Guitar Player's Thread

^good one:lol:
but more like this :lol:
Damn that's really fucking nice!! How does it sound?

Fuckin' shit. :lol: My amp is sooo crap that it just sounds like FUZZZZZZ. The gainboost really adds alot though.

Great that you got it Mitch! How do you like the narrower nut? I hated it :D. Other than that, it was THE BEST SOUNDING guitar I have ever played! Sustained endlessly and you could really feel the wood resonating! It sounded better than my RR PRO. Let's hope that my Jackson Stars Custom Shop RR will be like that or better too! :)

Oh, and post it on JGP too!

I love the narrow nut, I can't believe how well it plays straight out of the box too!!!!!! I looked at the neck for the first time and went "shit, the action is looooow....:D:D:D".

And yeah, I'll post it there in a sec. I forgot about that place actually.

Looks awesome tbh, so much better than the esp's. What pickup is it?

Full specs:

RR-J2SP Specifications
BODY : Alder
SCALE : 648mm, 24F
NECK : Maple Thru-Neck
FINGERBOARD : Bound Ebony with Sharkfin Inlays (Pearl)
BRIDGE : Schaller Double Locking #371
PICKUPS : Rear:EMG-HZ3 (same as alexi's esps)
CONTROL : 1Volume, EMG-PA2 (the gainboost)

could u plz record sth for us dude?

Might do. Don't expect it to sound anything like Alexi's tone on the Sinergy albums though.

Alexi's pickup = Jackson J50BC vs My pickup = EMG HZ
Alexi's gainboost = Jackson JE1000 vs My gainboost = EMG-PA2
Alexi's pre-amp = Jackson GP1000 (into poweramp & cab and then mic'd) vs My amp = Korg PX4 (line in lulz)

For some reason I just imagined mitch opening the box like the "NINTENDO SIXTY FOOOOOOOUUUUUR!!" kid :lol:

I was actually pretty calm. I left work late, rode home slow with a friend AND stood there talking to him afterwards for about 20 mins. I just opened it with a huge smile.

I was actually kinda disappointed in the fact that I didn't get the tremelo arm with it....until I realised it was hidden in a "secret door" thing in the hardcase. :lol:

I'll post a few more pics later too if anyone wants.
Yeah Mitch. Congratz on new guitar! Its hawt!!! I bet you will call urself sick from work tomorrow so u can stay home and sleep with the beautiful guitar :lol:
I love the narrow nut, I can't believe how well it plays straight out of the box too!!!!!! I looked at the neck for the first time and went "shit, the action is looooow....:D:D:D".

Cool then :). What I didn't like is that for instance if I played that fast lick in the Downfall solo which is all on high D string or something similar...the string would slip off the fretboard. Similar with the fast arpeggios on the hammer-on/pull of part :erk:.
Yeah Mitch. Congratz on new guitar! Its hawt!!! I bet you will call urself sick from work tomorrow so u can stay home and sleep with the beautiful guitar :lol:

Sounds like a good idea. ;) (Although I'm not actually contracted to work Wednesdays, I could just say "I can't be bothered to deal with your shit today motherfucker!")

Cool then :). What I didn't like is that for instance if I played that fast lick in the Downfall solo which is all on high D string or something similar...the string would slip off the fretboard. Similar with the fast arpeggios on the hammer-on/pull of part :erk:.

I used to do that ALL the time when I got my Ibanez RG770 because I think that must have the smaller nut too. Because I was used to playing my BC Rich, the Ibanez neck felt totally weird and I couldn't control it. Since I've been playing that Ibanez now for like 2 years, this Jackson is just fucking heaven.

┼Victim of the Night┼;6568031 said:

....I asked for more pics in the Own Pictures thread and I didn't know you posted these ones here.... anyway.... wow again. :loco:

I'm so glad for you... and waiting for some new recordings of yours made with this new beauty. :)

Glad you like it, I knew you would. :)

I might do a record later actually, if I can be bothered to tune it down to D (SINERGY FTW).
Full specs:

RR-J2SP Specifications
BODY : Alder
SCALE : 648mm, 24F
NECK : Maple Thru-Neck
FINGERBOARD : Bound Ebony with Sharkfin Inlays (Pearl)
BRIDGE : Schaller Double Locking #371
PICKUPS : Rear:EMG-HZ3 (same as alexi's esps)
CONTROL : 1Volume, EMG-PA2 (the gainboost)

Oh, I thought it was the same spec as Alexi's jacksons.

I was actually pretty calm. I left work late, rode home slow with a friend AND stood there talking to him afterwards for about 20 mins. I just opened it with a huge smile.

I was actually kinda disappointed in the fact that I didn't get the tremelo arm with it....until I realised it was hidden in a "secret door" thing in the hardcase. :lol:

I was the same with both my guitar's. But i secretly came inside.

And you should deffinetly tune da guitar and record some Sinergy.
Oh, I thought it was the same spec as Alexi's jacksons.

Nah. You can't get a 24 fret Jackson RR with white binding, official floyd rose, MOP inlays, one j50bc pickup and a je1000 gainboost. This is as close as you can get to it without going for the Custom Shop option.

I do have cream colour binding (which looks white anyway), one pickup, gainboost and MOP inlays. All I need is to change the electronics and bridge and it'll be even closer.



Next up:


Ah, so you prefer pinstripe green to solid then? Hmm, nah I prefer solid bevels :p
Well that's Alexi's other custom guitar, the one that didn't get stolen. It's my fave guitar ever atm but obviously only available IF you order a CS.
