Guitar Player's Thread

Acutally, they made those pickups for Alexi, I'm not sure if they existed before....

IF it was i am sure they would mention him in the press release. No mention of A.Laiho anywhere at all.

Seymour said:
Some of the many A-list guitar artists who have switched to Blackouts include Mick Thompson of Slipknot, Dino Cazares of Divine Heresy, Corey Beaulieu of Trivium, Silenoz of Dimmu Borgir, Mike Schleibaum of Darkest Hour, and Rob Trevino of Helstar.

Its unbelievable how Mick Thompson is on the "A-list guitar artists" and alexi is not.
Mick Thompson is actually a cool guitarist. People say he's shit, only because he's in Slipknot! Alexi may be in another league, but he's still good.

Yeah, I used to look up to him for the whole image thing. I like his mask and obviously his guitar. I heard he was pretty good and I've seen a few things but he's actually not as good as I expected.

I still like him though.
Even if you can play like PG or anyone similar a stack is really unnecessary, because you'll probably get a better tone while practicing from a practice amp, hence the name.

i beg to differ :p

I guess he was pointing towards you saying that you never heard about them before all fanboys started changing out their pickups and that it was because of alexi. Or something like that...and I did ask how they sound :p And probably the fact that these pickups are not total bullshit so its not too "fanboy" to own them? :p I would like to get my hands on some of those :)

fuck what anyone thinks. if you like them, get them

Acutally, they made those pickups for Alexi, I'm not sure if they existed before....

was this out of your ass? :lol:
Yeah, I used to look up to him for the whole image thing. I like his mask and obviously his guitar. I heard he was pretty good and I've seen a few things but he's actually not as good as I expected.

I still like him though.


This video is pretty cool though.
Not all people that want Blackouts are Alexi fanboys, Some people are just curious. I wouldn't mind trying them because the people that I've talked to that have them said they are just plain better than EMG's, warmer, more mids etc.

Even if you can play like PG or anyone similar a stack is really unnecessary, because you'll probably get a better tone while practicing from a practice amp, hence the name. The only reason would be if one wants to record, but an amp sim is probably the better option, since it's easier in pretty much every aspect, and most people dont have the mixing skills to get a decent tone while mic'ing up an amp.
There are alot of stacks that still sound good at lower levels. One's playing shouldn't justify what equipment they have either. The only people that say that are just plain jealous that people have better gear then them.

An amp sim is probably a better option if you're just getting the hang of recording and shit and you just wanna record your own songs. But I've never heard a amp sim that's truely impressed me, they just never sound as warm as a good ole fashion tube amp.

Has anyone tried the spider valve? better speakers and being tube has got me thinking about them.
Yeah...don't worry.

I just threw up.

• Jack White can't even play guitar. How the hell he got nominated for BEST ROCK GUITARIST is beyond me.

• Who the hell is Matt Pike...

• Why the fuck are Jimi Hendrix and Joe Satriani being nomintated for current awards? JH is dead and "Surfing..." was released 20 fuckin' years ago! Re-releases don't count, it's the same damn songs!! (

• That "Insanely Amazing Guitar Solo" just sucks and some loser doesn't know that the Vai vid is "Tender Surrender".

Matt Pike is from High on Fire.
and i dont see why Jack White, can't be on the list because he "cant play guitar" that's so fucking cli she of metal guitarists. they think everyone sucks just because they can't do all the crazy shit mighty PG, Alexi, Muhammed and all the other pioneers of metal/shred. it's not about fucking shredding it's about melody/songwriting ability etc. etc. etc. and thanks to the re-release of "surfing" many younger guitarists have found out about him and he exploded again. and JH has probably millions of people that still love him and revere him as the best guitarist of all time. so no surprise in nomination.

Agreed on that point but as far as i know the SD Blackout pups are fairly new and came out just about when Alexi and some other guy started using them. Let us hope that Alexi's tone atleast gets better now with the new pups used on the album. To be honest ive always disliked the LTD alexi 600 a just feels unnatural and its not anything i would prefer over my sweet Jackson RR24 :lol: But yes talking about fanboys and blackouts....has anyone tried the blackouts?:p I would like to have a next active bridge humbucker candidate for my guitar :lol: And i wont sure as hell just buy something with alexi's endorsment on and trust "his" taste :lol: I would still like a Edwards alexi to next:rolleyes: :lol:

Yea you think? I have EMG 81 and i myself miss this abscent "punch" and a bit more "balls". I would also like to sound warmer then it would be perfect. I will wait and hear what you have for us in 2 months:)

oh c'mon dude do you have any idea what your talking about? have you tried tons of different pickups and guitar with different amps? and don't think that just because one passive pickup (in this case the emg 81) then that means passive pickups can't have "balls" or "punch". if you have really done this and you think that the blackouts are better then go ahead and get them.

i need peoples opinions about engl fireball and peavey 6505 please?
I need peoples opinions about engl fireball and peavey 6505 please?

Can't go wrong with either :lol:

From experience, the EMG81s (and active pickups in general) don't sound as good to me. Too "grainy" as I describe the tone, scratchy and unwanted high frequencies. Anyone who believes passive pickups don't provide enough distortion is a tit. I'm gonna put in some dimarzios in my next guitar, tonezone probably. I've never played a passive with a gain boost though, that would be worth testing out. People like to believe that if you swap one active for another you will get a completely different tone, however this is hardly the case. Just my two cents on the topic.
i have an HZ and it's passive, and to me it doesnt have tones of "umph" as say a emg 81. from playing my guitar, and another guitar with an 81 on the same amp on a CLEAN channel. i could immediately tell that the 81 was just better. but still i have no qualms about the HZ it's a great pickup and i really dont need to get a new pickup. just a new amp :)
And another thing that affects the tone of the pickup is the height, or distance between the strings to the pickup. You don't want it too far away or too close, about 1 cm.
Matt Pike is from High on Fire.
and i dont see why Jack White, can't be on the list because he "cant play guitar" that's so fucking cli she of metal guitarists. they think everyone sucks just because they can't do all the crazy shit mighty PG, Alexi, Muhammed and all the other pioneers of metal/shred. it's not about fucking shredding it's about melody/songwriting ability etc. etc. etc. and thanks to the re-release of "surfing" many younger guitarists have found out about him and he exploded again. and JH has probably millions of people that still love him and revere him as the best guitarist of all time. so no surprise in nomination.

Who the hell are High on Fire?

And I know you don't have to be Paul Gilbert to be classy as good but Jack White can't even write good songs OR sing properly.

I still don't think a re-release counts in the "best album of the year" catergory.
And another thing that affects the tone of the pickup is the height, or distance between the strings to the pickup. You don't want it too far away or too close, about 1 cm.

my action is 1/32"

that could have a bit to do with it. although not as much as pickup height. but he is right, i dislike the HZ-4's. I think my high gain channel on my amp is the only thing that saves it.
i beg to differ :p

There are alot of stacks that still sound good at lower levels. One's playing shouldn't justify what equipment they have either. The only people that say that are just plain jealous that people have better gear then them.

That might be true, but not for that price tag.

An amp sim is probably a better option if you're just getting the hang of recording and shit and you just wanna record your own songs. But I've never heard a amp sim that's truely impressed me, they just never sound as warm as a good ole fashion tube amp.

Most people can't even mix/master properly, so as i said, buying an amp sim works for most people.

About the discussion on pickups: I first heard about the blackout's from Alexi aswell, but pickup's are one of the hardest things to decide on, since you can't easily try them out. Alot of people bought EMG's before, for the same reason, they want a similar sound as the ones endorsing the products.
fuck what anyone thinks. if you like them, get them

I just like to know a bit about the pickup before getting it but good point anyway.

oh c'mon dude do you have any idea what your talking about? have you tried tons of different pickups and guitar with different amps? and don't think that just because one passive pickup (in this case the emg 81) then that means passive pickups can't have "balls" or "punch". if you have really done this and you think that the blackouts are better then go ahead and get them.
Yes i have tried many different guitars and amps. IM NOT dissing the passives...i had EMG HZ on my previous guitar and just didn't like them. They were not bad but they were definetly not for me. I like seymour duncan passives alot but EMG HZ was just a big :erk: for me to be honest. With more balls and warm sound i meant MORE than my EMG 81 which tends to get grainy and cold sometimes even sterile but its good. Not great though. Passive pickups have balls sure but i like actives better and thats the end of story:lol: Blackouts just seem to have the thing i want more of in my EMG 81s.

Can't go wrong with either :lol:

From experience, the EMG81s (and active pickups in general) don't sound as good to me. Too "grainy" as I describe the tone, scratchy and unwanted high frequencies. Anyone who believes passive pickups don't provide enough distortion is a tit. I'm gonna put in some dimarzios in my next guitar, tonezone probably. I've never played a passive with a gain boost though, that would be worth testing out. People like to believe that if you swap one active for another you will get a completely different tone, however this is hardly the case. Just my two cents on the topic.

Yes but there are pickups with more consistent tone and EMG 85 have more balls too and are less grainy and trebley. Id like to try SD blackouts since i think its just perfect for me :)

i have an HZ and it's passive, and to me it doesnt have tones of "umph" as say a emg 81. from playing my guitar, and another guitar with an 81 on the same amp on a CLEAN channel. i could immediately tell that the 81 was just better. but still i have no qualms about the HZ it's a great pickup and i really dont need to get a new pickup. just a new amp :)
Yeah...i dont think HZ is great tho...not compared to SDs passive pickups. Good youre okay with it though
For those who care, my new song i comming along nicely, i'm recording it and composing it at the same time, so hopefullly it should be done in the weekend!
I just like to know a bit about the pickup before getting it but good point anyway.

but your justification was "its not too fanboi."

in this forum, it will always be "fanboi" until someone like mitch gets them, then its "practicality." so fuck it. if you like them, get them.