Guitar Player's Thread

I post it here, because it fits best: my favourite vinyl!


yes well 5-6 hours singing,growling.playing all the time aint really gonna be helped with better stamina :lol: i had to try to push out the sound the hardest i coud and i got too much air and started to feel dizzy at times :lol: It was pretty fuckin cool though...btw that dizzynes coud be the 1000mg headache pill i took...strong stuff...or it was 2x500mg actually.
Check out this guy:

Amazing technique for an 18 year old. Not saying it's musical or anything (it's not), but the technique=:worship:

As Michael Angelo Batio says: It's better to have it and not use it, then not have it and need it ;) :cool:.

And check out the gear he has! Bogner! :headbang:

Wasn't really anything spectacular, nothing i would listen too.
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me neither...i hate that non-musical francesco fareri shit...he actually beats him pretty hard but it was still ybër wankage.

It's not because of the constant shredding, i just don't like his sound, and it has nothing to do with the amp. I love listening to shredding if they can do it though.
Well don't fucking eat it then!!!! :lol::lol:


I try to absorb Zappa's spirit by eating it. I hope he descends and illuminates me ;)

I HATE YOU! :mad:
I didn't even pay for this nice triple vinyl :p

For starters, I would recommend Apostrophe', Weasels Ripped My Flesh, Them or Us, Over-Nite Sensation or Zoot Allures.

EDIT: Oh yeah, can't fucking forget the first one.. Freak Out!

Zappa made so many different things, it's pretty hard to recommend something. It ranges from mainstream-hits like "Bobby Brown" over weird but catchy stuff (I love the Muffin Man) to gross, freaked out music.

Some Zappa-Music:
The Muffin Man (Chorus and Solo are just...[finds no words])


Another sample of Zapa's humor: He's so gay

And his biggest hit: Bobby Brown