Guitar Player's Thread

^Thats what I was complaining about, :lol: I just fucking hate my country. English is not that difficult, and becomes very useful when travelling. I hope I can visit Finland some day and be sure that if we met on the way, I won't start screaming in spanish, :lol:

WARNING: Following part in catalàn (my mother tongue) just to answer rayden_ad, skip it :lol:

Meh, això no existeix, i mira que jo vinc d'allà noi, que soc de Castelló, pero es un invent per a ganyar vots e intentar separar dues comunitats, :lol:
El català es la llengua originària i d'on venen la resta de variants, inclosa la que jo parle, per més que visque a la Comunitat Valenciana(i bé que em fot, :lol:). Dubto que l'Inhe en parli perque els seus familiars sons de Sevilla i Madrid, i per allà de català i valencià poc, es com parlar-ne de l'anticristo, :lol:. De totes maneres no parlem més del tema que no te res a veure amb el Guitar Player's Thread i sol ho entendrem tu i jo, :lol:

jajaja de fet he dit valencià per no ofendre a ningú,

Hey sorry if this has been posted already, but does anyone have much experience with Digidesign's Mbox 2 Mini? I recently got one with Pro Tools L.E 7.4, but I'm having some trouble recording. Can anyone give me some quick tips? It would me greatly appreciated.
jajaja de fet he dit valencià per no ofendre a ningú,


Tu posa català que es el genèric si vols no ofendre, XD. No m'has ofés, pero jo soc valencià perque m'ha tocat per lloc de naixemente, pero no m'hi sento pas orgullós d'una comunitat que intenta tirar per terra el que no pot ser tirat per terra: el català el van portar aqui els catalans quan Jaume I va reconquerir la zona, i am el temps ha evolucionat en el dialecte valencià, i això es el que no volen els valencians, XD. No contestis ja açí, si vols res més envia'm un Private Message que funcionen molt bé, XD, que no vull fer spam a l'únic thread llimpio del foro, XD.

About other languages topic:I know that I was the one who started the whole thing talking with Inhe in spanish, but I don't want to spam GP thread (the only ''clean'' thread in COBOT) with that, so if you're interested in continuing to discuss, let's just make another threat. Tell me if you want and I'll create it.

lol wtf is with the random languages?

Just some messing and some exchange, but we've cut this out I think. My answer should be the last one, :lol: In fact Eli's post was kind of random (she saw different languages and posted in italian, and then people started wondering about languages), but the ones in spanish were just a question Inhe asked me. My warning (it's on the previous page I think, a red warning logo, :lol:) didn't work and it didn't stop. If this post is not the last I'll suggest to move to another thread, because I don't wana ruin GP thread with that, :lol:
Holy Fuckin shit! The package containing some cables,picks,OD pedal and MXR 10 band Equalizer is in Finland :cool:I might be getting it on Monday..fuckin swheeeet! I have a question MUCH difference does the MXR make? I would have liked to try one out but local musicshops are utter bullshit :lol: THey only have metalzones!
a lot. its fucking amazing how much you can change/shape your tone

Cool! I mainly want to compress my low end and get a more brootal tone overall since Randall just lacks the compression. If i turn bass up it will just go muddy and "loose" i can play with bass at half and then its still tolerable but id like to have this good chunk in it. Yeah i hope its good. Im going to put it in the FX loop.
Hate me!

don't nag about the quality, cause I've recorded it with my headphones...^^
The quality is not THAT shit, it's ok according to your possibilities. The playing is really good dude, especially during the solo spots. The only thing I would really improve is the timing in the prechorus-thing - esp. right before the first solo and around 04:30-04:35. But that should be very easy for you.

Cool stuff, I just wish that your tone would be better.
Cool! I mainly want to compress my low end and get a more brootal tone overall since Randall just lacks the compression. If i turn bass up it will just go muddy and "loose" i can play with bass at half and then its still tolerable but id like to have this good chunk in it. Yeah i hope its good. Im going to put it in the FX loop.

The equalizer won't substitute the compressor. I'm pretty shure that you use the word "compression" in a wrong way.
The equalizer won't substitute the compressor. I'm pretty shure that you use the word "compression" in a wrong way.

Yeah it could be man. I really just dont want that muddy bass. i just want a more consistent. I don't really need a compressor...something in between and something to have full control over my tone with(EQ). I really loved playing with OD too when i had the tubescreamer borrowed so i got that one too. It just doesn't get tight enough and too much breakup so then it needs something else. Let's see when i get it. I will give a full review of its awesomeness then. Im sure its still a necessary thing for me now to nail my tone.
No thats true...i play with Randall at home but my tool at home is almost always the peavey combo(Sucks for lead playing though...needs a pedal). The MXR is a bit pricey though but it seems really worth it! Im glad i ordered it.
Just got back from NAMM. Man was it awesome. A very amazing experience. I will post the photos asap.
I wasn't able to film anything, but I took loads of pictures. And I didn't get to see the laiho/warman clinic.
K, get ready for mega photo post!




Trying out a kickass EB/MM JP7

Then I took a trip to the Ibanez booth to lol at the sigs


that's my friend haha


Some new 24 fret S Series models






Ernie Balls

We then went to the Dean booth

Dime's Original Guitars, lol at the signs



Rusty's sig


My hand never touched the body once

Then we went to the Vigier booth


The lord


Ron Thal sniffing some mints


Ill put the rest in another post
Here are the rest






Mattias at the Laney Amps booth, wasn't a clinic, he was just jamming


Funniest Swedish Viking I have ever met

He said he would be doing a clinic later at 1pm (It was about 11:55 am at that time), but he left before I found out where. Then I noticed the Loomis Clinic was starting in 5 MINUTES! OH SHIT. So I ran as fast as I could to the schecter booth and got there just in time.


He started by shredding through a few Nevermore tunes which were, if I can remember.
This Godless Endeavor
The River Dragon Has Come
Psalm Of Lydia
and a couple others




And btw, he used a PODxt with an Ibanez Tubescreamer I think TS08


He ended the clinic with a new extended version of the Untitled song on his website, supposedly for his upcoming solo album!!!



We wandered about for 15 minutes, then out of pure luck I came across Mattias setting up for his clinic! So we took our seats and the show began



A true display of homebrewed viking powers

