Guitar Player's Thread

Ah fuck! :erk: At best, I can get a decent tone. The signal is weak. Is this were a mixer or mic preamp comes into play?

Also, how do I record on top of a back track/song excerpt in CEP?

if you actually answered my questions maybe i'd be able to help :erk:

which interface did you buy? or are you going mic > computer?

and here's what i'd do: import and/or record the song itself into your DAW. Then, create a new track, and record your guitar. then mix them together (here's where you do your volume adjustments, panning, etc.). if you want a nice pan (this is a BIGGIE for tone), record two of the same track, then set one all the way left, and one all the way right (or maybe somewhere in the middle of that; use your ear!).
if you actually answered my questions maybe i'd be able to help :erk:

which interface did you buy? or are you going mic > computer?

and here's what i'd do: import and/or record the song itself into your DAW. Then, create a new track, and record your guitar. then mix them together (here's where you do your volume adjustments, panning, etc.). if you want a nice pan (this is a BIGGIE for tone), record two of the same track, then set one all the way left, and one all the way right (or maybe somewhere in the middle of that; use your ear!).

My bad, I must have skipped over that. I'm going straight from mic > computer.

I will look into buying some sort of interface in the future. I need to study up on recording terms and equipment :lol:
My bad, I must have skipped over that. I'm going straight from mic > computer.

first mistake.

your computer's standard soundcard likely isn't equipped to handle such a hot signal, nor is it equipped to process it. you'll probably fry it :lol:

i'm not too knowledgeable about the different interfaces out there, but they can range from $100 - $1000, and even moar, however for a home studio i don't recommend going over $1000. I've had the PreSonus line highly recommended to me, I'm planning on getting the Firestudio, so I can't really give you a personal review, but I hear that their lowest end (which really isn't worth buying imo; the Firestudio is not that much more money), the Firebox if I'm not mistaken, is pretty damn good.

MAudio makes a digibox or something? (sorry for all the ambiguities) i hear that's pretty good too.

You'll want a firewire unit; usb isn't really meant for this kind of shit. with firewire, you'll have a way more versatile studio, as well as better sound quality.

an interface, btw, is kind of your command center. you plug your microphones into it, run your speakers through it, etc. it also takes the line level/instrument level inputs of your recordings and converts them to analog for your computer etc.

I will look into buying some sort of interface in the future. I need to study up on recording terms and equipment :lol:

DAW = digital audio workstation. your mixer sequencers (Cubase, Logic, Cool Edit, etc.)
of course i understand what they fucking do :lol:

for compressing the signal, buy a COMPRESSOR? I mean, wtf :p

for equalizing, buy an EQUALIZER?

overdrive/distortion pedals are meant for people who can't afford expensive amps (i.e. TUBE half stacks), yet still want to improve on their tone.

yes there are subtle uses for the OD pedals. ZW actually makes great use of his to give his solos character, like i already said. but there is no fucking reason you should be using it for rhythm "crunch."

and yes, pickups make a HUGE difference. are you using emg's? if so, i'm not surprised you're not satisfied with your rhythm tone :lol:

These guys have it pretty much :lol:

try this:

Treble = 70%
Mids = Max
Bass = 85%

adjust your treble if you want even more crunch, but i'd say don't go too far over 75%. and if you do, think about cutting your bass a little.

well, apparently you solved your problem?

which interface did you buy?

We have a bit bad communication! Oh nevermind dude :lol: Well if you for example buy a amp that isn't THAT metalvoiced (for.example) Valve king. Then you can help it to push over to metal with an OD pedal. If it has the gain and not the voicing then you need an EQ. Im fuckin n00b at pickups too so i dunno wtf to do if i want to install them...what would you reccomend? I currently have EMG 81...i have actually not been satisfied with my tone for some time now on any amp at home. Could be when i can't crank it but i doubt it. The Tubescreamer DOES help a little. Thanks for the settings. Will try em tonight. I feel like i have seriously misunderstood the use of ODs overall but shit the same. Good thing i came here before i bought. Well i had a afterburner on my MMV which i had before and i gotta tell you. It sucked pretty much ass...noisy and stuff but it did do alot of difference to overall tone. As said i have EMG 81...what do i do?
@Mick: Sorry, but I think shredtastical helped you instead of me ;) And I can't help you with CEP because I don't have it.

@the_phenom/some other persons:
I know that you'll defend yourself again, but hear my opinion: Stop buying loads of stuff to improve your tone. You posted a vid months ago and, honestly, you sounded pure shit. It wasn't the camera, it wasn't the equipment, it was YOU! Few months have passed by and I don't believe that your skills - especially building good tone with your fingers - have improved so much, that better equipment could bring you further.

It makes me mad that most guitar players - especially younger guys like you - don't observe and improve their own playing with the pickups/amp/guitar they already have. Plus, you already have good equipment dude: A Jackson RR24, a randall stack, EMG pickups....
:lol: Subtle. But seriously I fully agree with you and couldn't have put it better myself. When they get older they'll realise they won't be able to afford all this stuff as easily (taxes, debts etc.) and appreciate what they have.
overdrive/distortion pedals are meant for people who can't afford expensive amps (i.e. TUBE half stacks), yet still want to improve on their tone.

yes there are subtle uses for the OD pedals. ZW actually makes great use of his to give his solos character, like i already said. but there is no fucking reason you should be using it for rhythm "crunch."

Tell that to Vai, Satch, Malmsteen, etc. Overdrive pedals are designed specifically for tube amps. Also, isn't Andy Sneap infamous for using a tubescreamer overdrive pedal in front of a rectifier for rhythm tones?
Tell that to Vai, Satch, Malmsteen, etc. Overdrive pedals are designed specifically for tube amps. Also, isn't Andy Sneap infamous for using a tubescreamer overdrive pedal in front of a rectifier for rhythm tones?

Not to mention Paul Gilbert!!!

Seriously, i'm using my tubescreamer when recording with the POD and while praticing with my my 15W amp, and i'm quite certain i'd use it if i ever bought a stack.
Just got this email back from them. They WILL be selling them again apparently just not for... "awhile"

That's easy to understand considering that the whole Stars official shop is closed because they're re-arranging some things(translated=changing prices :erk: ). There's some shops that have a small stock of the old material and are selling it, but most of them are waiting for the new models/changed prices.

the phenom said:
We have a bit bad communication! Oh nevermind dude Well if you for example buy a amp that isn't THAT metalvoiced (for.example) Valve king. Then you can help it to push over to metal with an OD pedal. If it has the gain and not the voicing then you need an EQ. Im fuckin n00b at pickups too so i dunno wtf to do if i want to install them...what would you reccomend? I currently have EMG 81...i have actually not been satisfied with my tone for some time now on any amp at home. Could be when i can't crank it but i doubt it. The Tubescreamer DOES help a little. Thanks for the settings. Will try em tonight. I feel like i have seriously misunderstood the use of ODs overall but shit the same. Good thing i came here before i bought. Well i had a afterburner on my MMV which i had before and i gotta tell you. It sucked pretty much ass...noisy and stuff but it did do alot of difference to overall tone. As said i have EMG 81...what do i do?

Corny said:
@the_phenom/some other persons:
I know that you'll defend yourself again, but hear my opinion: Stop buying loads of stuff to improve your tone. You posted a vid months ago and, honestly, you sounded pure shit. It wasn't the camera, it wasn't the equipment, it was YOU! Few months have passed by and I don't believe that your skills - especially building good tone with your fingers - have improved so much, that better equipment could bring you further.

It makes me mad that most guitar players - especially younger guys like you - don't observe and improve their own playing with the pickups/amp/guitar they already have. Plus, you already have good equipment dude: A Jackson RR24, a randall stack, EMG pickups....

There you go. To put an example: do you honestly think that you're better than Alexi was when recording SW? Well, some parts of SW were recorded with an RG Tremolo Ibanez with a lot shittier p-ups that your EMG 81. What I want to tell you with that is that fingers and playing make a lot to tone. If you play smoothly and without rough picking movements or position shiftings it'll sound way better. And for your pick up, as you can see in my sig I've got the same as you, but instead of drive it through a Randall halfstack I'm driving it through a shity Carlsbro, and it doesn't sound that bad. Of course there are better pickups, and better guitars and amps, but my guitar is even too much compared to my playing abilities. Think about it, because there's no point in getting the best before learning how to use it. I'm not trying to flame you, I'm trying to say that better quality can mean a bit better tone, but it won't work full until the player has good level too. Everyone has to go through the shitty Behringer time, then a better one, then better, etcetcetc, but the guitar must ''evolve'' along with your abilities as player, not faster, or at least not a lot faster. We all want a nice guitar, but I'm sure your RR24 as it's nowadays can be a good partner for you for a long time.
first mistake.

your computer's standard soundcard likely isn't equipped to handle such a hot signal, nor is it equipped to process it. you'll probably fry it :lol:


i'm not too knowledgeable about the differentinterfaces out there, but they can range from $100 - $1000, and even moar, however for a home studio i don't recommend going over $1000. I've had the PreSonus line highly recommended to me, I'm planning on getting the Firestudio, so I can't really give you a personal review, but I hear that their lowest end (which really isn't worth buying imo; the Firestudio is not that much more money), the Firebox if I'm not mistaken, is pretty damn good.

MAudio makes a digibox or something? (sorry for all the ambiguities) i hear that's pretty good too.

You'll want a firewire unit; usb isn't really meant for this kind of shit. with firewire, you'll have a way more versatile studio, as well as better sound quality.

I'll look further into it.

an interface, btw, is kind of your command center. you plug your microphones into it, run your speakers through it, etc. it also takes the line level/instrument level inputs of your recordings and converts them to analog for your computer etc.

That's what I thought. Would that help my problem?
DAW = digital audio workstation. your mixer sequencers (Cubase, Logic, Cool Edit, etc.)

I know :lol: Here are some definitions of terms...

While learning to record on your home PC, you are going to hear alot of unfamiliar terms such as DAW, or VST, things like Q and Plugins .... dont worry. Your friend GURU is here to help you out with this.

DAW = Digital Audio Worstation. Once you add some recording software to a standard PC, it becomes a DAW or Digital Audio Workstation, now dont think just cause you got a DAW you can start recording bands. Having a DAW and Knowing how to use one are very different. So keep that in mind

VST = Virtual Studio Technology. It is an interface for integration of virtual effect processors and instruments into the digital audio environment. VST programs can be anything from a simple reverb to a full blows sequencer that runs on MIDI to play back samples.

MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface MIDI is a program language designed to allow multiple electronic devices to communitcate with one another. You can use MIDI to trigger samples, Change effects parameters, Switch channels on your amp, and Sync Audio between programs.

Plugins = Basically the same as VST except this is what the program is actually called. VST is the language these PLUGINS use to communicate with the other programs in your DAW. Plugins also come in RTAS, and DXI formats. Be carefull with the programs you choose not all programs support all Plugins. (cakewalk supports VST and DXI so you have ALOT of options RTAS is usually reserved from ProTools enable Mac's)

Q = Ok how to explain "Q" this is a bit complicated but as you learnmore about audio recording the more you will understand "Q". To put it simply "Q" is the width of a band of equalization. Parametric Equilizers allow you to choose how wide each band of the EQ is. You really have to see a Parametric EQ in action to understand .... Everyone knows what a graphic EQ is. A graphic EQ is a unit with each band (frequency) in a fixed position. That position can only be BOOSTED or SUBTRACTED from the signal. Now imagine being able to change the frequency of those bands, thats what a parametric EQ does. On the Parametric it allows you to adjust the Width of the frequecy you want to tweak. So a HIGH "Q" would be a very very WIDE band covering ALOT of frequencies. A NARROW "Q" would be targeted at possibly 1 specific FREQUENCY.... Get it ... i hope so

The Andy Sneap forum and the Steve Smyth forums are havens for recording info.
I know that you'll defend yourself again, but hear my opinion: Stop buying loads of stuff to improve your tone. You posted a vid months ago and, honestly, you sounded pure shit. It wasn't the camera, it wasn't the equipment, it was YOU! Few months have passed by and I don't believe that your skills - especially building good tone with your fingers - have improved so much, that better equipment could bring you further.

It makes me mad that most guitar players - especially younger guys like you - don't observe and improve their own playing with the pickups/amp/guitar they already have. Plus, you already have good equipment dude: A Jackson RR24, a randall stack, EMG pickups....

This is absolutely true, but in my case I REALLY need better gear :erk: I'm almost embarrassed to say my setup :lol: To fucking bad my MP1 doesn't fucking work in MY OWN HOUSE! >8(

just out of interest: has anyone in here played intermezzo liberte by arch enemey? great slowly guitar parts...EPIC

That isn't one of their better instrumental tracks.
@Mick: Sorry, but I think shredtastical helped you instead of me ;) And I can't help you with CEP because I don't have it.

@the_phenom/some other persons:
I know that you'll defend yourself again, but hear my opinion: Stop buying loads of stuff to improve your tone. You posted a vid months ago and, honestly, you sounded pure shit. It wasn't the camera, it wasn't the equipment, it was YOU! Few months have passed by and I don't believe that your skills - especially building good tone with your fingers - have improved so much, that better equipment could bring you further.

It makes me mad that most guitar players - especially younger guys like you - don't observe and improve their own playing with the pickups/amp/guitar they already have. Plus, you already have good equipment dude: A Jackson RR24, a randall stack, EMG pickups....

Big sigh...People here didnt think the last video was bad at all. The video before that was bad yes and it was recorded with my old peavey(dunno why my cam hates it but it doesnt give a plain sound..its all muddy and grainy...i dont blame the amp though). My amp does NOT sound pure shit. Theres just something extra i want out of it that isnt there...get it? I hear my mistakes in playing and i dont say i play good either. The amp is NOT BAD. It just got muddy tone now that it didnt have before too in addition(Wtf got wrong with it i dont know) I have good equipment i agree...i have no fuckin problem with my equipment. YOu really got me all wrong there. Im not complaining about my tone overall but i miss some of it and it can become a bit muddy(especially at band playing. Still havent really got to try it out since i found a new sweet spot on the amp so i dont know).
Thats my last vid in case you havent seen it. I dont think that is pure shit. Lots to improve but i dont think its shit. I know when its in the amp and not. Im just not satisfied with the tone. Its missing SOMETHING. Its pretty good though. Maybe a EQ would help indeed.

On that vid though...i love that tone actually. Its not bad! I just miss some of that "compression" in the tone.

EDIT: I dont regret getting RR24. IT did help me alot in the playing...felt more comfortable with it and it didnt go out of tune in 1 palm mute(FTW). The tremolo was unusable on it too(The MMV). It was the 06 version. Furthermore i didn't get that Randall For home playing. 50 Tube watts for home is too was mainly because i play in a band and my Peavey just couldn't do the job. And yep...i defend myself. You got me wrong. If i would be complaining it sounds pure shit though then it would be different imo :lol:

i cant really say i have loads of guitar stuff thought. The randall,Broken peavey combo(the speaker broke and sounds a bit shitty nowadays...not fully broken though),The jackson and boss metal zone. Im editing again well. My final opinion is. My amp won't sound less muddy with better skills...i mean come on its not only me complaining about it. Im still suspecting the tubes have taken the boot but im not sure...
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I don't meant to be picky, well, actually yes I mean to be picky. I forgot where I was going with this post.

Yeah i know theres a few faults. I don't blame you for hearing them. I do too...with time i hear lots of mistakes in my videos and then i can improve. That video aint still exactly new. It is the newest though.
I actually think recording yourself play is a great thing for you to be doing, since you can actually put yourself in someone else's position and see/hear yourself play from a third party perspective. This makes spotting little mistakes and bad habits alot easier in my opinion.