Guitar Player's Thread

Get a Randall Cabinet, they work pretty good. I have one with 4 Celestion speakers and it was less than 400€ but sounds really good. And my head is worse than yours (mine is a G3 series, with tube poweramp but ficking Mosfet preamp, which is not bad compared to my Carslbro but miles away from any all-tube head) and my guitar the same as yours (well, sure that the cooler red inlays will pwn the fanboi yellow ones sond wise :lol::lol::lol::lol: no offence man, just joking, I had ordered it yellow, but came red and I liked it, :lol:), so all in all I think you should at least try a better cab and then decide what you do, but I can't belive that an all-tube head can sound worse than an hybrid one like mine (I seriously doubt that the W differende [yours is 50W if I remember right and mine is 150W] makes any difference sound-wise appart from the level). But before anything, try and use everything the eq can give you, and see if it solves your problem. Keep us informed, because after that much time coplaining about your muddy tone we sure will want to know what the duck happens in the end, :lol:
Get a Randall Cabinet, they work pretty good. I have one with 4 Celestion speakers and it was less than 400€ but sounds really good. And my head is worse than yours (mine is a G3 series, with tube poweramp but ficking Mosfet preamp, which is not bad compared to my Carslbro but miles away from any all-tube head) and my guitar the same as yours (well, sure that the cooler red inlays will pwn the fanboi yellow ones sond wise :lol::lol::lol::lol: no offence man, just joking, I had ordered it yellow, but came red and I liked it, :lol:), so all in all I think you should at least try a better cab and then decide what you do, but I can't belive that an all-tube head can sound worse than an hybrid one like mine (I seriously doubt that the W differende [yours is 50W if I remember right and mine is 150W] makes any difference sound-wise appart from the level). But before anything, try and use everything the eq can give you, and see if it solves your problem. Keep us informed, because after that much time coplaining about your muddy tone we sure will want to know what the duck happens in the end, :lol:
Yeah i vdunno=/ Its just pissing off when you buy a head and it sounds muddy. I hope its ognna get solved. Yeah i think your Jackson Looks pretty awesome too:lol: Yeah ill tell what the difference will be :lol: Sorry for the whining. Ive heard the RH150G3 heads are pretty good. Howdo you like yours? :)
Before you guys start pointing at the Head and calling it muddy, try to get a fucking decent speaker Cab.

Cabs affect your sound A LOT. Buy a really good cab, like this one

If the sound still is muddy, then its your Head. You have nothing to lose, because if you buy a new head for the shitty cab, it will just continue to sound muddy.

I have no idea how cabs affect your sound, but i know they do. When you say "a really good cab", what are you basing this on? That the tone is to your liking or that alot of professionals use it? To draw a paralell to different types of heads: I hate the tone from peavey's or Mesa's, but alot of people like them, so they're not "bad" heads per se, where as on the other hand, i would choose Marshall.

Yeh, no one answered me when I asked about what they'd think about the part of Wrong Side where Devin Townsend soloes on his guitar while singing at the sametime Live.

I remember seeing that, but i didn't have anything to say really, so i just skipped that. :lol: But to answer your question of what i think about it, i don't like his guitar playing, but it's still pretty cool, although not Muhammed Suicmez-cool.
Ok watch his mad solo at 0:17 so you can clearly see how hard it is.:kickass:

Now watch him play it live at 1:00 while fucking SINGING!:zombie:


He plays it again at 3:00
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Before you guys start pointing at the Head and calling it muddy, try to get a fucking decent speaker Cab.

Cabs affect your sound A LOT. Buy a really good cab, like this one

If the sound still is muddy, then its your Head. You have nothing to lose, because if you buy a new head for the shitty cab, it will just continue to sound muddy.

Yeah i guess but why a bass cab? Wouldn't something like a H&K or Randall or even Marshall 1960 cab be better? With Vintage 30 speakers ofcourse.
Ok watch his mad solo at 0:17 so you can clearly see how hard it is.:kickass:

Now watch him play it live at 1:00 while fucking SINGING!:zombie:


He plays it again at 3:00

@Swabs: it aint? i really thought first i actually thought i was viewing a finnish page (Basson kabinetti...:lol:) I read wrong. Are they really that good then?

His tone is pretty nice. Pretty good playing too.

LOL@Hellhounds on my trail at 0:37 :lol: I just found it so comical when i was reading SoB meanwhile.
Thats what i was thinking IF i sometimes give a shot at a new cab but that basson sounded nice :lol:
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I have no idea how cabs affect your sound, but i know they do. When you say "a really good cab", what are you basing this on? That the tone is to your liking or that alot of professionals use it? To draw a paralell to different types of heads: I hate the tone from peavey's or Mesa's, but alot of people like them, so they're not "bad" heads per se, where as on the other hand, i would choose Marshall.

A really good cab = not muddy, as thats what he was complaining about.
For me, clarity is good
*emptifiers post...i suck at posting replies with quotes :lol:*

so my budget is ca 1100€for cab and head
i wanted typical bodomish sound(yah plz fanboi haters:*insert bash here plz)
i have to say that epiphone is sounding pretty awesome but if u have got any other suggestons shoot them plz
^Man just get a Marshall MG :lol::lol: Nah kidding. ENGL maybe....but you know what i think :p
A really good cab = not muddy, as thats what he was complaining about.
For me, clarity is good

Hmmm yeah...lets just see. I aint gigging or anything that actively so i guess i will manage with a EQ and OD pedal the 2 years to come. Then i will "graduate" from school and get money and work that summer so then= CAB TIME :lol: IF i need it.