Guitar Player's Thread

Hey Kevin, I was looking through my gp files and I have a .rar file of some of your songs that you uploaded a few months back. I'll upload them for you when your computer gets fixed.

I don't think you saw this. Is your pc fixed?

yeah, why the fuck didn't you go mr. socal :lol:

I live in the mountains of NORCAL, I'm not a city boy! :lol:

I wouldn't want a band's name on my guitar, even if it was my own band.

I wouldn't either.

Same performance as before, better view/angle.
Pђoenix;6884034 said:
^ Agreed!! It's one of my all time favourites. Imo everything just works so well; matt black, 7 string, phagist inlay, ebony FB, black hardware etc.

Indeed. And I for one really like the inlays. If that was my band, I'd be proud to have the name on my guitar.
It's awesome, but his skater shoes suck :lol:

lol, I'm watching the GOOMY Instructional DVD right now.
Paul (with his typical sense of humor): "Isn't it nice when licks repeat themselves? You have only half as much to learn!"
:lol: I literally laughed out loud at this. yes, i'm a dork but Paul's great :loco:
Well, I am just having a problem with the whole recording concept. So far I can record clean guitar and that's all. My mate said he has another program to add in distortion and shit onto the track as a plugin, but I'm not sure. Am I better off trying to record via effects pedal of what? Cause I'm tripping. I got all this other random software with Pro Tools, but none of it is the full version and I need to sign upto all these different sites to get the full version.

Did you have msn so we can talk about this more?[/QUOTE

no i dont have msn. dude pro tools LE should have this thing called "amplitude" that comes with it. play around or google it. you can change your tone and what not.

hey guyz
need ya help
im getting a half stack soon and i wanted to hear your opinions towards the epiphone social50 head
i thought it was pretty nice cuz i could use it even at home cuz it has a mode to switch down the 50 watts to 25...
if u don't like it reeommend me some other good heads +cabs plz knthxbai

1) i wouldnt trust epiphone
2)50 watts is not a lot, and even though that switch is nifty. there are a ton of better amps that have that as well so its not amazing

how much is your budget anyways? because i know a shitload about heads/cabs. and what are you looking for tonally anyways?

Pђoenix;6884034 said:
^ Agreed!! It's one of my all time favourites. Imo everything just works so well; matt black, 7 string, phagist inlay, ebony FB, black hardware etc.


wow that pic got around fast. my friend took that at the SS show back in june
I don't think you saw this. Is your pc fixed?

Is it a .rar with MIDI or MP3? If it's MP3 I already got it on shared.

If it's MIDI, is it only Norfmentis song, like 15 midi song, the .rar would be Norfmentis - Raven's path. If it's this, I don't really need them, they are not really important.

But if it's a rar with random MIDI song and GP files, then it may be interesting.

And no my PC isn't fixed, I'm waiting for my new HD. Then I'll need to find a way to transfer files from my first HD to my new, anyway.
I got to ask when my Randall goes a bit muddy can it really be the fuckin tubes? how do i even know my tubes are finished? Or is it my CHeapass behringer cab? Seriously this shit is starting to piss me off bigtime :lol: I hope the EQ makes it sound better though.

if you had tight playing then the amp wouldnt sound that muddy. : )
I have a few i need a half/full stack if i have a processor...and whats the use of the stacks except for the output if i have a processor...and why do u need mics and speakers when u have cabinets..please enlighten me...
I got to ask when my Randall goes a bit muddy can it really be the fuckin tubes? how do i even know my tubes are finished? Or is it my CHeapass behringer cab? Seriously this shit is starting to piss me off bigtime :lol: I hope the EQ makes it sound better though.
Okay man, if you're not already. Get some thick picks like Jazz 3's and use just a little bit of the pick so the strings get struck hard and clear. And watch where your right hand posistion is, try and get it as close to the bridge as possible to get tighter palm mutes, the closer you move to the neck to palm mute, the muddier/less tight it sounds. What pickups are you using?

And well dude, some amps are just muddy no matter how tight you can play. I used to use a Marshall 30 but the thing is so muddy without like a distortion pedal with it. (Though I always played not so good guitars with it, but I'm getting a new guitar soon so I'll see if it still sounds muddy, haven't touched it since I got a Vamp2 to practise with)

The only thing you can do is try it with a distortion pedal or a EQ or something, If that doesn't help, just ditch the head man and get something else. And yeah I'd def look into getting a new cab. Get like a Randall cab with V30's or something, or a Marshall cab (You can go ENGL and Bogner and stuff but they are expensive, probably better though.). Cab can make a huge difference. Getting a new cab might actually solve your problem with an EQ. If not, new head time :)
I use Jazz 3s and my playing is tight enough IMO because on different amps it does not sound bad. It does not sound muddy on my peavey combo so that is WHY i suspect the tubes. Yeah id like to try new tubes but it would suck to buy tubes for nothing(rather expensive in Finland and especially if you can't swap them and bias them yourself). They ain't free ya know. I try to write all i can about it to solve it. Well EQ will arrive today or tomorrow and i will hopefully get it solved. I know its not my playing when it does not sound like that on different amps. Well i dunno. If EQ does not work that good i guess ill try new tubes. Im using EMG 81 and im complete n00b in amps so i ask for that reason. It does not sound FULL OUT bad but it has pretty muddy low end thats what i don't like. I might use wrong terms but yeah. Thanks for the help so far though. I just didn't expect my amp to sound muddy especially when its a tube amp. If i turn up mids(Like shredtastical adviced me to before) it gets even muddier but thats logical i guess....we will see.

EDIT: Sorry for long post but im getting really frustrated by this shit. I hope it will solve soon but w/e

BTW. Nice pics from NAMM. Very nice.