recording it. I love the solo cause it doesnt fit at all.
so here is Vaginal discharge smoothie.

Vaginal Discharge Smoothie
Slurp it up, fell the creamy discharge in your mouth
Let it run down your face, bathing in it, rolling in it, let it flow in your eyes and your anus
Feel the goodness trickling down your throat as you crave for more.

Now you live it craving it every moment of the day
Always in hell until you enjoy a smoothie.
All mixed together your favorites
What a brutal delight.

I might not have said everything in there

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: