Guitar Player's Thread

A serious question (really):
You seem to know that it was extremely sloppy. The solo is much too hard for your current skills, I didn't realize what it was until I read your description.

So why do you upload it on youtube, where billions of people can see it?

btw, nice guitar!
I'm guessing he probably wants people to think "Not bad for 8 months".

....and you wouldn't? I am quite certain he uploaded vids on youtube because he wants critics...same reason i uploaded my videos there but they are getting old and they sound shittier day by day since i have progressed in my playing so much since i made them...mainly jsut get "you suck fat ass...drop t3h guitar plein" comments.

EDIT: same reasons i DONT DELETE my videos from there even though i hear the crappines,sloppines and that it was too hard for me then i DONT DELETE THEM. Because i want critics but "you suck" aint critics so i might aswell delete both of the vids.
A serious question (really):
You seem to know that it was extremely sloppy. The solo is much too hard for your current skills, I didn't realize what it was until I read your description.

So why do you upload it on youtube, where billions of people can see it?

btw, nice guitar!

It was pretty crappy take, I can play the sweep/tap thing itself pretty good, but it's just extremely hard to try to film myself with mobile phone, as I couldnt find a good place to film at, could play it better sitting on my cpu chair + i was tired after many takes, so that was the one which was worth uploading

Mainly uploaded it for couple dudes though, but as I finally had just 1 vid up, I decided to post it here too, to get thoughts about it
Ok, I hope you don't misunderstand me because I don't want to sound offensive.

@inhe: As far as I know you, you think the same as me: Noone can say something positive about it, no matter if he plays 8 months or 20 years. It was messed up completely. I will say "not bad for 8 months" when he uploads a video of him playing a leadline (which is appropriate to his playing time) perfectly.
He could play the solo at 50% speed. If he plays it well, I'm the first to say congratulations.

@phenom: Why do you want to read critics after a video like that? The same goes for your old video. If you KNOW that it's very sloppy, why do you need somebody to tell you that you suck? The only advice someone can give after those videos is "try an easier song and don't upload badly played stuff".
....and you wouldn't? I am quite certain he uploaded vids on youtube because he wants critics...same reason i uploaded my videos there but they are getting old and they sound shittier day by day since i have progressed in my playing so much since i made them...mainly jsut get "you suck fat ass...drop t3h guitar plein" comments.

EDIT: same reasons i DONT DELETE my videos from there even though i hear the crappines,sloppines and that it was too hard for me then i DONT DELETE THEM. Because i want critics but "you suck" aint critics so i might aswell delete both of the vids.

You are right to an extent. You should save recordings from yourself, to look back and see how much you progressed. And uploading videos for other to give critics is also good, although youtube isn't the place for this.

Ok, I hope you don't misunderstand me because I don't want to sound offensive.

@inhe: As far as I know you, you think the same as me: Noone can say something positive about it, no matter if he plays 8 months or 20 years. It was messed up completely. I will say "not bad for 8 months" when he uploads a video of him playing a leadline (which is appropriate to his playing time) perfectly.
He could play the solo at 50% speed. If he plays it well, I'm the first to say congratulations.

Exactly. I have a very hard time listening to people playing fast, because not many people can do it good, i myself am far from it, but I hope that i could get somewhere close someday. Speed is a byproduct of accuracy, not the other way around.
Study for math. Don't fuck up your life by playing guitar too much and getting shit grades at school and have to end up working in a fast food resturant for the rest of your life.

Get educated, get a decent job, earn some cash and play guitar on the side. My advice.
OF FUCKING COURSE! I'll always put studies first :p, I want to have a job (I'm thinking something that has to do with sound tech or similar) and get a good education. I think I want to study in music, theory interests me alot.

Thanks alot :), that meant something to me.
i think he said in an interview, when bashing chris impelitterri, "i can do sixteenth notes on 216 BPM, and even i think that's stupid." if you really want the actual interview i suppose i could dig a bit.

you realize it's a parody? :lol:

oh could you really find the interview? :D

and of course i know its a parody haha
OF FUCKING COURSE! I'll always put studies first :p, I want to have a job (I'm thinking something that has to do with sound tech or similar) and get a good education. I think I want to study in music, theory interests me alot.

Thanks alot :), that meant something to me.

how old are you? you should start studying it by yourself right now. because if you want to study music in college, you have to already be good at it, even theory-wise. they'll probably test your theory skillz before accepting you as a music major.
yep, you better start "training." like at least learn to sight-sing and take dictation. it well help you A LOT in college if you plan on studying music.
That's an interesting topic imo.

Although I like my subjects at university (german language/literature), I'd prefer playing guitar anytime. Of course, I don't do it, but I'm in a dillema:

I should study for university. I want to play guitar. I take the guitar and try to practice, but I can't concentrate because I feel guilty and I know that university is more important. The end is: I didn't study AND I didn't practice properly.

The right way (at least for me) is always: Concentrate on studying/learning a few hours, then reward yourself with playing guitar.

It's just hard not to choose the first possibility.

The right way (at least for me) is always: Concentrate on studying/learning a few hours, then reward yourself with playing guitar.

yep, that's what i always do also. And I feel the same way you do... Practicing is always on my mind, but i have to understand my priorities. so i get all the bullshit taken care of, and then I can freely practice guitar with nothing else on my mind. But I know what you mean when you say it's hard :(