Guitar Player's Thread

*emptifiers post...i suck at posting replies with quotes :lol:*

so my budget is ca 1100€for cab and head
i wanted typical bodomish sound(yah plz fanboi haters:*insert bash here plz)
i have to say that epiphone is sounding pretty awesome but if u have got any other suggestons shoot them plz

I suggest some nice Randall G3 series (mine was >600€ head+cab, and head is a 150W tube poweramp, Mosfet preamp, and Cab a 300W with four Celestion speakers) because for the price they have they are awesome. Also a Peavey Valveking can be good too (it's an all tube 100W head for less than 500€, so you could get a nice cab too with it.

Randall RH150 G3 Head
Randall RA412XC Cab
Peavey Valveking VK100 Head
ENGL Std E412SS Standard cab

Musik Produktiv works great, and they delive withouth problems. I ordered my RR24 from them and it was just a week waiting, and I'm in Spain, way longer distance than you. You can also try Music Store or Thomann, they are both really good. I have personally ordered nothign from Thomann, but I got the hard case for the RR from Music Store, and it was 5 days and with no problems.
Yeah, I have the 150 W version, and I must say that when we were two guitars in my band, I used to play straigth from the head. Now the other has left and as I need some echo and that shit for solos I use my pedalboard, but it's a pretty good head, and even more when you look at the price. There's not many heads for that price that work like that one.
I suggest some nice Randall G3 series (mine was >600€ head+cab, and head is a 150W tube poweramp, Mosfet preamp, and Cab a 300W with four Celestion speakers) because for the price they have they are awesome. Also a Peavey Valveking can be good too (it's an all tube 100W head for less than 500€, so you could get a nice cab too with it.

Randall RH150 G3 Head
Randall RA412XC Cab
Peavey Valveking VK100 Head
ENGL Std E412SS Standard cab

Musik Produktiv works great, and they delive withouth problems. I ordered my RR24 from them and it was just a week waiting, and I'm in Spain, way longer distance than you. You can also try Music Store or Thomann, they are both really good. I have personally ordered nothign from Thomann, but I got the hard case for the RR from Music Store, and it was 5 days and with no problems.

thx (and all the others!) but i need to disagree in one point with u...most ppl overrate valvekng a lot...a good buddy owns it and it's nothing which can rly take u to a "more professional" level...sound quality is good but not that i guess i'll look up for that two randalls u recommended and i guess a 2x12 speaker will do for the beginning :D thx again!

EDIT: btw what do u think of ENGL Thunderhead? That one looks pretty sweet to me...
If my memory serves me correctly, you were the one who first posted that pic in this thread.

yup :)

I have a few i need a half/full stack if i have a processor...and whats the use of the stacks except for the output if i have a processor...and why do u need mics and speakers when u have cabinets..please enlighten me...

what type of processor do you have? and a lot of times heads are gonna give way better tone then a processor because there "true" tube or SS. output yes, but nowadays amps have way more flexibility and tons of features so its like a head + a processor. and mics/speakers are for recording/playing live. when your playing in a venue you need to think of the acoustics/space etc. so the "house" (nickname for venue) will have mics/moniters. so someone will run up there once your ready with all your shit and place a mic in front of your amp or cabinet. a really good place for maximum tone is the outer edges of the cone. and that runs through into the moniters which are controlled by the sound guy. so you can have yourself in one moniter, or be running all across. hope that helps!

I use Jazz 3s and my playing is tight enough IMO because on different amps it does not sound bad. It does not sound muddy on my peavey combo so that is WHY i suspect the tubes. Yeah id like to try new tubes but it would suck to buy tubes for nothing(rather expensive in Finland and especially if you can't swap them and bias them yourself). They ain't free ya know. I try to write all i can about it to solve it. Well EQ will arrive today or tomorrow and i will hopefully get it solved. I know its not my playing when it does not sound like that on different amps. Well i dunno. If EQ does not work that good i guess ill try new tubes. Im using EMG 81 and im complete n00b in amps so i ask for that reason. It does not sound FULL OUT bad but it has pretty muddy low end thats what i don't like. I might use wrong terms but yeah. Thanks for the help so far though. I just didn't expect my amp to sound muddy especially when its a tube amp. If i turn up mids(Like shredtastical adviced me to before) it gets even muddier but thats logical i guess....we will see.

EDIT: Sorry for long post but im getting really frustrated by this shit. I hope it will solve soon but w/e

BTW. Nice pics from NAMM. Very nice.

dude, make a video of the "muddiness" your describing.
Sorry Inhe! I was at Uni this morning and no speakers/headphones input and most important: not GP, :lol:

It's funny, and would definitely be cool to see played live, :lol::lol::lol:

EDIT: :lol::lol::lol: I was reading Kim and Alexi's track atack at SOB when I read this (song Renegade by Hammerfall)

Alexi said:
....Various stuff referring the song.....
And BTW, the gutarist who played the main lick/riff on ''The Way Of The Warrior'', if you're as true metal as you say why don't you be a ''warrior'' and pick all the notes on the riff!! Didn't you know that pull-offs are for false metal wimps dude??!!

I lol'd hard at that, :lol:

PD: Fucking Scythes Of Bodom, you cant copypaste, you have to write down what you want from there...

ok lets just make a run down of heads first

thunder- it's pretty awesome. gives good tone. it really is "less is more" not a lot of options but awesome tone. IMO a little expensive. and you can get a lot better for the price

fireball: obviously a lot of good talk about this thing. awesome tone, cleans are great. unfortunately its only a single eq for each channel. idk if that matters to you. its hard to get for me at least. but im in the u.s.


valveking: like you said its alright but not the greatest. it defiently wasnt made for extreme metal, and you would need a dist. pedal to get good "brootal" tones. (PLAYED)

6505+: fucking awesome amp. it really blows away a lot of amps. a shit load of distortion. you will never need that much :lol: fucking great amp, the bass response is fucking amazing. no qualms about this baby. (PLAYED)

Line 6:

spidervalve head: wow. this thing IMO is fucking amazing for all types of music. it has so many fucking features its insane its only 800 bucks. i can get the most amazing cleans and then switch and start playing cannibal corpse. all around great amp (PLAYED)

hd147: i think this amp is pretty good. but it reminds me of the "digital/fake" sound that line6 is usually associated with. especially with its spider series. its certainly a step up but not worth the money. it is a nice amp though (PLAYED)


v3: this thing is fuckin awesome. it has some really great bluesy cleans and has tons of gain. a lot of headroom to. really nice price, tons of features as well. (PLAYED)

legacy: this baby is really fucking nice for soloing definetly. some of the best tones for solo's. but it really doesnt have tons of gain. its a really nice amp for soloing. but for metal, it seems like a 70/80's hard rock amp (PLAYED)


they havn't come out yet in america at least. but maybe you can grab one wherever you are

6202: obviously this company is pretty much a "rip-off" of peavey. but i've heard clips and it emulates the classic 5150 tone but adds its own flavor. and the price is fucking awesome

333xl: WOAH. lots of options with this thing. 3 channel, sep. eq for all of them. you can go from blues crunch to blistering metal

Genz Genz:

El Diablo 100: well it gave really nice rhythm but it was hard to get a nice lead sound. it sounded very...idk how to explain it. it was a good amp, but i just didnt have time to dial in a right tone. (PLAYED)


randall v2: fucking amazing amp. i love the 6 band eq. you can really dial in a lot of different tones. i could defiently tell why michael ammott uses it. (PLAYED)

honorable head mentions:

peavey jsx, xxl, xxx: all good amps. i like the xxx the best. i really didnt like the jsx at all. i've heard you can get really nice metal tones out of it, but from what i was doing with it, it really didn't give me much of anything. and week after week my other guitarist in my band brings his and i always hate it.

randall v2: fucking amazing amp. i love the 6 band eq. you can really dial in a lot of different tones. i could defiently tell why michael ammott uses it.

the heads that i havnt played, i know people that i trust that have given me reviews on them


obviously all the stock cabs that go with the head will suit it pretty good, but here are some afterthoughts. i dont feel like giving reviews. sorry

genz benz g-flex 2 x 12
vader 2 x 12 (or 4 x 12)
marshall 1960a cab

hope that helps anyone
hey there is a couple vids on youtube of alexi and janne at namm and more just search namm alexi

haha i'm glad you dudes like the videos :headbang:
i took them with my camera-- sorry that i couldn't take longer clips (my camera has limited storage space for film)...but there'll be a full length video of the jam on the net soon...
also, if you're looking for pics of the alexi/janne jam, i have a few up on my myspace in a photo album:
i hope you like them :)
i have some vids of me playing. i'd like some feedback on it :)

this one is just same stupid little legato thing i came up with this morning and made a vid of. sorry for no shirt!

this next one is just me messing around today on my dean. sorry for a couple wrong bends, i dont usually play in drop c so i forget how much the strings bend with such little effort :(

this one is me doing "that one part" in children of bodoms silent night bodom night. im playing a step higher so im using gp5 as my backing. i think this one is really tight in terms of my playing.