Guitar Player's Thread

Do you have any vids of you playing it?

yes but those are old...i had only played a bit over a year and they can only be compared to the damn Rebel yell cover i did some time ago that everyone thought sucked. Yes they are old indeed. Im just waiting for my randall Amp and i thought id remake both vids then to some proper playing since i play em wrong or damn crappy anyway.

EDIT: I dont deserve it. Well when i said jackson(my next guitar) i was referring to a jackson dinky snow white. Theyre so hot and cool! Tried one. Gorgeous.
People name their cars after girls names, right? Does anyone here name his/her guitar?
Ok, to whoever wanted to hear my 5150, I recorde some vids today:
(5mb download)

Videos are encoded with DivX so make sure you have it installed so you can watch them ( There are some POS non-musical sweeps and some pointless chording, but also some Alexi's licks I tried to play...I'm still not that good and I didn't learn them properly. I Just played something similar, probably missed tons of notes was above my speed limit.

BTW, If anyone cares...guitar was a Jackson Stars RR-J2SP with Jackson J50BC pickup and JE1000 boost :). Directly to 5150, no effects.

Hopefully the one in my sig, yeah. I'm ready to pay, just waiting for the guy to reply to my email........... ......... ....... .... ... .. .

Send him another email ;). I do this too sometimes...and when I send a third email why I got no response yet, then they reply immediately the next day :). I'm dealing with a different shop though. But don't worry, people have good experience with Ikebe-Gakki too ;).
Ok, to whoever wanted to hear my 5150, I recorde some vids today:
(5mb download)

Videos are encoded with DivX so make sure you have it installed so you can watch them ( There are some POS non-musical sweeps and some pointless chording, but also some Alexi's licks I tried to play...I'm still not that good and I didn't learn them properly. I Just played something similar, probably missed tons of notes was above my speed limit.

BTW, If anyone cares...guitar was a Jackson Stars RR-J2SP with Jackson J50BC pickup and JE1000 boost :). Directly to 5150, no effects.

Send him another email ;). I do this too sometimes...and when I send a third email why I got no response yet, then they reply immediately the next day :). I'm dealing with a different shop though. But don't worry, people have good experience with Ikebe-Gakki too ;).

There was some sloppyness, but overall really nice tone. I often see guys on youtube with really big stacks and great guitars, but have no knowledge about tone, and they crank up everything, in hope of an awesome metal tone.
^^Yeah thats pretty pathetic....guys having a 6505 stack and having treble on full and mid on full and bass on 0 and volume on 142515123 :D

EDIT: Or everything on full...I hate ppl telling that a amp sucks when they cant tweak...those are such pussies!!!!!
So, it's my day off from work and I was playin' the old geetar and ended up recording Racer X's VIKING KONG.

After listening back to it, I can now hear about 3/4 wrong notes during the main 3 string arpeggio theme thing and there's a nice lil' out-of-tune bend during one of those harmonies too. :lol: But hey, I have work tomorrow so I can't be bothered to sit here and re-record the fuckin' thing again. It took me long enough to get it right in the first place 'cause I haven't PRACTISED in over 6 MONTHS!!!!! :zombie:

The BT is in E so I played it in standard tuning on my Ibanez RG770 and I only played up to the fast picking section in the middle 'cause as it says on the soundclick page, I haven't practised enough to play that anywhere near the cleanliness that I'd accept so I just stopped there.

I was actually supposed to be recording my solo for the forum jam today but I got distracted and ended up doing this instead.

Right ok, enough ranting, here's the link:

Soloing In A Harmonic Minor Is Fun!!!

(I did upload it on soundclick but for some reason, it plays really slow on there so you can download it instead).
So, it's my day off from work and I was playin' the old geetar and ended up recording Racer X's VIKING KONG.

After listening back to it, I can now hear about 3/4 wrong notes during the main 3 string arpeggio theme thing and there's a nice lil' out-of-tune bend during one of those harmonies too. :lol: But hey, I have work tomorrow so I can't be bothered to sit here and re-record the fuckin' thing again. It took me long enough to get it right in the first place 'cause I haven't PRACTISED in over 6 MONTHS!!!!! :zombie:

The BT is in E so I played it in standard tuning on my Ibanez RG770 and I only played up to the fast picking section in the middle 'cause as it says on the soundclick page, I haven't practised enough to play that anywhere near the cleanliness that I'd accept so I just stopped there.

I was actually supposed to be recording my solo for the forum jam today but I got distracted and ended up doing this instead.

Right ok, enough ranting, here's the link:

Soloing In A Harmonic Minor Is Fun!!!

(I did upload it on soundclick but for some reason, it plays really slow on there so you can download it instead).

Awesome sounding, sounds professional. I'm really wondering how you can get such a great mixing and tone, a little help with this would be really helpful! I'm satisfied with the tone i get from my amp/pod. But when recording i get nowhere to your quality :ill:
I don't know why all that big rant, it sounded awesome to me!

Thanks! :)

Awesome sounding, sounds professional. I'm really wondering how you can get such a great mixing and tone, a little help with this would be really helpful! I'm satisfied with the tone i get from my amp/pod. But when recording i get nowhere to your quality :ill:

Well I didn't actually do any editing of anything in this recording. I imported the BT and tuned it up to E and turned the volume up a bit. All I did to the guitar was add a tiny bit of chorus through my effects processor and that was it, no EQ or anything.

In terms of mixing, it's pretty much finding the right volumes and panning for each part. Try having the guitars hard left and right and the compare that to them both being at 70% L&R, 50% L&R and then something around 25% L&R, which is what I had all my leads on. You'll notice that it sounds a bit thicker when they're closer together, unless you have 3 tracks...2 hard L&R and then one in the centre.

Other than that, I'd just say try the best you can to get a good tone out of the guitar and fingers and just record that. I used a very dry tone for this and I think that's why it sounds cool when doubled up and when muting is used etc etc. I'm sure you'd be able to get a good tone since you're using a POD!!!
^Thanks for the info, but the major problem seems to be that i can't really "fit" the guitarsound with the backing track. It sounds really out of place, like you just pasted it onto the backing track, where as your tone fits, and it actually sounds like a part of the whole thing.

This is a short soundtest, i'm satisfied with this tone, but if i record it over a backing track it just sounds wrong. Would you consider this as a decent pre-mixing tone?

So you used an effect processor/pedal to record that? That tone sounded fantastic, as if it were miked. Does it have a speaker simulator? Either way, good tone and playing ;)

^Thanks for the info, but the major problem seems to be that i can't really "fit" the guitarsound with the backing track. It sounds really out of place, like you just pasted it onto the backing track, where as your tone fits, and it actually sounds like a part of the whole thing.

This is a short soundtest, i'm satisfied with this tone, but if i record it over a backing track it just sounds wrong. Would you consider this as a decent pre-mixing tone?

The generic pod tone :lol: I have a line 6 rifftracker guitarport and the tone on it is so digital and clippy. The mids suck and the tone seems to processed, if you know what I mean. Were you playing on the neck pickup?

Edit - Your tone however wasn't too bad. Not bashing on you.
Mitch, even after 6 months of no REAL practice, you're still such a clean player! that recording sounded really great.

btw, are you now the only one left to record something for the jam?
The generic pod tone :lol: I have a line 6 rifftracker guitarport and the tone on it is so digital and clippy. The mids suck and the tone seems to processed, if you know what I mean. Were you playing on the neck pickup?

You're right, there are other sounds that don't have as much of the characteristic pod-mids. First lick was, second was on the bridge.

This guy recorded that solo with a Pod, so it's possible to get a good tone.