The Emptier
t3h b3aSt0rZ
came back from necro a couple hours ago, it was pretty damn sweet and brutal. They also played foul body autopsy which I didnt hear they would. I told my dad to pick me up at around 12:00 but the show actually ended around 11:00 so I ended up staying in the club. I ended up meeting everyone from necrophagist. cool beans.
nice, but they play FBA at every show
oh yea, it was funny last night cause Marco was talking to someone I thought was the bassist but I wasnt sure. So I didnt want to go up and ask for a picture with marco and not the bassist. And I didnt want to ask to take a picture with someone that wasnt in the band and I sure as hell didnt want to ask the guy if he was the bassist. I ended up just asking sami.
dude the bassist is the big bald are no tr00 fan!