Guitar Player's Thread

:lol: I guess so. How much are you selling it for? (PM if you dont wanna post) My brother's considering taking up guitar and that looks like an awesome weapon.
Ah ive never thought that Virtuoosi is Weeves on The finnish irc gallery:lol: Until when i saw the guitar... Btw what floyd have u put on it?
:lol: I guess so. How much are you selling it for? (PM if you dont wanna post) My brother's considering taking up guitar and that looks like an awesome weapon.

I really haven't decided much about it yet, as I said that I'm considering but... I myself paid for it like 700€ for the new pickups+ changing them. But I thought about selling it for around 600-700€, it's on good condition, just couple dents(?) on the headstock, the sharpest point, and 1-2 of them on the sharper points of the body. Also, the place where you put the cable, is a bit loose, but that shouldn't be a too big problem.
Ah ive never thought that Virtuoosi is Weeves on The finnish irc gallery:lol: Until when i saw the guitar... Btw what floyd have u put on it?

O rly you didn't?:lol: Its the Licensed floyd.. It keeps the tuning pretty good untill you pull up the bar to the max.. But no any effect by pulling it down. <---- I mean no any effect to the tuning:Smug:
O rly you didn't?:lol: Its the Licensed floyd.. It keeps the tuning pretty good untill you pull up the bar to the max.. But no any effect by pulling it down. <---- I mean no any effect to the tuning:Smug:

no i didnt:lol: Well yeah that was what mine was like. Sold mine coz i didnt fancy the neck and floyd rose. Is the floyd rose on your guitar pretty high as well? i mean the Tremolo arm itself. Licensed will always be licensed :smug: But a Schaller Low profile floyd rose woud rock on a MMV!
no i didnt:lol: Well yeah that was what mine was like. Sold mine coz i didnt fancy the neck and floyd rose. Is the floyd rose on your guitar pretty high as well? i mean the Tremolo arm itself. Licensed will always be licensed :smug: But a Schaller Low profile floyd rose woud rock on a MMV!

I don't think that it's high... Well don't know how it was for ya, but I don't see/feel any problem with it. Also, the neck aint too "big" or what ever... You didn't have too big fingers aye?:rolleyes:
I don't think that it's high... Well don't know how it was for ya, but I don't see/feel any problem with it. Also, the neck aint too "big" or what ever... You didn't have too big fingers aye?:rolleyes:

No i dont:p I have short fingers. The neck gave me problems coz of its shape. Somehow ive always felt way better playing a jackson neck(u know their like flat U shape). The mmv has U shaped neck so i didnt fancy it too mcuh coz of that. Actually my jackson RR24 has a wider neck too but the shape of the neck is just to die for

BTW has anyone had the experience of trying out a Dean? is the neck like jackson?

EDIT: I noticed the MMV series have gotten upgraded. Now they look better. The yellow pinstripes have another yellow color now and it has sawtooth inlays! Otherwise the same i guess
This is a new 07 mmv. I dont have a pic of the new version of the white one but ill post that too later. I woud guess it looks about the same as before but with new inlays and the floyd rose looks better than before now...the price tag has grown larger...699 euros for one. Set neck,passive EMGs,Licensed shit floyd, Looks like its a rosewood fretboard too.
Fuck, the Alexi 600's have original floyds afaik, why the fuck do they have to slap licensed ones onto these?

Edit2: just noticed this isnt an alexi sig lool