Guitar Player's Thread

Work full time, 6 days a week and you'll feel the motivation seep out of your body. I actually think it's just me, most people would probably feel more need to play since they're not doing it as much anymore when they start work. Oh well.

nah, when I was working i felt it too :erk:
┼Victim of the Night┼;6504597 said:
I agree with Squeee, Inhe and Mystique too: maybe you haven't been properly practising in over six months, but you can still play guitar, and play it in this awesome way... you've been so good, I wouldn't know how to say it! :)

And sure you need practice but hey, don't forget that you've got talent by nature too, like with your ability with tabs, so... don't be too severe with yourself, Mitch.

Anyway, again, this song you played is one of the most beautiful, to me... good choice as well.

And the guitars you already have are beauties, you know it too, but I hope you'll get your Jackson soon anyway... I have a thing for that guitar too, it's my fav, I even prefere it to my also beloved Fender Stratocaster.

Thanks hun. :Smokedev:

Thanks phenom and inhe for comments on my 5150 videos! The sound is much better and tighter in the room ofcourse, my settings are:

pre-gain: 5
low: 6,5
mid: 4
high: 6

resonance: 6,5
presence: 6

I should have turned the volume up a bit, but I forgot :erk:.

Damn, Mitch...everything you record sounds so perfect! Great job!

I meant to comment too but forgot. Amp sounds cool but 'cause it's just a cam, it's hard to hear it at it's best, ya know? I can kinda hear the chunk in it though. It's like me and my MP-1, sounds good through an amp but when I mic it or go line it, it's a piece of shit.

Thanks man, :) Btw delicious playing and also good luck with the Jackson-transaction, be sure to post lots of pics when it comes :D

Willl do. Just got an email from the guy so I'm going to make my payment on Thursday.

And I think I'll be the one cumming when it gets here. :lol:
Hey Mitch, what strings and pickups did you use on the Viking Kong? I was really impressed by your Yngwie-y vibrato.

I recall you saying you used 11-50s at one point, and I can't remember if you were still rockin the J-50BC.
Hey Mitch, what strings and pickups did you use on the Viking Kong? I was really impressed by your Yngwie-y vibrato.

I recall you saying you used 11-50s at one point, and I can't remember if you were still rockin the J-50BC.

Oh shit, 666 posts!!!

I used the RG for this so it's 9's and stock Ibanez V9 pickups or something. The J-50BC & 11's are on the Warlock.
hey mitch, not to be a bandwagon person, but your tone really kicked ass on that VK recording.

which kind of leads me to my next question really. I've been looking to start making some recordings, however i have absolutely no experience whatsoever. I've fiddled with audacity a bit (editing audio i pulled from various concert dvd's) just to get the hang of "mixing" a bit, however I'm completely clueless as to actual recording equipment/software. I was looking into the M-Audio fast track pro, but yeah. any suggestions?

and in answer to the amp setting question, I run a JVM 410h (newly acquired, and greatly loved :p) lately dry, although I've been known to stick a wah pedal before the preamp, and a chorus into the effects loop. sometimes I'll stick some presence, or reverb (built into the amp, they actually kick some serious ass) on as well

Gain - 10
treble - 1 oclock - 3 o'clock
mids - maxed
bass - 4 o'clock - max depending

i've foudn it really only sounds good on volume 9 o'clock (that'd be 1/4 :p, and for both master and channel volume) and above. which may not be best for my hearing but hey. bridge pickup 99% of the time, although I've been looking to switch my pickups to active, however money is a huge deterrent at the moment.
Steve Vai actually used one to record a song called "Feathers" so they must be good if he's using one. :kickass: His clean tone on it is fantastic so he must have used some other gear with it or something.

You can get CEP easily from Soulseek. Best downloading program that I've ever come across.

Thanks for the tip. Soulseek seems pretty good. But I can't download the file! :confused: I clicked 'download file' and nothing happens, no activity (and yes, I am connected to the server). Sorry for the stupid question.

Once I get a Pandora's box off ebay, get familiar with using cool edit, and learn how to import gp midi, I will finally be able to post something of my playing.
if clicking the button isnt working. right click it and do like "save file as" or "open link in new window" or just try all the options

and im really happy because my guitar teacher im the best 14 year old player hes ever seen and he thinks that i will probably go to berklee on a scholarship if i keep going the way i am
Thanks for the tip. Soulseek seems pretty good. But I can't download the file! :confused: I clicked 'download file' and nothing happens, no activity (and yes, I am connected to the server). Sorry for the stupid question.

Once I get a Pandora's box off ebay, get familiar with using cool edit, and learn how to import gp midi, I will finally be able to post something of my playing.

file > export in GP, get it into .wav format, then use that. .wav is pretty universal.
if clicking the button isnt working. right click it and do like "save file as" or "open link in new window" or just try all the options

I've tried everything I could think of, really! I've checked if I was blocking any connection by going to the general options and firewall page, don't know. This stuff always happens to me :lol: