Guitar Player's Thread

Seriously cool pics, please post more if you have any! I bet that Dean RC7 was awesome?

EDIT: Saw that you updated with new pics!

Mattias is an awesome guy, i sat through i clinic with him at my local guitar shop once, and i'll assure you that he's even funnier that normal in swedish :lol: It's cool that you got to meet Paul aswell!
Fuck Yeah! :headbang: :kickass: It looks like you had a great time. Mattias is the most down to earth and funniest guy ever :lol: Cool that you got to meet Paul and Jeff and play some new guitars.

Nice shirt btw ;) I just ordered the same one.
i do, whats the problem

Well, I am just having a problem with the whole recording concept. So far I can record clean guitar and that's all. My mate said he has another program to add in distortion and shit onto the track as a plugin, but I'm not sure. Am I better off trying to record via effects pedal of what? Cause I'm tripping. I got all this other random software with Pro Tools, but none of it is the full version and I need to sign upto all these different sites to get the full version.

Did you have msn so we can talk about this more?
I really wanted to, but no one knew where it was. Plus I was fucking tired as shit haha, walking for about 7 hours straight is tiring.
yeah, like me :p
and what chameleon was it? the blue one right? cuz i can definitely see some sparkly color to it, so it can't be the black one...

and awesome pics btw. but if it were me, I wouldn't give 2 shits how tired I was, I would of made sure to meet Alexi! haha.
hey there is a couple vids on youtube of alexi and janne at namm and more just search namm alexi
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FUCKKKKK. I wish i was there!!!!! :cry:

question: what client do you guys use to download torrents? I've been using Azureus but it's been causing me problems lately.