Guitar Player's Thread

I play on the Meshuggah preset with the bass and treble around 2 or 3 o clock and the middle at 12 o clock so its like / l / (bass = / middle = l treble = /)
I play on the Meshuggah preset with the bass and treble around 2 or 3 o clock and the middle at 12 o clock so its like / l / (bass = / middle = l treble = /)

how the fuck do i get to that preset :lol:

i just turned the dial doohickey to "heavy metal" and just started jamming.
joo know it!

I found this kickass setting on there called "Lunacy Thunder" a couple hours ago and it sounds awesome thru headphones with a bit of tweeking of the FX settings. But I'm still trying to find a really good tone to record Orion with. Any suggestions inhe? or any other PODxt owners?
Hi there!

I ordered my new Jackson RR3 a couple of days ago, and sience it has a LFR I just started thinking about what tuning i should have it in. I was thinking of tuning it in D, but then i realised that I would be able to play more things with drop C tuning. The reason im doubting is because i wonder if this woud maybe stop me from playing some of COB´s songs or anything. Maybe it´s a dumb question but anyway. And i also wonder, sience it has a LFR, is it possible to just tune down the lowest D string to C without messing up the tuning of the other strings, maybe with the fine tuners?
^The Floyd rose does not effect what tuning you SHOULD play in. Strings does. For Drop C something like 10-46 but then u replace the 46 with a 48 or 50 because then it evens out the tensions in the strings. D you can tune to with a standard set of st strings like 10-46 or 11-50. NO its not possible to tune it down without other strings being affected.
shut the fuck up! i'm not even kidding dude.

you've been told multiple times in this thread: learn to play guitar, set your amp differently, etc., yet you're still being a cock about it :lol:

first off, those aren't even the eq settings i gave you. the guitar is a mid-range instrument. if you don't make that the prominent frequency set, IT IS NOT GOING TO STAND OUT. end of fucking story

Dude. I tried my own settings instead of yours...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THAT? It sounded good. That guitarsound im complaining about has nothing to do with my skeelz for fucks sake. Ive head my mates play on that amp and it gets muddy. They have playd alot more than me. I was not trying to get it stand out...what the hell should i stand out for in my fucking room? IM learning all the time and quite frankly you are being ignorant and an ass. I won't say more to that matter. I understand what you try to say to me but it doesn't solve the problem really. I got good tone out of the TS9 so why not go for an OD? Tell me one reason not to.(im not talking about SD-1 but some OD)

EDIT: About the settings. They don't sound so good at low levels...i gotta try em at band playing though. It sounds alot different then. I dont like to have mid beyond 13:00. WHatever bits of advice you seem to give me helps near zero. Maybe im just putting the problem wrong...i aint great at English. Whatever it is you seem to COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTAND ME.:lol: I can hear the "bad" sound if i pull a single chord like Em...i doubt thats because of lack of skill. ALL that gets better when i use the OD(at my own setting)
^The Floyd rose does not effect what tuning you SHOULD play in. Strings does. For Drop C something like 10-46 but then u replace the 46 with a 48 or 50 because then it evens out the tensions in the strings. D you can tune to with a standard set of st strings like 10-46 or 11-50. NO its not possible to tune it down without other strings being affected.

Hm maybe i was unclear, i know i have to change to thicker strings, i was just wondering witch tuning you guys thought i should have the guitar in because it has a LFR witch requiers so much work to switch between tunings so I´ll just have it in either D standard or drop C. So I´m wondering, should I have it in, drop C or D standard, I personally think drop C will allow me to play more things, but could this make it "impossible" to do some 6 sting sweeps and so on? Well I think i´ll tune it in drop C, but as always i search support for all of my decitions :rolleyes:
^Mine is in D tuning but its all a matter of what youre playing if you play in a band and the band plays in Drop C i suggest Drop C.
Yay, finally I'm here again... I love you, thread. (L)

I hope everyone's fine here... I gave a quick look and saw I didn't miss too much stuff... well, better. :)
┼Victim of the Night┼;6823119 said:
Yay, finally I'm here again... I love you, thread. (L)

I hope everyone's fine here... I gave a quick look and saw I didn't miss too much stuff... well, better. :)

Thread loves you too :rofl:

i'm fine atleast, theres some general bantering about amplifiers and their tone.

How are you'z?

ot: For Devin Townsend lulz i tuned my guitar to Open C, and fuck, cant do anything but chugging around on chords, leads are cool, but very.. Random? AS of yet, i'll have to get more used to it if im gonna have a chance to play like this. The high E string really fucks it up hahah
I got some questions on Noisegate again.

What do you know about MXR SMART GATE M-135?

I have got reccomended to get the Bad monkey instead of Boss does that sound? (Yes i have decided to get OD pedal...stfu about it already. I like the tone when i play through Ibanez Tubescreamer so...) Im getting ISP decimator for Noise gate if the MXR sucks though.