Guitar Player's Thread

So I just got a new laptop and I had to transfer all the programs and files of my old laptop to this one. I did it through a network. So is there any reason that the Guitar Pro program shouldn't be working correctly? Because the sound comes out fine, but look at how the image comes out :erk: the notes aren't showing up. does anyone know why? Does it have something to do with the resolution setting of the comp?


the guitar pro font isn't installed.
Survey question: What recording program do each of you use, and why?
Audition 3 (the newest cool edit pro)
because its the most simple and powerful tool for recording and mixing that i know.
Sonar 6
because of all the midi work and VST stuff
great if you want to write your midi stuff in normal staff view sample it and record.

well not much to say about it it is on of the best out there.
the only problem with it that i find with it is that it has simply way too much options, if you have your creative attack you will loose it before you end up setting all the settings.
I think you're fingers are floating too far from the fretboard. It doesn't really matter for these kinds of solos, but the faster they are, the easier they will get if you keep them close. As MAB call's it: Economy of motion.

I don't know. I try really hard to keep em in close. It's a problem I only recently noticed so it will get better as time goes on. Also, I hate Michael Angelo with a passion :lol: technically, he smokes a lot of people, but he is one of the worst musicians out there.
well not much to say about it it is on of the best out there.
the only problem with it that i find with it is that it has simply way too much options, if you have your creative attack you will loose it before you end up setting all the settings.

That's the reason i switched to CEP. It was just soo complicated. I'm sure i would appreciate it more the more i learn about recording tools though.
thanks for all the relatively fast responses :)

I've also used Cubase and CEP, and although I managed to work Cubase, I agree that it's very technical, and I think it was actually too advanced for my crappy sound card, so my recording sound was never too good when I used it. CEP actually gave me better sound than Cubase did. I'm gonna try out Audacity and Audition 3 now.
I don't know. I try really hard to keep em in close. It's a problem I only recently noticed so it will get better as time goes on. Also, I hate Michael Angelo with a passion :lol: technically, he smokes a lot of people, but he is one of the worst musicians out there.

That's the general mindset of most people. I guess Amon Amarth make better music :lol:

Seriously, i know people prefer different things, but MAB has done alot of cool stuff, and when he isn't constantly alternate picking, he makes some cool solos.
I think you're fingers are floating too far from the fretboard. It doesn't really matter for these kinds of solos, but the faster they are, the easier they will get if you keep them close. As MAB call's it: Economy of motion.

yeah i agree. i used to have that problem but not anymore, its just like alternate picking its just a part of my "guitar code" now :lol:
I'm thinking of changing the pickups on my RG550! Just for the fun of it, and a bit of diversity aswell. I'm thinking of putting a single coil in the neck position, maybe a Dimarzio YJM pickup. But how would the output difference be when switching to the bridge pickup, which is most likely going to be a humbucker? Does anyone have any other suggestions about different pickups?
I'm thinking of changing the pickups on my RG550! Just for the fun of it, and a bit of diversity aswell. I'm thinking of putting a single coil in the neck position, maybe a Dimarzio YJM pickup. But how would the output difference be when switching to the bridge pickup, which is most likely going to be a humbucker? Does anyone have any other suggestions about different pickups?
dont worry about the single coil on neck and bridge humbucker configuration.
many guitars have been build like this and many will be and its good configuration.
ok now for some technical explanations, usually you have all this sets of pickups with label bridge position pickup and neck position this done exactly for the volume reasons. as more the pickup is close to the bridge more sharp sound and attack you get but the volume also gets lower as the vibration of the string gets smaller (smaller vibration= smaller voltage output) as more you go to the neck you get more bassy sound (and some times even muddy) and higher volagte output because of the string vibration.
therefor there are this "sweet spots" for the pickup to be installer where you get the best tone and clear sound usually they are the octaves and the pitch harmonics arias.
so in order to make the sound even between the pickups they tend to make the "bridge" pickups with higher output then neck pickups.
(don't take my words as a law there are many different pickups and many ways how people combine them.)
you have to experiment with this sort of things your self.
now the other thing.

if you plan to have single coil most likely you will have to find a away how to connect them in to hum canceling configuration because when you will use the neck pickup (single coil) you most likely will also get hum (if its passive single coil pickup) take fender guitars for example....

you can find lots of diagrams over the internet for hum canceling.
another thing, don't combine passive and active pickups.
your guitars/amp/pickups wont explode from it but it will give you poor results of sound. i did that and i learned it the hard way.
passive pickups require higher resistance poti than the active ones. i wont expend too much.

before you decide to get any pickups at all i would recommend you to google up in to this theme some more as are so many small issues that can brig hum, or not so great sounds. but what ever you do how ever you will soldier it you cant kill your pickups. unless you are stupid enough to solder 220v/160v cable to your pickup and run it.
the new schechter hellraiser v-1.
they got the potential of this shape too late, and yet it looks kind of crapy
