Guitar Player's Thread

Why does he have to play it soo fast? He's a really cool person, and can write some cool songs aswell, but his tone and soloing is just so bleeh.
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Why does he have to play it soo fast? He's a really cool person, and can write some cool songs aswell, but his tone and soloing is just so bleeh.

he plays so fast you cant even hear the notes for it to sound phrygian or make sense of it any other way anyways.

Rusty Cooley, you suck fucking dick at being musical and are a deuchebag idiot for actually putting that much time and effort into being able to do what you do

Hm. My teachers kind of begged me to play something at the end of the year, and I'm not sure if I want to do something alone or with a band =/.

Could anyone recommend something instrumental (guitar-wise) that I could play, that wouldn't necessarily bore people to death :p.
Band things could be cool, something that could get people going, have fun while listening to the song..

Thanks :D.

Anything off of GOOMY. The echo song isn't that difficult and sounds freakin' awesome! Although you'll need DD. Teh Curse is incredibly fun to play as well.
he plays so fast you cant even hear the notes for it to sound phrygian or make sense of it any other way anyways.

Rusty Cooley, you suck fucking dick at being musical and are a deuchebag idiot for actually putting that much time and effort into being able to do what you do

shut up.
So that you cant play it :lol:

nah, its pretty impressive, but thats all. I was impressed by the fact that it was all alternate picking, i thought there was atleast ONE little hammeron somewhere :lol:

Amazing speed and accuracy, but sucky tone and well, it was just shredding that sounded awkward :p

Actually, it's not that accurate.
-Most of the people in Spain just know spanish and refuse to learn any other language because they think spanish is strnon enough to go arond the world

Too fukken tr00 :erk: I had many times people coming @ me starting to explain furiously sth bout something with spanish and I couldnt understand shit.. And all of those ppl were atleast 25+ .
^Thats what I was complaining about, :lol: I just fucking hate my country. English is not that difficult, and becomes very useful when travelling. I hope I can visit Finland some day and be sure that if we met on the way, I won't start screaming in spanish, :lol:

WARNING: Following part in catalàn (my mother tongue) just to answer rayden_ad, skip it :lol:

També parles valencià ? :D

Meh, això no existeix, i mira que jo vinc d'allà noi, que soc de Castelló, pero es un invent per a ganyar vots e intentar separar dues comunitats, :lol:
El català es la llengua originària i d'on venen la resta de variants, inclosa la que jo parle, per més que visque a la Comunitat Valenciana(i bé que em fot, :lol:). Dubto que l'Inhe en parli perque els seus familiars sons de Sevilla i Madrid, i per allà de català i valencià poc, es com parlar-ne de l'anticristo, :lol:. De totes maneres no parlem més del tema que no te res a veure amb el Guitar Player's Thread i sol ho entendrem tu i jo, :lol:
^Thats what I was complaining about, :lol: I just fucking hate my country. English is not that difficult, and becomes very useful when travelling. I hope I can visit Finland some day and be sure that if we met on the way, I won't start screaming in spanish, :lol:

Dubto que l'Inhe en parli perque els seus familiars sons de Sevilla i Madrid, i per allà de català i valencià poc, es com parlar-ne de l'anticristo, :lol:.

No se hablar lo, pero entiendo el mayor parte :cool: