Guitar Player's Thread

Yeah I've decided that when I next get paid I'm gonna buy one of these


And slap A Dimarzio Air Norton and PAF Pro in it.

Then I'll use my washburn for chunky downtuned stuff.

And my old shitty Ibanez will simply be a beater.
get the xt, the x3, still being a new product, has many bugs and problems with it. Plus the sounds on the xt just dominate the sounds on the x3.
Anyone own a B52 AT-100 half stack that can compare it to a Line 6 150W Half Stack. The B52 its about $400 more but it is all tube so can anyone give me an insight on which i should choose?
Yes, no problem. But I can only send you the whole real book, because I don't have Donna Lee as a single page and I don't know how to cut one page from a .pdf document. Do you want to have it via msn or icq?
msn would be good. what time will you be on? I don't think I'll be on again till Wednesday. Let me know a good time for you, then we'll figure out our time difference.

I used it some days and was really satisfied (I posted the Children of Decadence intro some days ago with the funny synth-sound). But there was no power supply included and I have to spend my money on food and rent instead of batteries or strings or anything else :cry: So I ended up with the V-Amp again until I have the cash to pay a power supply for the Pandora.
ohhh that kinda sucks about the power adapter. Just out of curiosity, why didn't you go for a pod?

Pђoenix;6862972 said:
Oh, well balls to my question then.
:lol: don't worry, Squee thought it was black too.

Finished it off now, i think it's better than my last song and it only took just over a day to finish compared with a month for Starnight Rider :lol:
nicely done. But now you should make a recording of it :p
msn would be good. what time will you be on? I don't think I'll be on again till Wednesday. Let me know a good time for you, then we'll figure out our time difference.
I uploaded it on rapidshare, that makes things easier. The password is "donnalee" (if WinRar asks).
The link:

ohhh that kinda sucks about the power adapter. Just out of curiosity, why didn't you go for a pod?
It was a christmas present from my parents and the POD is much more expensive. And the other reason is that I wanted a little multi fx which I can take with me. I have a guitar lying around at my girlfriend's place, so I can play there too (What actually never happens because she doesn't allow it.).

The last reason is that I liked the sounds I heard from Vai and Mitch (Did Marc ever record something with it?)
I want to ask you guitar players, keyboard players (if you have/know about keytars) and all stringed instruments players (join this thread bass players, :lol:, the more we are the better it gets) something: do you use/have used/think are worth the price the strap lockers like the ones Alexi uses(meaning those that you need to remove the original strap support to put this)?
Strap locks are good, if you like doing crazy shit on stage. Personally, I don't use them because I don't do crazy shit and would see no real point in buying straplocks as I have no problems with my strap detaching. Of course it's totally up to you and if you do get them you'll have that extra assurance your guitar won't drop.
The thing that is making me doubt most is that maybe they don't fit in the hard case, because they're bigger than the usual strap supports and the Rhoads has one on the back, so it could increase the height of the neck joint and make difficult/ to close the case. Could this happen? Guitar Jackson RR24 and hard case Multi-fit Jackson for Kelly, RR, King V and Warrior.
Terrific! Do you have eight other songs completed as well? Are you composing a Guitar Pro album? :lol:

:D I've finished 2 pretty much entirely (incl. lyrics), another 2 are almost done.. and like 7 others are in progress. I'm in no hurry though, cause i always find things to change/improve over time (as i get better) but yeah... trying to write a full album.
:D I've finished 2 pretty much entirely (incl. lyrics), another 2 are almost done.. and like 7 others are in progress. I'm in no hurry though, cause i always find things to change/improve over time (as i get better) but yeah... trying to write a full album.

I'm quite impressed, I wish I was able to arrange parts for ALL instruments. Just by doing this process I bet you are improving at guitar. And of course a musician is always trying to find ways to improve and revise.

"A painting is never finished - it simply stops in interesting places." -Paul Gardner