Guitar Player's Thread

Never heard of the Harley Benton. I know alot of people use Mesa's with them though, as well as the standard cab of course, the Marshall 1960's, and even some Orange cabs.
I would get the JB(SH-4) if I were getting a SD p/u

Check it out on youtube...LOTS of videos

So that's set, I'm getting JB. And now I have to decide which neck pickup I should get. Gonna check the store, to see what do they have in stock.

Have heard good things about the Harley Benton cabs. I think the reason Enmitty prob never heard of them is they are not a very well known of brand in the states as Thomann is more of a European company. I would say they are prob comparable to Avatar cabs, which is a US company. We also have Carvin in the US which makes the legacy cabs w/ V30's in them for a very good price.....if you are in the US.

I'm now thinking of down grading my 4x12(Bugera) to a 2x12(either Avatar or Carvin).....I just don't need a 4x12 in my room at home.

So are V30's the end all be all for rock/metal speakers? I mean everyone uses them but there has got to be something else out there that is better or just as good.
^Amazing playing as usual Zack. I'd have to say that of all the people on this forum your playing style impresses me the most because you strive to break out of a single genre, and it's paying off very well I see.

In other news, I just turned my amp off without putting it in standby for a few minutes first. FUUUUUUUUU
I just turned my amp off without putting it in standby for a few minutes first. FUUUUUUUUU

According to the guy that built my amp, that's the correct way to switch amps off.

By switching the power off first, the heat from the valves draws out the stored charge in the capacitors.

You have to remember to turn the standby off later, ready for when you switch it back on.

Also helps to turn down the volumes so you don't get that 'pop' in the speakers, that also has the benefit of all the vol's down ready for when you switch back on.

I think i've never posted anything here, well here is most of my gear.....


my main guitar is Ibanez RG5EX1, i fixed the floyd, took out all the pickups, put Serymour Duncan Blackout AHB-2 in bridge, i eliminated tone knob out of the circuit n hid the volume knob inside.

my next guitar is ESP LTD H100FM with EMG HZ H4 in bridge
and recent guitar is lovely Ibanez AXS32 waiting for new seymour duncans...i already got Seymour duncan SH6 for bridge now waiting for SH2 jazz for the neck.
and my acoustic Ibanez AC240 the most recent guitar that i got few days ago
So are V30's the end all be all for rock/metal speakers? I mean everyone uses them but there has got to be something else out there that is better or just as good.

Yes, V30's are pretty much the go-to speaker for metal. Rock I do not know, people might prefer something less middy and in yo face there. I also heard good things about the Greenbacks.
^Amazing playing as usual Zack. I'd have to say that of all the people on this forum your playing style impresses me the most because you strive to break out of a single genre, and it's paying off very well I see.

In other news, I just turned my amp off without putting it in standby for a few minutes first. FUUUUUUUUU

Thanks man! That means a lot

Widely used by recording people everywhere, mainly because it's so cheap :) It's Thomann's own brand (Ssnake and Milennium are also their brands).

Don't want to sound cocky but (at least here in germany) no one who records seriously uses that shit.

Maybe if it comes to low budget home recording, but Harley Benton is pretty..unpopluar. Their guitars are extremely shit and so are their speakers (the one I used was really awful sounding) and when it comes to recording you want a nice sound, righto?
Not as bad as our old millenium drumset, but I would spend a bit more on a used cab than on benton stuff.
^Amazing playing as usual Zack. I'd have to say that of all the people on this forum your playing style impresses me the most because you strive to break out of a single genre, and it's paying off very well I see.


Don't want to sound cocky but (at least here in germany) no one who records seriously uses that shit.

Maybe if it comes to low budget home recording, but Harley Benton is pretty..unpopluar. Their guitars are extremely shit and so are their speakers (the one I used was really awful sounding) and when it comes to recording you want a nice sound, righto?
Not as bad as our old millenium drumset, but I would spend a bit more on a used cab than on benton stuff.

Yeah ofc the guitars are shit, they cost like nothing. And i've heard the cabs, they sound pretty good :)
^ my Laney cab is betttterr :P

ok i gotta admit that I just used the benton cab once and it sucked but I dont know maybe its just my taste that sucks