Guitar Player's Thread

I usually use 11s a lot. I prefer them for D standard and Drop C. 10s seem too loose in those drop tunings. Though I use 10s for E Standard and Drop D.

Oh, and the perfect mix for chunky rhythm and nice leads, go with something equivalent to Ernie Ball's Skinny Top, Heavy Bottoms. (Usually 10-53)
I use D'Addario 10's. On my C-7 Blackjack, it was originally strung with the D'Addario 7 string set, which is a lighter guage on the bottom overall than their typical 6 string 10's. I just put a set of 6 string 10's on the thing with a 60 bottom (low B) and I'm pretty sure I like the feel of it better than the original lighter 7 string pack.
I also play with Jazz III's. They were weird feeling at first but now if I play with anything else it's uncomfortable.
Anyone else own a 7 string? I felt strange playing it for the first time but now the neck thickness feels completely comfortable. I haven't played my DX10D since I got the thing, so I'd imagine it'd feel tiny and goofy in my hands.
11's are too thick for me plus on some guitars when changing from 9's/10's to 11's you have to file the slits in the nuts to stop them going out of tune, of course that doesn't apply if you have a locking nut.
10's ftw. 11's are too thick and a bitch to bend from my experience.

Dunlop jazz 3 Black picks ftw also :p
11's are too thick for me plus on some guitars when changing from 9's/10's to 11's you have to file the slits in the nuts to stop them going out of tune, of course that doesn't apply if you have a locking nut.

I hear this all this a lot, yet I haven't had this problem, but what I do is tighten the strings tight, which recesses them into the nut a little and stretches the strings, though...I'm sick of doing that shit without a string winder. =/
slightly Off-Topic: I couldn't sweep for crap last week, but then i learn't the follow the reaper sweep now i'm getting quite a bit better... i learn't this yesterday, vid is a bit dark :p

YouTube - Ensiferum - Hero in a dream sweeps

(slow it down, yes i know :p)

I thought the action was good on my LTD until I got my Washburn guitar. The action is so fast on that thing you'd swear it'd melt in your hand and it made sweeping a lot easier for me. Now I can't even play my LTD cause the action is crap. I need to get that one set up right.
Hi folks, great thread...

I play D'addario 0.10, too. I don't think that Elixir E-Guitar Strings are worth the money, but the Elixir A-Guitar Strings fuckin' rock.

Picks: changed from big stubbys to dunlop 2.00mm (Tortex, I think). The thin Joe Satriani Picks are pretty cool, too...
DR are overrated IMO.

Well when I first used them, I noticed how much brighter they sounded when I wasn't plugged into an amp and also they stayed sounding like that and stayed shiny for about 3 months. Ernie Balls usually darken up after about 5 hours of playing.
anyone here know how to edit a video? i just recorded something on my camera but i need to cut out the ending of it. what program do i need to do that?

edit: nevermind, i just found windows movie maker on my computer :)