Guitar Player's Thread

hmmm i got this amp in august-september so i doubt it...if it was the tubes would it be the power tubes or the preamptubes?:) Sorry im a bit of a n00b but get wiser by asking :p

Yeah i know it now..i thought it was like 3500-4000 euros like it is in musamaailma :mad: bad!!!

ebay, my friend. i actually should posts altitudes link on "google, do you use it muthafucka?!" seriously.

bought mine from this guy. highly recommended.
sure i'd love to have an amazing guitar collection with 18 sv's and 14 jems. but my whole thing is "do i/you deserve it"? i mean c'mon dont you hate knowing people that have really nice gear but dont have the chops to back up there multi-thousand dollar collections? i have to prove to myself that im fucking worth a new guitar or amp before i'll get anything.

I know what you mean...on bad days I often think that I'm not worth all that gear that I have. But it's good days that count! :headbang:
Also, every new piece of gear motivates me to practice more :). Sometimes that's only the new strings though :lol:.

damn USA only competitions...
I wouldn't want to win it anyway. I'd have to pay customs duties and fees because I'm in EU. No thanks :). It's ugly anyway..both the guitar and the graphic.
I know some people that ultimately only get their motivation by doing this, and it becomes a drug, a quite expensive drug :p

i personally dread changing strings. its like i wanna pick the damn thing up and play already! :lol:

and possibly the fact I can't use the bar for like 3 days for fear of horrible tuning.
^did it ever happen to u that u just changed ur strings, tuned them and then a fukken string broke while tuning? a week ago this happened to me and i had no fukken strings at home :Smug: :lol:
It happened to me some time ago, when i was restringing it with a pack of Elixirs. Never bought them after that.
I accidently paused at this moment, scary :lol:

Imo, no guitar should have graphics, especially one which portrays you as a geek :lol:

Oh and how can you tell if the finish is nice, both pics look photoshopped to me :err:

Apart from the Halo logo and the "3" logo it looks killer imo.