Guitar Player's Thread

I'm not sure if you understood the question right but... Backing tracks with guitars/drums/bass on them, from actual songs or either just some stuff made for jamming along. I got Technics KN2600 keyboard with USB cable thing, I need a site from which I could dl some backing tracks for it.
i can make backing tracks now its just the guitars that are pissing me off. i got a good sound but the fuckers won't bend a note
Worse case scenerio, instead of getting the RR24 you could ghetto mod an old Jackson RR to a similar style like I did...
I'll admit that does look cool and I don't usually like stickers on guitars.

Anyone know what Conrad Simon used to record the songs on his myspace? I know someone mentioned it a while back but I just can't remember.
Pђoenix;6951475 said:
I'll admit that does look cool and I don't usually like stickers on guitars.

Anyone know what Conrad Simon used to record the songs on his myspace? I know someone mentioned it a while back but I just can't remember.

This is what he told me

Conrad Simon said:
About my sound: All the songs from The Wrath of Con
were recorded on different dates within a 6 year
period, but the method has always been similar though.
I recorded all the songs direct with a really old
Turbo Rat pedal along with a Boss overdrive pedal, no
amp; except for the tiny little mixer I used to EQ my
sound! The guitar I used on all the songs is a cheap
left-handed Yamaha Pacifica which goes for about
$300.00 Canadian.
Pђoenix;6951641 said:
Thanks, thats a pretty cool tone for such a simple setup. I had no idea he was left-handed, unless he's doing JH.

Yeah, it's an awesome tone. He plays most stuff on the bridge pickup aswell.
What's JH? :ill:
"MAB also invented the hairstyle of having it hang in front of you eyes, but the emo subculture stole it from him. As a result, everytime he sees an emo, he punches them in the face with a soundwave"

:lol: Class. Inhe any updates/news with your new song?
Pђoenix;6951717 said:
Inhe any updates/news with your new song?

No not really, i have alof of riffs and ideas written down, but i can't seem to fit them to what i'd like. And then there's the fact that my song writing is limited to my playing ability :lol:
No not really, i have alof of riffs and ideas written down, but i can't seem to fit them to what i'd like. And then there's the fact that my song writing is limited to my playing ability :lol:

Hah, I find that alot to: Almost everything I write is far too advanced for my current abilities.
No not really, i have alof of riffs and ideas written down, but i can't seem to fit them to what i'd like. And then there's the fact that my song writing is limited to my playing ability :lol:

That's exactly why MAB says:

"It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it."

I downloaded Speed Kills 2 today and it's so boring. Nothing good in it at all except that he plays Rain Forest at the beginning.
That's exactly why MAB says:

"It's better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it."

It's true! And if you have "it", you can be as cool as MAB :cool:

I downloaded Speed Kills 2 today and it's so boring. Nothing good in it at all except that he plays Rain Forest at the beginning.

Yeah, it's kinda boring. They (people at MAB forum) say that SK3 is awesome though, but there hasn't been any leak of that one yet.