Guitar Player's Thread

Really? I must have missed that.

I think I'll record a video with my RR later and I'll post that here if anyone wants. Dno what to play though.

That would be awesome :) Anything by Racer X would be nice :D

As for my top guitarists:
1. PG
2. Muhammad Suicmez
3. Jeff Loomis
4. Michael Romeo
5. YJM
1. PG
2. YJM
3. MJR

Alexi deserves credit for getting me interested in technical guitar playing though.

I'ma have to give Becker and Lane a listen. I've yet to hear a good chunk of their material.
Top 3 shredders:

1. Paul Gilbert
2. Conrad Simon
3. MAB

Top 3 Guitarists (compositional wise):

1. Muhammed Suicmez
2. Alexi/Roope
3. Jari Mäenpää

I've been looking around in local stores, and they only sell the Korg PX4D. After reading some reviews, people say that it has more stuff, but worse tone, which sucks. I'll have to wait until i find a normal PX4 on ebay.
I haven't really heard much of Shawn Lane's stuff to really make an assessment. I know his cds are really hard to come by. Do you have any of his releases?

I do have his Powers Of Ten album, which displays chops beyond human comprehension. His music just screams from the heart. There are a ton of his videos on you tube. This is one my friend Dave made. It really captures his amazing essence.
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I love how that video portrays him like Jesus, like the quotes are passages from scriptures :lol:

Check put the post #
6606, maybe he is Satan! (ignore my imagination)

There's a short vid of me playing Lead Us To War by Sinergy. I couldn't think of anything to play so I just chose one of the Sinergy songs that I'd learnt while tabbing it. Plus, it's fun to play. I might do a bit of Gallowmere next, or just make a big Sinergy medley. :kickass: