Guitar Player's Thread

Mmm.. Allright, thanks to both of ya. Checking them out :headbang:

EDIT: Was asking for songs, but what the hell, I'll check all the bands songs lol.
Well if you can do the Psalm of Lydia/Godless Endeavor* sweeps, you can pretty much do anything. Beyond the Dark Sun** has nice sweeps as well!

lol, those solos and licks actually sound awesome played by Guitar Pro hahahahhaha. I agree with Mitch's idea of getting PG or someone with skill to play it.
Any Sonata Arctica fans?

I'm working on Jani's solos for the re-recorded 2006 version of Replica. Should be done pretty soon, although I'll probably attempt the keyboard solo too...
^Nice. I freaking love SuidAkra. I was really tempted to learn Pendragon's Fall a while ago but never got round to it. I think their tone is especially good.
Sorry if I've been asking many questions recently but, I have another itch :erk:.
Just recently, I've been adding more reverb and using the neck pick-up when I try and play lead things (Sweeps, Solos etc.) and I love the fact that it makes my playing much cleaner. The itch I have is, if I'd want to play those sweeps/solos with almost no reverb or on my bridge pick-up, it would sound a bit sloppy and nothing like when I use the first option. My question is: Should I continue playing with those things? or should I just take them off and practice till' my playing is as clean as with them?

Thanks and sorry again for bothering so much, I feel like a brat/"noob" :lol:
Well I usually learn everything I need to with the bridge pickup, low gain and no reverb and when it comes to playing it I'll put in what I need to, to make it sound better i.e the switching of the pickups etc. This way I can assure myself my playing will be of equal standards however I play it. Just a thought :)
if you like to download files read this *very good*

this is how to search ftp files

type the following code into google replacing the ****** with what you're searching for

this will search for video or audio (and jpg) files

heres some tips:
1. Edit the code to suit your search: change the filetypes section

2. if you're looking for songs ONLY delete all the filetypes bar mp3 and wav etc

3. remember that your search term is in inverted commas, so spelling mistakes or badly worded searches are useless

4. experiment with the code, add filetypes, mess about

5. go to parent directories of good sites, most have artists ENTIRE albums in seperate folders

6. taking the inverted commas away (from the "****" section only) helps if you have low results

"*******" intitle:"index.of" "parent directory" "size" "last modified" "description" [snd] (mp4|jpg|avi|ogg|wmv|mov) -inurl:asp -inurl:(asp|jsp|php|html|htm|cf|shtml)

if this is too advanced for you, use this search engine: