Guitar Player's Thread

well i mean for your skill level, a lower end model would suit you best, just because you have a "good guitar" doesnt make YOU good, and besides i dont call 1000 bucks "extra money"

ive had a lower end model....actually rr24 is my 3rd guitar. I NEVER said it woud make me better guitar player. I just worked those money for new guitar and got it. Ive had a bc rich warlock bronze and a ESP ltd mmv.
wow...:erk: i would be fine with the mmv. geez dude...cut to the basics.

Whats wrong with getting the exact guitar you want? i got those guitars sold for a good price so i could get new equipment. The MMV got sold for 550(incl bag). You still have a fuckin ltd alexi 600 so its not cheaper stuff than mine :D
I'm playing for 2.5 years n I'm stuck with my silly washburn X

I'm saving up for a King V or ltd V -500 / V - 200 which I'm gonna get next year for sure

it seems the n00bs always have better guitars :)
^^Thats cool...damn i think im gonna remove those vids from youtube..cant stand getting bashed coz of them :D stupid of me to submit
i have some old recordings which i once posted/ errm not that great

im lost when it comes to recording

can anyone recommend a program which will be needed for recording ? plus i dont have a proper mic. add me on msn if you want to check out the stuff i wrote for my band(GP files that is), im lookin for reviews
im gonna put these links up here too coz i want some feedback...(posted them on "What are you doing at this moment-thread"
ok =/ Have mercy on me. I messed those 2 up but a bit. Ive played 1 year and 4-5 months well...Here they are. Youre gonna laugh yourselves to death coz im so bad XD

I don't want to sound like a dick, but PLEASE, practice at a slower tempo and learn the song correctly before posting a video, tuning the guitar to the song would help too. Download guitar pro if you haven't already and practice with the speed trainer. Plus, you can have the back tracking tuned to you :)
I don't want to sound like a dick, but PLEASE, practice at a slower tempo and learn the song correctly before posting a video, tuning the guitar to the song would help too. Download guitar pro if you haven't already and practice with the speed trainer. Plus, you can have the back tracking tuned to you :)

Why the fuck does everyone keep telling me to tune it? i did tune it!:O maybe somethin went wrong....oh well. I have guitar pro and i think ive pretty much learned it correctly. not the solo though. thanx for watchin anyway:D