Guitar Player's Thread


Nice! A real piano! I hope (but they won't) return to some classical parts(or maybe it's for super emo parts...). Where did you get those pics?

edit:nice lights in the studio
edit2: I think R00pe's white jackson is pretty old.
man seeing the pic of them setting up really makes me think i need to learn how to setup a floyd someday. i have my bridge blocked and all so its not a real problem but one day i want to know how to do it in like 10 minutes. anyone have a site that maybe has a good faq with pictures on hand or know if its really worth learning how to do and doing all the practice.
mine is in power tabs, not gp. And yeah... muhammed has this weird technical, almost mathematical (or so it seems) way of writing. his riffs are so different from the norm. maybe that''s why so many of us like him i guess :D

yeah i know, but when i imported it into GP5, it basically didn't give me anything. Sure its a good link?

I came. It"s the single best post you ever made

You didn't know Roope was a Rocket scientist?

looks like a mad scientist in that pic :lol:

that is so amazingly sexy though. Any amp with a "blooddrive" (or whatever its called) has got to kick at least some ass. other than being JCM800 :headbang:
man seeing the pic of them setting up really makes me think i need to learn how to setup a floyd someday. i have my bridge blocked and all so its not a real problem but one day i want to know how to do it in like 10 minutes. anyone have a site that maybe has a good faq with pictures on hand or know if its really worth learning how to do and doing all the practice.

Im here for help:)

This one is great and ive used it myself the first times.

And this is a bit more COMPLETE info on the matter but no pics but read both and youll be fine. page/jackson_floyd_howto.htm
havnt we all thought we are "t3h fast0rgz! in t3h w0rld!1" and made shitty videos?
I didn't.
dont put in a gainbooster or a new pickup because everyone else "has" one or say they like it. its possible that you could love the sound of the current pickup you have
I agree. It's stunning how some people don't seem to think or to find out their own taste.

And why do the guys look so fucked up? I hope that they're in a bad mood and record some dark shit like hatebreeder ;)

Actually, I'm still waiting for the perfect fusion between their old style and the new, BLS/Pantera-Kickass style.