Guitar Player's Thread

Ofcourse you're supposed to mute it, not chugg it so you only hear dead notes, but using both left hand and right hand muting is necessary. You're right that distortion amplifies mistakes, but it also masks the tone of the string, so the more distortion/compression the easier it is to play.

I don't use that lot distortion tbh.
^^ Just adding to that, sweeping is a delicate technique and pressure is minimum in all aspects; both picking and muting. But to find out the correct amount of pressure and when it is needed is another story, for me it kinda came naturally.
yeah i wasnt referring to any heavy palm muting shit:lol: You just mute enough so the Notes wont bleed into each other and yes without muting it will pretty much sound like a chord.
yeah i wasnt referring to any heavy palm muting shit:lol: You just mute enough so the Notes wont bleed into each other and yes without muting it will pretty much sound like a chord.

Yeah, I know what you meant... But just that I don't mute at all when sweeping, and it doesn't sound messy or chord likely...
Your lead tone doesn't really fit with the mix and you're playing past your level.
Hmm.. I turned gain to 100% and started to mute a bit with the picking hand... Goes with solo stuff etc. But isn't that good on sweeps..
Oh fuck...


maybe you mute like a natural and just do it without noticing :p

MM well I don't know about it... I haven't been muting before when playing solo stuff/ faster from the high strings... I rest my palm a bit on the tremolo, and mute just a little bit the strings now and it seemed to turn out pretty good... Also, now I manage to use nearly 100% my wrist when playing. Before I used like 85% wrist and rest arm... But yeah, I rly cant sweep that well when I mute a bit :lol: My playing style was before like that, that I took a bit support off the body with my ring finger, otherwise I couldnt play fast... Also the way I hold the pick is not as it "should" be held... :loco:

EDIT: But I do still take support off the body when not soloing w/ muting the strings ;) Or just playing other stuff
Great that you got it Mitch! How do you like the narrower nut? I hated it :D. Other than that, it was THE BEST SOUNDING guitar I have ever played! Sustained endlessly and you could really feel the wood resonating! It sounded better than my RR PRO. Let's hope that my Jackson Stars Custom Shop RR will be like that or better too! :)

Oh, and post it on JGP too!
For some reason I just imagined mitch opening the box like the "NINTENDO SIXTY FOOOOOOOUUUUUR!!" kid :lol: