Guitar Player's Thread

The RR24 looks cool. I was so close to getting one myself but now, as most of you know, the RR J2SP is the weapon of choice for moi.

I might have it in about 2 weeks or so. I'll make the payment either thursday or friday, it'll take about 3-4 days to clear, 3-4 days to get here from Japan but he won't ship until he recieves a hard case for me which I ordered instead of a soft case.

Yeah i think it does too! We'll Congrats on your new "arriving" guitar:) Im sure that will be absolutely fantastic too. Im damn satisfied with rr24. Some say it has a "plastic" feeling but i dont think so. Only think i woud maybe change if i coud is the hardware to gold and then have MOP inlays :) I might actually switch out hardware. That'd be cool too. Be sure to take pics of your J2SP then and record somethin! well a hardcase is always a plus! My gator hardcase is on the other hand so heavy its un-usable.

EDIT:MY GOD! i got a test tomorrow DAMN DAMN DAMN:erk: Well when its over ill play hours straight with my new ample:lol: I actually did today too but i woud have wanted to play more. Damn test!
Yeah i think it does too! We'll Congrats on your new "arriving" guitar:) Im sure that will be absolutely fantastic too. Im damn satisfied with rr24. Some say it has a "plastic" feeling but i dont think so. Only think i woud maybe change if i coud is the hardware to gold and then have MOP inlays :) I might actually switch out hardware. That'd be cool too. Be sure to take pics of your J2SP then and record somethin! well a hardcase is always a plus! My gator hardcase is on the other hand so heavy its un-usable.

I think the upside down plastic inlays was one of the main things that turned me to the J2SP. At first, I was like "fuck it, I don't care" but after a while, I felt like I needed them up the right way. I think the only different between this guitar and Alexi's is the binding colour, type of bridge and electronics/pickups so that's cool. :Smokin:

I'll definitely take pics too!!

test > having to work 8 hour days.

Having to work 8 hours a day > Having to work 9 hours a day. :cry:
The RR24 looks cool. I was so close to getting one myself but now, as most of you know, the RR J2SP is the weapon of choice for moi.

I might have it in about 2 weeks or so. I'll make the payment either thursday or friday, it'll take about 3-4 days to clear, 3-4 days to get here from Japan but he won't ship until he recieves a hard case for me which I ordered instead of a soft case.

Man we should talk, im interested in getting that axe myself now, so it'd be great to hear how it is and how you ordered, the whole process and stuff, if you care to share the details ofcourse ;)
why don't you cut down to part time so you can focus more on guitar?

Because I'll have less money. Unfortuntaely, life is a piece of shit and bills have to be paid. Seeing as it's just me and my mum paying for our lives and everyone that lives here, I need to earn enough per month for all that crap AND some to buy stuff for myself so I don't end up slitting my throat!

That's why I sit up all night on the computer and playing guitar instead of sleeping. I'm not working full time, coming home and going to bed after dinner because that's no fun. Even though it's not much, I still want to make the most out of what I can while I can...
Man we should talk, im interested in getting that axe myself now, so it'd be great to hear how it is and how you ordered, the whole process and stuff, if you care to share the details ofcourse ;)

Just email the guy and tell him what you want and he'll tell you the price for everything. If you accept, he'll give his details, you'll pay and kaboom, new guitar.
i never claimed he was "technically better," however nevermore songs seem to have a habit of dragging on, and by the time i get to the solo i tend to not realize it cause its like, wtf, im so tired of the song by that time. i just think nevermore would be super cool if they just got more of a "punch in the face" attitude. matt heafy's playing is minus pussy footing around imo.

which isn't to say i hate everything about jeff loomis and nevermore and they should burn in fucking hell etc etc. the solo to "Final Product" was super cool (nice use of tapping), however it's songs like "I Voyager" that tend to detract from his playing imho. the sweeps at the end are super cool but the songwriting sounds like he took like 5 different riffs and strung them together without looking at the song as a whole.

its like yeah chris impelliterri is insanely technical, but he still sounds like shit.
Yo Warheart, If you could upload the CEP installation file that would be great man. I also found the newest version of the Korg Pandora Box on ebay for around $90-100 US, might bid.

And to bring back a previous argument...

If you think Matthew Heafy is technically better than Jeff Loomis, then:

Listen to Jeff play when he was 16. K.

Since we are on the subject of Jeff Loomis, I've been tabbing this lately. Is this in 3/4 then in the sweeping section 4/4? Pretty easy track to tab, just the fast leads at times. Any input would be cool.
Yo Warheart, If you could upload the CEP installation file that would be great man. I also found the newest version of the Korg Pandora Box on ebay for around $90-100 US, might bid.

Since we are on the subject of Jeff Loomis, I've been tabbing this lately. Is this in 3/4 then in the sweeping section 4/4? Pretty easy track to tab, just the fast leads at times. Any input would be cool.

post what you have so far?
The whole thing is in 6/8.

ARG! That what I thought also. *goes back to guitar pro*

post what you have so far?

I started yesterday because I didn't have much school work so I only have up to the first arpeggio sequence (could only figure out the 'major' ones, I hear diminished in there). Have to go back and change it now because it is in a different time signature. Also, I didn't tab the bass or piano/key part, I know, my ear isn't that developed.
I haven't worked any of it out, but it sounds like a lot of harmonic minor to me.

probably seventh arpeggios, it seems he likes that sound? maybe half diminished after that.

edit: that diminished bit sounds similar to the solo to Downfall. I dunno im not really in the mood to pick up a guitar and work it out :(
I haven't worked any of it out, but it sounds like a lot of harmonic minor to me.

probably seventh arpeggios, it seems he likes that sound? maybe half diminished after that.

edit: that diminished bit sounds similar to the solo to Downfall. I dunno im not really in the mood to pick up a guitar and work it out :(

Well, I think the solo starts off in the key of G phrygian (tuned to standard E) then changes to F major (?) I bet Warheart is on top of it :lol: