Guitar Player's Thread

dont worry about the single coil on neck and bridge humbucker configuration.
many guitars have been build like this and many will be and its good configuration.
ok now for some technical explanations, usually you have all this sets of pickups with label bridge position pickup and neck position this done exactly for the volume reasons. as more the pickup is close to the bridge more sharp sound and attack you get but the volume also gets lower as the vibration of the string gets smaller (smaller vibration= smaller voltage output) as more you go to the neck you get more bassy sound (and some times even muddy) and higher volagte output because of the string vibration.
therefor there are this "sweet spots" for the pickup to be installer where you get the best tone and clear sound usually they are the octaves and the pitch harmonics arias.
so in order to make the sound even between the pickups they tend to make the "bridge" pickups with higher output then neck pickups.
(don't take my words as a law there are many different pickups and many ways how people combine them.)
you have to experiment with this sort of things your self.
now the other thing.

if you plan to have single coil most likely you will have to find a away how to connect them in to hum canceling configuration because when you will use the neck pickup (single coil) you most likely will also get hum (if its passive single coil pickup) take fender guitars for example....

you can find lots of diagrams over the internet for hum canceling.
another thing, don't combine passive and active pickups.
your guitars/amp/pickups wont explode from it but it will give you poor results of sound. i did that and i learned it the hard way.
passive pickups require higher resistance poti than the active ones. i wont expend too much.

before you decide to get any pickups at all i would recommend you to google up in to this theme some more as are so many small issues that can brig hum, or not so great sounds. but what ever you do how ever you will soldier it you cant kill your pickups. unless you are stupid enough to solder 220v/160v cable to your pickup and run it.

Thanks alot for writing this. I already knew the basic tonal aspects about pickups, but i have no idea on how to solder nor what pickups actually go with each other. I know it's quite common to have a SSH combo, but i figured that they had paired them up according to their output and sound, that either the humbucker was lower output, or the other way around.

I could probably learn about the soldering, but i'd hate to buy the "wrong" pickups. So would you recommend something along the lines of the YJM neck pu, and what kind of humbucker would go well with that?
These Shecters look ugly as hell.

And Cubase SX for the win. It has loads of functions and it's pretty simple after some days of desperation. Logic Audio Platinum is much more complicated and the new versions are only developped for mac.
^But shouldn't you have a fairly good sound card to use the advanced programs such as Cubase? What sound card does your comp have (and could you tell me how I'd go about checking what my sound card is also? :p)
Thanks alot for writing this. I already knew the basic tonal aspects about pickups, but i have no idea on how to solder nor what pickups actually go with each other. I know it's quite common to have a SSH combo, but i figured that they had paired them up according to their output and sound, that either the humbucker was lower output, or the other way around.

I could probably learn about the soldering, but i'd hate to buy the "wrong" pickups. So would you recommend something along the lines of the YJM neck pu, and what kind of humbucker would go well with that?

thats a good question and only you can really answer this question.
you can go and measure the output voltage and resistance of each pickups that you will ever find or choose but it wont bring much, the most important thing in the end is how it sounds.
you can combine every pickup in any combination and every pickup.
the beauty of YJM is that its a humbucker actually, it has a dummy coil in it to cancel the hum yet only one coil is active to produce sound.
which allows you to treat it as a normal humbucker in your wiring on your pickup switch configuration.

usually the wiring for hss or hhs goes that one of the humbuckers get splited in the 4th position of the switch to provide a dummy or another coil for hum canceling.

if you already have some pickup on your mind or have on to experiment with go a head, if you will get one pickup more loud then the other one simply adjust the hight of it lower and the or make the humbucker higher.

what pickup i would recommend.... well.... anything that it's resistance is close enough to the other pickups you already have or wish to use.
^But shouldn't you have a fairly good sound card to use the advanced programs such as Cubase? What sound card does your comp have (and could you tell me how I'd go about checking what my sound card is also? :p)

No, you needn't have a special soundcard to use cubase. You must have much space on your HD and your Laptop shoudn't be a slow bitch, too.
I bought the "M-audio Delta audiophile 24/96" a few years ago and I'm still satisfied. Imo it's absolutely enough for homerecording but there are some other cards in the same pricerange you should check out.

I would tell you how to look up your Soundcard, but I don't know all the english windows-terms, sorry.
thats a good question and only you can really answer this question.
you can go and measure the output voltage and resistance of each pickups that you will ever find or choose but it wont bring much, the most important thing in the end is how it sounds.
you can combine every pickup in any combination and every pickup.
the beauty of YJM is that its a humbucker actually, it has a dummy coil in it to cancel the hum yet only one coil is active to produce sound.
which allows you to treat it as a normal humbucker in your wiring on your pickup switch configuration.

usually the wiring for hss or hhs goes that one of the humbuckers get splited in the 4th position of the switch to provide a dummy or another coil for hum canceling.

if you already have some pickup on your mind or have on to experiment with go a head, if you will get one pickup more loud then the other one simply adjust the hight of it lower and the or make the humbucker higher.

what pickup i would recommend.... well.... anything that it's resistance is close enough to the other pickups you already have or wish to use.

Yeah, i'll look into it and read up on pickups, thanks!
^well not so much :zombie: as this one

those are also :zombie: but slightly better



Just noticed a problem which keeps bugging me everytime I play guitar...
When I like play a note from some frets on some strings, and then just raise my finger, it keeps like ringing from some frets/strings. I tried it many times with different ways by playing the note/placing my finger, but it does still the same thing... Which matter would cause this/how can I fix it?
^Don't play too sounds like its ordinary sloppiness. Also palm muting helps...i don't know what you mean now...more specific?
^Don't play too sounds like its ordinary sloppiness. Also palm muting helps...i don't know what you mean now...more specific?

I play @ 30BPM speed OK....???? I mean whatever I'm playing, on specific strings on some frets, it keeps like ringing even when I pull off my finger, even as lightly as I'm able to it keeps ringing... Get what I mean?
hey does anyone herehave any expereince with the moser guitars?, I'm curious about the ones around 1000 dollars.
I play @ 30BPM speed OK....???? I mean whatever I'm playing, on specific strings on some frets, it keeps like ringing even when I pull off my finger, even as lightly as I'm able to it keeps ringing... Get what I mean?

Its called "Natural Harmonics"

Only practice will get you to make them mute after picking the notes that have them, i don't know any particular trick at all, it just, came naturally after playing lots and lots and lots.