Guitar Player's Thread

imo, deserving a guitar is determined by how much use and enjoyment you get out of it. skill shouldn't be a barrier to loving your instrument. if you play the fucker every day, and love every moment, you deserve it. end of story.

Exactly, but that doesn't disqualify Zakk imo.

I think all the Zakk-bashing of the last time is pointless.
how does a 13 year old afford something like that?

I see no problem in Finland you can get up to 2000-3000 euros pay in one summer...depending on the place of work ofcourse and the amount of pay.
Its A bad pay will give you around 1300-1500 and good pay the above named so why the fuck wouldn't he afford it? I afforded to get a Randall easily and Jackson RR24. BUT when he lives in the states the work system might be so different they do give jobs when youre 13-14 year old. Its possible around here to get jobs when youre 14-15 though. I got half price paid by my dad to a guitar once...unfortunately it was a BC rich warlock (so he gave me about 80 euros and no birthday+Xmas presents:lol:Since the guitar cost about 150-160)
^^in the US everything MIGHT be possible :lol: yeah its according to the law here 15+ but they often take 14 year olds too but 13 year olds is definetly pushing it. Maybe youre right...but still if they paid half thats still about 600 euros. My dad would NEVER pay me that much or help me with that much...he says if im really serious about getting it then i will do what i must to get it (work). I really do appreciate he helped me get the warlock tho :)
yeah i live in oregon and technically you can get a job at fast food places (i.e. subway, mcdonalds, BK etc.) when your 14. and if your under 14 you can get a work permit and still work at small jobs like concession stands, or little kiosks in the mall or whatever.
yeah i live in oregon and technically you can get a job at fast food places (i.e. subway, mcdonalds, BK etc.) when your 14. and if your under 14 you can get a work permit and still work at small jobs like concession stands, or little kiosks in the mall or whatever.

but they only give you retard-proof jobs :lol:
They just recieved this guitar at my local shop
