Guitar Player's Thread

anyone know anything (good bad etc) about the "speed kills" DVD's? I've been told speed kills 3 is really leet, and MAB's technique is super killer. just wondering if anyone really had any thoughts on it? I'm having some picking frustrations and basically looking for guidance or something i guess :p

excerpt from speed kills 1 (I believe...)

i was also looking into rock discipline, however i think that's more of a theory-oriented dvd. basically looking for a technical dvd at this point, i'm pretty theory-satiated and up to to my chest in theoretical studies atm so...

why don't you go for PG's Intense Rock instead? I remember downloading it a while ago, and unfortunately the first part was fucked up but the 2nd one works, and it seems really helpful technique-wise.

That part from -1.00 onward is part of Matias live performance as well! :lol: To be honest, MAB is like a guitar jock, just look at him! Stupidly fast and a huge ego. From my knowledge that dvd just shows you how to play his song, so most likely he does explain his techniques. I would say go with Rock Discipline, but I'm not to familiar with Speed Kills.

yeah, but what he does he does well. nobody can say rusty cooley can't play guitar.

why don't you go for PG's Intense Rock instead? I remember downloading it a while ago, and unfortunately the first part was fucked up but the 2nd one works, and it seems really helpful technique-wise.

yeah, but i don't really try to emulate gilbert's technique tbh. and neither do i emulate petrucci or MAB for that matter (although MAB has a good picking hand, he anchors so :erk:). I go for more of an Yngwie Malmsteen/MJR style; really free, relaxed, and controlled.
some kind of alternate picking variation? :p

I'm just looking for inspiration i guess.

No, just pick movements using the thumb and index to make small circles as opposed to using strictly the wrist.

This guy has it down to a goddamn science :lol:

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No, just pick movements using the thumb and index to make small circles as opposed to using strictly the wrist.

This guy has it down to a goddamn science :lol:

yeah, I'm pretty sure that's been posted here before i think...

lol didn't know it was called "circular" picking but yeah, that's sort of what i was referring to with Yngwie and MJR. MJR most especially though. Just watch any of his shit on youtube

i was actually starting to think i need to use moar wrist or something, after watching Yngwie and MAB, which i was just experimenting with (which i've determined my sweeping doesn't incorporate enough elbow/wrist motion actually, so at least something good came of it :p), however, this video has 100% shown me that i basically need more fast twitch hand/thumb muscle :p. wouldn't want to shake that guy's hand, thats for sure. thanks for that.
if you are buried up to your neck in theory, then MAB's videos are not worth watching. Because thats pretty much all he talks about. One thing that fucking pisses me off about him, he talks like you are fucking deaf.
anyone know anything (good bad etc) about the "speed kills" DVD's? I've been told speed kills 3 is really leet, and MAB's technique is super killer. just wondering if anyone really had any thoughts on it? I'm having some picking frustrations and basically looking for guidance or something i guess :p

excerpt from speed kills 1 (I believe...)

i was also looking into rock discipline, however i think that's more of a theory-oriented dvd. basically looking for a technical dvd at this point, i'm pretty theory-satiated and up to to my chest in theoretical studies atm so...

When it comes to learning alternate picking, both Paul Gilbert's intense rock 1 and MAB's Speed kills 1 are awesome. I wouldn't bother with Yngwie's hot licks, because he's the worst teacher ever :lol: MJR doesn't really show you anything special either.
I guess it's good for people who like Petrucci. I got bored of it when i started because he only shows you exercises that sound like shite, which means you couldn't actually use them in context, where as MAB/PG do show some awesome licks are meant for more than finger exercises.

Matias Kupiainen^. I think it's part still of the "Boogie Time" which was on that Cd release party. For the tabbers, if you could figure out a bit better maybe from this, as it shows time to time the fretboard on camera + the keys.
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Look few posts back...or search youtube for "mpigott" and look at his other videos too! HE'S AMAZING!!!

I'd definitely say the most talented player on whole youtube...I'll look for his soundclick account have to hear his stuff!