Guitar Player's Thread

Thanks! I'll check them out when I've got money. I can always go back to the original ones, :lol:

mabye if the screw is tight enough, but trust me it will be fine, and the holders can act as normal strap holders as well. don't have like 12 dollars?
Castellon, the upper part of Valencian Comunity (Comunities are like parts of the country that have some sort of own government, which depends on the national government for big decisions but handles alone the small ones). Just under Catalonia. Why?

Location (painted in pink)

Castellon, the upper part of Valencian Comunity (Comunities are like parts of the country that have some sort of own government, which depends on the national government for big decisions but handles alone the small ones). Just under Catalonia. Why?

Location (painted in pink)


My dad's from Spain, so half of my relatives live in Sevilla. They're actually from Madrid, but they moved to Sevilla shortly before he moved to Sweden.
:lol: Dunno what thoughts you have about Spain, but form an insider: we're a lameass country, :lol:

-Politicians are influenced even by football teams, :lol:
-We use the publuc money to make a Formula 1 circuit instead of reapairing damaged roads/buldings, other basic stuff...
-Most of the people in Spain just know spanish and refuse to learn any other language because they think spanish is strnon enough to go arond the world
-Football is considered culture in here
-Half of the populations still belives, after 40 years of democracy, that we were ''better before'' when this before is a dictatorial state where you could be shot for having long hair(obviously if you were a guy), being homosexual or thinking contrary to the dictator
-Metal is seen as an illnes by sooooo much people
-We've not got a damn good metal band (Avulsed, but have any of you heard of them?)
-We're world champions at hockey, handball and basketball among other sports but have a lameass national football team but football still gets 90% of the sports time and is the major sport of the country

And I could go longer and longer, but these are the most common ones, :lol:

So Marc, be grateful your parents moved to Sweeden.

BTW, Marc lo eligió tu padre?? Es muy común por aqui tu nombre, :lol: Y otra cosa, tu padre es español? Y de donde le viene el apellido Carlson? (es así no???:lol:)
:lol: Dunno what thoughts you have about Spain, but form an insider: we're a lameass country, :lol:

-Politicians are influenced even by football teams, :lol:
-We use the publuc money to make a Formula 1 circuit instead of reapairing damaged roads/buldings, other basic stuff...
-Most of the people in Spain just know spanish and refuse to learn any other language because they think spanish is strnon enough to go arond the world
-Football is considered culture in here
-Half of the populations still belives, after 40 years of democracy, that we were ''better before'' when this before is a dictatorial state where you could be shot for having long hair(obviously if you were a guy), being homosexual or thinking contrary to the dictator
-Metal is seen as an illnes by sooooo much people
-We've not got a damn good metal band (Avulsed, but have any of you heard of them?)
-We're world champions at hockey, handball and basketball among other sports but have a lameass national football team but football still gets 90% of the sports time and is the major sport of the country

And I could go longer and longer, but these are the most common ones, :lol:

So Marc, be grateful your parents moved to Sweeden.

I actually know all that, i spent 3 months in spain this past summer. It's quite sad about the language, but your english is really good actually, i would've never though of you as a spanish guy until you mentioned it :lol:

BTW, Marc lo eligió tu padre?? Es muy común por aqui tu nombre, :lol: Y otra cosa, tu padre es español? Y de donde le viene el apellido Carlson? (es así no???:lol:)

My written spanish is actually quite bad, i basically just write out how i think the words are spelled. :lol:

Mis padres se habian decidido en Marc, pero luego, mi padre lo cambio a Marcos, pero nadie me llama Marcos, asi que todos el coreo que viene díce Marc. Mi madre es de Suecia y por eso tengo e apellido Carlsson, un nombre tan coriente como Rodriguez en España (que es mi apellido segundo). Mi padre es Español, nacido en Madrid.
:lol: Dunno what thoughts you have about Spain, but form an insider: we're a lameass country, :lol:

-Politicians are influenced even by football teams, :lol:
-We use the publuc money to make a Formula 1 circuit instead of reapairing damaged roads/buldings, other basic stuff...
-Most of the people in Spain just know spanish and refuse to learn any other language because they think spanish is strnon enough to go arond the world
-Football is considered culture in here
-Half of the populations still belives, after 40 years of democracy, that we were ''better before'' when this before is a dictatorial state where you could be shot for having long hair(obviously if you were a guy), being homosexual or thinking contrary to the dictator
-Metal is seen as an illnes by sooooo much people
-We've not got a damn good metal band (Avulsed, but have any of you heard of them?)
-We're world champions at hockey, handball and basketball among other sports but have a lameass national football team but football still gets 90% of the sports time and is the major sport of the country

And I could go longer and longer, but these are the most common ones, :lol:

don't worry dude, many countries have a similar behaviour

i'm living in Brasil, so i can totaly relate with what you said :lol: :erk:
It's just exhasperating sometimes, :lol:

^^So in Sweden it's not necesarily your father's surname the one that makes your first? Here in Spain (another example of how reatrded we are as a country) this doesn't happen unless the father is nowhere to be found / the children when grows up doesn't want his father's surname and goes to I don't know exactly where and changes it.
It's just exhasperating sometimes, :lol:

^^So in Sweden it's not necesarily your father's surname the one that makes your first? Here in Spain (another example of how reatrded we are as a country) this doesn't happen unless the father is nowhere to be found / the children when grows up doesn't want his father's surname and goes to I don't know exactly where and changes it.

Actually, most people in Sweden only have one last name, i use both, depending on the occasion :lol:

Let's not drag this thread further into the cobot offtopicness, some post something guitar-ee!
Yeah, that's the same case all around the world I think. I'm fucking bored of politics, the only fucking thing we hear here is about the Canada/Quebec conflict about the independance of the Quebec, that was the main subject for the past 30 years, and we aren't near a conclusion about that.

All the politician seems like big faggot, they are incapable of anything, they can't even say why they are doing a thing instead of another thing, not to talk about the poeple who lives here, ahhhhh anyway :lol:
You're right, :lol:

I think we totally ignored a post by Altitudes with soething guitar related last page (or was it in Tab Thread?).

EDIT: Not Altitudes, but Inhe, :lol: Nice vid and nice Jem (as always, :lol: Imust get one some day, :kickass:)

EDIT 2: Here you go, there's the post.

Don't pay attention to the nakedness, some sloppy parts though, but it keeps the thread alive!
Hm. My teachers kind of begged me to play something at the end of the year, and I'm not sure if I want to do something alone or with a band =/.

Could anyone recommend something instrumental (guitar-wise) that I could play, that wouldn't necessarily bore people to death :p.
Band things could be cool, something that could get people going, have fun while listening to the song..

Thanks :D.
Hm. My teachers kind of begged me to play something at the end of the year, and I'm not sure if I want to do something alone or with a band =/.

Could anyone recommend something instrumental (guild-wise) that I could play, that wouldn't necessarily bore people to death :p.
Band things could be cool, something that could get people going, have fun while listening to the song..

Thanks :D.

Acoustic duets, like some Sinergy songs, aren't too hard to pull off, and sound really cool aswell.