Guitar Player's Thread

hey, nice guitar!

i was wondering if anyone here knows what gear jari maenpaa from wintersun uses because i cant find anything on the interwebs, some pics he has a fender telecaster and others he has a JEM. anyone know which is current / which amps etc he uses?
I hate to be here nagging all the time but i read in reviews the Randall RH50T is very mcuh for metaliica stuff and i want it to be for arch enemy,cob,norther and stuff :erk: What pedals woud you reccomend? max budget for pedals is 150 euros and id want a noisegate too...i can stretch to 200 if needed
if you get an amp and you need to have a pedal then dont get that amp! you n eed to find an amp that has the tone that you want without usiing pedals, and 50 watts isnt gonna cut it. i've never used a pedal with my marshall vavlestate because it gives me great tone, and you really dont need a noisegate
hey, nice guitar!

i was wondering if anyone here knows what gear jari maenpaa from wintersun uses because i cant find anything on the interwebs, some pics he has a fender telecaster and others he has a JEM. anyone know which is current / which amps etc he uses?

On their self-titled he used the telecaster for about half the songs, and a jackson dinky for the other. You can pretty easily distinguish which tones belong to which guitar. The new album is recorded with ibanez JEMs and PGMs.

As far as amps go, he's basically using rectifiers. old are you? If it can do Metallica, then it can do any other metal type too. You don't need a special pedal to get other sounds :rolleyes:.

if you are happy with the amp then you are happy with the sound if its valva tube or what ever but you are stuck with that one sound the only thing you can do with it is to add and reduce frequencies on the EQ.
if you choose to go with pedals and preamps then its wise to choose killer distortion (for your own taste) compressor, noise-gate, and again EQ. this way you can form the character of your sound and then amplify the frequencies on amp for your demands to cut thru
Talk is about a Randall RH50T. Metallica sound is typical metal, but with very little mids. Just turn up mids, maybe turn down something else, turn up little distortion. And you will get COB sound or whatever. It won't be EXACTLY the same, but getting the same sound is impossible.

Saying that this amp is only good for Metallica is bullshit.
^^I dont like to hassle with pedals but i will do like this most probably...Ill get a ISP decimator and Use my boss metal zone on 0 gain as a extra EQ IF but only IF it is needed. Yeah i sure hope you guys are right coz i dont like to hassle with pedals ;) The bad thing the testing availabilites here are like 0...nearest City is 50 kilometers away and i live like in a fuckin small town of 1000 ppl :p a noisegate coud be needed anyhow :erk: The MT-2 sometimes gives good tone or decent but fuck its so goddamn motherfucking noisy! its like putting a mic in front of hornets nest. I want the amp as stepup from my peavey studiopro :p And for band practices and maybe future gigs.

EDIT: Nazgul...thanks for the info :D yeah maybe i wont need pedals...nah i dont want to copy alexi sound. I wanna create my own but my dreamsound is like COB with more bass and less treble :D I wonder if i need noisegate still? it coud get noisy.
Cannibal Corpse (and I think Deicide also) used Metal Zones like a clean boost on some records.

I doubt you will need an pedals. If you have a good technique, you also won't have need for ISP Decimator. Unless if yo play live, real loud.
^^What about rocktron hush? cheap pedal noise gate ..:) It woud be ideal that id need not to buy any noisegate coz then i coud invest into a better cab or somethin but the rocktron is still cheap and so.
I have no idea. If I'll ever need a noisegate, I will get myself an ISP Decimator. I've read that it's the best, doesn't cut the sustain and doesn't color the tone. Cheaper ones usually do that.
I have no idea. If I'll ever need a noisegate, I will get myself an ISP Decimator. I've read that it's the best, doesn't cut the sustain and doesn't color the tone. Cheaper ones usually do that.

yeah that coud be but roope latvala has a rocktron hush (lol) HHAHA:D well id like to buy that ISP too but i fear i might not afford. or maybe i will not sure though says this here at a place:

"10-16-2005, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by axemanfrommars
Bought mine last week from Key Music in Brussels. Great amp if you like your overdrives thich & creamy. Definitely not an amp for metal. I play mine through a self made 2x12 Celestion loaded speaker cabinet. Great heavy rock sounds. Clean channel crunches beautifully too. Think JCM800. If you want more clean headroom, better consider another amp like a Hot Rod deluxe. Can't find a better tube amp for the price."

"I use a Digitech Bad Monkey overdrive pedal with my Randall RH50T, and that provides incredible, violin-like sustain for Lead / Solo playing. I agree that it is not voiced towards "metal", which is fine for me, as I can't stand a "scooped" sound. I love the pronounced mids that this baby puts out.

On their self-titled he used the telecaster for about half the songs, and a jackson dinky for the other. You can pretty easily distinguish which tones belong to which guitar. The new album is recorded with ibanez JEMs and PGMs.

As far as amps go, he's basically using rectifiers.

yeah, i thought the tones were pretty varied...

btw, what's everyones opinions on mesa boogie rectifiers? because john petrucci and jari use them and they both have very different sounds which are both good. anyone got any EXP with one? says this here at a place:

"10-16-2005, 05:15 AM
Originally posted by axemanfrommars
Bought mine last week from Key Music in Brussels. Great amp if you like your overdrives thich & creamy. Definitely not an amp for metal. I play mine through a self made 2x12 Celestion loaded speaker cabinet. Great heavy rock sounds. Clean channel crunches beautifully too. Think JCM800. If you want more clean headroom, better consider another amp like a Hot Rod deluxe. Can't find a better tube amp for the price."

"I use a Digitech Bad Monkey overdrive pedal with my Randall RH50T, and that provides incredible, violin-like sustain for Lead / Solo playing. I agree that it is not voiced towards "metal", which is fine for me, as I can't stand a "scooped" sound. I love the pronounced mids that this baby puts out.


dont pay attention to that shit, first of all the guy is playing through a homemade cab, so its not gonna be the same sound. and the fact that its not geared to metal is total bullshit, arent there like soundclips on the website or somethin? type in like randall rh50 t on youtube, theres always vids of people doing sound checks
Got my marshall stolen so I got this piece.. for the 4x12..ahh the good ole days.:kickass: