Guitar Player's Thread

Yeah I can see what you mean with his vibrato, little control but still I like the song. I've never seen anything like that before with the frets, that's really cool, the sustain is just astounding.

Edit:WTF?!! I fucking hate the cunts on ebay who don't honour the transaction. I managed to get a Laney GH50L For £160.99 and sent a guy an email confirming a pickup date: he didn't reply. So its been 2 weeks and still no reply, but today I found out the fucker re-listed it for £160 B.I.N 2days after I won it in a fair auction! Fucks sake, I just wanna hunt this fucker down and rip off his face arrrrrghhhh!:yell:

Sorry I just had to vent :mad: anyone else experienced shit like this? Oh the sellers name is gizz1923 avoid this twat.
Edit:WTF?!! I fucking hate the cunts on ebay who don't honour the transaction. I managed to get a Laney GH50L For £160.99 and sent a guy an email confirming a pickup date: he didn't reply. So its been 2 weeks and still no reply, but today I found out the fucker re-listed it for £160 B.I.N 2days after I won it in a fair auction! Fucks sake, I just wanna hunt this fucker down and rip off his face arrrrrghhhh!:yell:

Sorry I just had to vent :mad: anyone else experienced shit like this? Oh the sellers name is gizz1923 avoid this twat.

write a mail to him where you say you will call your lawyer. when I did it it worked. If not: isn't there a function in "my ebay" where you can report non received articles?

Btw can anybody help me please
youtube vids are down for now so bleh.

you guys are making the same mistake i did. Do not over-analyze shit. You could probably find any guitar players with any type of picking technique you can think of

ah but see, attention to detail is the key to success imo. If you look at like 80-90% of these super shredders, all use the hyperextended thumb technique excluding paul gilbert. its kind of process of elimination that this is the most efficient technique for shredding.

How awesome is this?? Catchy as hell, I've had the main riff in my head for a few days now.

hated it actually :(. sorry about your ebay thing btw.

bleh, its a great guitar, but i donno, its going to sell for way too much because of fanboi.
So I just got back from The Black Crusade tour at The Carling Academy, Brixton, UK.

• Shadows Fall
• Arch Enemy
• Dragonforce
• Trivium
• Machine Head

All went well. I managed to get my friend downstairs even though he had an upstairs seating ticket which I told him would work but he wouldn't believe me. ;)

Saw Frédéric Leclercq (bass) and Dave Mackintosh (drums) from Dragonforce standing outside have a cigarette while we were queuing up which was cool. I don't think anyone even recognised them 'cause noone was really paying attention to their presence. There were some girls standing LITERALLY a meter away and they were facing the other way like "duh, r der any uva playerz in DF apart from herman ri and samantha totman duh". :rolleyes: Oh well, I would have gone over and said hello if it was ZP Theart, Angela Gossow or Michael Amott.

Shadows Fall:

We weren't too fussed about this band so we just stood at the back and watched until they were done and moved down during their last song so I could see...

Arch Enemy:

Who were awesome. Opened with "Blood On Our Hands", also played "Enemy Within", "Nemesis", "My Apocalypse" and "We Will Rise". Nothing more to really say about these guys except that they were unsuprisingly badass.


I'm going to say something which none of you will expect....Dragonforce were fuckin' awesome. Me and my other buddy were expecting shitty sound, shitty mixing etc etc. Vocals were more than perfect, drums were robotic, guitar tone was great and they both played really well. Considering how much I bitch about DF live, this is saying alot. I really, really enjoyed them. I still ZP is one of the best frontmen in metal right now. Awesome dude and incredible vocalist. Overall, they sounded better to me than that video of TtFaF that I uploaded on YouTube, it was that good.

Easily my favourite performance of the night. I'm definitely going back to see them when they tour here again.

Their setlist was:

Fury Of The Storm
Operation Ground And Pound
Valley Of The Damned
Through The Fire And Flames


Again, these guys played really well too. I practically stood still through the first 3 songs though 'cause I think the stuff from "The Crusade" is shit, boring and way too "pop-ish" for me to like. "Gunshot..." was crazy though, I screamed for that one.

I think they must have played another one or two off "The Crusade" 'cause I was just like..."errr..." for a few and then it was "Rain" which I love and obviously finished with "Pull Harder..."

Their setlist was something like (might not be in order):

To The Rats
Entrance of the Conflagration
Gunshot To The Head Of Trepidation
The Decieved
Becoming the Dragon
Anthem (We Are the Fire)
Pull Harder On The Strings Of Your Martyr

I got my mate into these. I gave him a CD of all these bands and he liked Trivium the most. After tonight, he likes them even more. I even got him to get himself a shirt because I could tell he really wanted it, he just didn't want to pay £20. :rolleyes:

Machine (Fucking) Head:

I didn't really wanna see MH because I don't really like their music. I don't mind Imperium which they played and also Davidian is ok. But the rest of it, I just was looking around, waiting for time to go by. Rob Flynn seemed to be enjoying himself though. He got some guy up on stage because he was their the night before and never managed to catch a drink thrown from the stage so he took Colin (this guy) up and just gave him one. The crowd also nearly took the roof off when Dimebag Darrel was mentioned.

Overall, definitely worth the £30 or whatever it was. Didn't get stabbed in Brixton, didn't break my nose, loose anything or get locked out of the house so I'm cool. All I have to say now is bring on Children Of Bodom. :kickass:
Sounds great Mitch! I've heard Daragonforce uses ProTools, perhaps that is why the sound was so good? :lol: Trivium and Shadows Fall are alright, but I bet Arch Enemy and Dragonforce stole the show.
im really anxious to hear alexi's tone with the new Kranks
I dont think he uses Kranks on the album. He just used one for GH album.Let me add too: He has had that Krank for ages!!!...It was on the news of MusaMaailma last year that Roope and Alexi went into the store and bought 2 Krank 100w tube heads because they liked them so much. Still they have not used them. Im just curious how it will sound without the gainboost and with active pickup instead...i hope it will give him a more ballsier n' kickass tone!:headbang: And if you want to hear Alexi's Krank tone just listen to Guitar heroes album. Oh and i think its interesting to see there was a KK marshall on the studio pics...definetly something new on there!

EDIT:I can't link you the news that alexi had a Krank long ago since its removed from the site(It was in the summer of 2006 i think or autumn)

I'm going to say something which none of you will expect....Dragonforce were fuckin' awesome. Me and my other buddy were expecting shitty sound, shitty mixing etc etc. Vocals were more than perfect, drums were robotic, guitar tone was great and they both played really well. Considering how much I bitch about DF live, this is saying alot. I really, really enjoyed them. I still ZP is one of the best frontmen in metal right now. Awesome dude and incredible vocalist. Overall, they sounded better to me than that video of TtFaF that I uploaded on YouTube, it was that good.

Easily my favourite performance of the night. I'm definitely going back to see them when they tour here again.

Aye, I've seen "the force" live twice, and they put on a brilliant show both times. So tbh their reputation of being "shit live", from my experience, isn't warranted.
Aye, I've seen "the force" live twice, and they put on a brilliant show both times. So tbh their reputation of being "shit live", from my experience, isn't warranted.

Well to me, all the live vids on youtube were bad, playing wise and everything else but this was different. When I saw them at Download, I wasn't too close so I can't really blame them completely for the sound since it's not up to them to mix either but yeah, they've definitely improved alot.
Well to me, all the live vids on youtube were bad, playing wise and everything else but this was different. When I saw them at Download, I wasn't too close so I can't really blame them completely for the sound since it's not up to them to mix either but yeah, they've definitely improved alot.

I saw them at tuska this year too. Even though i didn't/don't like them they were amazingly entertaining and fuck...those guys got energy no doubt. Herman seemed to have gotten his sweeping up to scratch too:lol: