Guitar Player's Thread

It's made of metal, the only difference is the looks, and the fact you'll save around 100€
From what i've read yes, and when i compared the two (TS9+ and TS7), they sound identical. Although i tried them both on a practice amp, so the sound could differ with a stack, but since it's the same chip, it shouldn't. I've also read that the TS7 doesn't last as long, but for that price tag you could buy another one if it would break.
^Yeah i know. I still have to think about it. The bad monkey doesn't seem bad and the Boss not that bad either but it might be the Digitech snatches the win. Somehow the TS7 looks a bit...suspicious. I could have a go at one and try it if i found one in local Guitar shop though.
Thread loves you too :rofl:

i'm fine atleast, theres some general bantering about amplifiers and their tone.

How are you'z?

*says "Thankz thread! :oops: * ...:)

Nice to know you're good, buddy Muffin! :)
I am kinda fine as well, tack... I am cooking at the moment so I'm kinda happy-ish, I love cooking and my kitchen, plus I have home allll for me soooo I can do what I want, yay. :kickass:
┼Victim of the Night┼;6823491 said:
*says "Thankz thread! :oops: * ...:)

Nice to know you're good, buddy Muffin! :)
I am kinda fine as well, tack... I am cooking at the moment so I'm kinda happy-ish, I love cooking and my kitchen, plus I have home allll for me soooo I can do what I want, yay. :kickass:

:lol: Rawwk :D Good to hear you're fine too!

Cooking rocks, love it haha! Eating part is also good ;P
I have a bad habit of forgetting things though :( Has ended in alot of burnt stuff..
Victim_of_the_night: "tack" is Swedish, in Norway we say/write "takk".

I just assumed you were trying to put in some Norwegian, since Muffin is from Norway. :p
^Yeah i know. I still have to think about it. The bad monkey doesn't seem bad and the Boss not that bad either but it might be the Digitech snatches the win. Somehow the TS7 looks a bit...suspicious. I could have a go at one and try it if i found one in local Guitar shop though.

Seems you've made a decission, but if I were you I'd save a bit more and get one of those a bit more expensive, because those 40-50€ extra will be worth when you find that the cheaper ones don't work as good/broke down before, and you'll end up buying the expensive one one day, so it's better just to skip the cheaper and wait a bit for the other. IMO it's better to wait 2 months for the good one than wait 1 for the cheap one and then another 2 for the expensive when the cheap brokes down. I'm not saying particularly about the TS because I know nothing about them and Inhe will tell you better, but with noisegates f.e. a cheap noisegate will kill too much sound and make long bendings or squeals a nightmare, and a cheap OD will be too much noisy.
^I know. I was thinking still about the boss or digitech. Both seem good for the money. I somehow don't even want the TS because i want a bit more bass response and low end punch. As for Noise gate...its either the MXR Smartgate or the ISP decimator for me. Both seem pretty good and both are in the 130-160 range.
Victim_of_the_night: "tack" is Swedish, in Norway we say/write "takk".

I just assumed you were trying to put in some Norwegian, since Muffin is from Norway. :p

Hmmm, nah, actually I was trying to say thanks in swedish just cuz I was convinced that buddy Muffin was from Swede... dunno why though, but my brain is kind of fu**ed up today so maybe that's why. Sorry! :p
Oh, and by the way, takk. :)
^I know. I was thinking still about the boss or digitech. Both seem good for the money. I somehow don't even want the TS because i want a bit more bass response and low end punch. As for Noise gate...its either the MXR Smartgate or the ISP decimator for me. Both seem pretty good and both are in the 130-160 range.

I'm a lot into the ISP myself too. I usually use the Noise Reducer on my pedalboard at home (practice amp a fucking 15W Academy) , but live I don' use pedalboard, I go straight to the head, and also this reducer kills the sound so much that, as I told you, squeals and bends are a fucking nightmare to pull off (and don't even dare to dream with lengths of more than 1/2 secs, anything longer will get cut or will sound like a fly flying around your ear, :lol:).
Holy SHIT, I just tuned my guitar back a full step down a few hours ago to see if I'm ready to tackle Necrophagist this time around, and I just learned Only Ash Remains :zombie:
Holy SHIT, I just tuned my guitar back a full step down a few hours ago to see if I'm ready to tackle Necrophagist this time around, and I just learned Only Ash Remains :zombie:
