Guitar Player's Thread

we have a 4 day weekend so if official rules and stuff are posted by then i'll probably participate because i'm bored and need something fun and different. even if its not then, i'll probably still participate anyway.
O.k I'm getting pissed off with my bassist. can someone please answer this. I've tabbed out some gay little acoustic intro we made at practice, (on this tab still missing last bar :lol:) i made up the bass line but on bar 5 on the bass i have put an E (7th fret A string) but he reckons it should be an A which is the tonic. What i have been trying to tell him is that it sounds boring repeating it like in 1st bar and that it sounds more progressive (right word :confused:) with an E. Anyway sorry for the long winded post and i would like to see what note you guys think is better. And by the way this has been going on for 5 days.
:lol: i saw and deleted my post
EDIT: wtf is going on here :lol:
anyway are you sure about the A i still really like the E
A fits best for sure. It also has a better flow to it, it doesn't repeat the same note twice and repeats like the intro/first bar.

Sorry for all my mistakes and deleted posts, I am a tad bit tired.
Isn't that what I said? I meant it doesn't repeat the E note twice and has a better flow because it "loops" to the first bar. Sorry if my typing is jibberish :/

HAHA! Stop deleting your posts! :lol:
:lol: what if i tie it? i can't lose this battle to the bassist because i asked him what type of music do you want to write (as in melo-death etc.) and he said "simple so everyone can enjoy it you know just power chords" and my reaction looked like this :zombie:
Edit: :lol: we are too quick at checking for replies we don't have enough time to edit!
I gave you my two cents, if you tie that E note it disrupts the flow/rhythm into the next bar. I say... A the Awesome Note!

:cry: thanks for your input. do you like the section i named "random riff" and have you started your solo for the jam. i can't make anything that sticks in your head its just shredding:erk:
It reminds me of something off Paul Gilbert's new album, which is good (as for the album itself, GREAT).

As for myself recording, I do not have a functioning guitar and it isn't worth repairing. Everything about it has been so frustrating (fucked up wiring from soldering too much, input jack, worn frets/buzz, inotation (sp?), and overall playability. >8(

That is why I have been playing keyboards since Christmas :erk: Hopefully, I will be getting an RG, but I don't think it will be before the deadline. My pals don't really have spare guitars to lend me either. *pouts*
im still in need of a good guitar soundfont. and about tabbing drums just learn the names of the drum i.e snare thats what i did and then just sort of figure it out :)lol: im not really much help)
Distortion or acoustic? Chances that you'll find a good sounding distorted guitar are slim, they just sound like shit. I've been looking for some great synth string sounfont that would actually work for leads aswell! All the synth strings i've got, have a very slow attack, which doesn't sound good for lead at all.
Distortion or acoustic? Chances that you'll find a good sounding distorted guitar are slim, they just sound like shit. I've been looking for some great synth string sounfont that would actually work for leads aswell! All the synth strings i've got, have a very slow attack, which doesn't sound good for lead at all.

I quite like this program, Cakewalk Studio Instruments. You load the midi, set the tempo and then click record wav. So it's a little different to soundfonts, but the sound is highly realistic, and you can modify attack etc. Probably not what you're asking for there, but it's good none the less :p
As for myself recording, I do not have a functioning guitar and it isn't worth repairing. Everything about it has been so frustrating (fucked up wiring from soldering too much, input jack, worn frets/buzz, inotation (sp?), and overall playability. >8(
I'm sorry... :(

That is why I have been playing keyboards since Christmas :erk: Hopefully, I will be getting an RG, but I don't think it will be before the deadline. My pals don't really have spare guitars to lend me either. *pouts*
Take part in the next forum-jam, please... promise me? Pleeease. :)
Once again I'll just listen to it and not playing. If not having way to record wasn't enough, yesterday I injuried my left arm (shoulder to be accurate) and doctor says it's going to be 2 fucking months of no guitar playing:cry::cry::puke: I'm stupid.
Once again I'll just listen to it and not playing. If not having way to record wasn't enough, yesterday I injuried my left arm (shoulder to be accurate) and doctor says it's going to be 2 fucking months of no guitar playing:cry::cry::puke: I'm stupid.

Holy fuck 2 months! What did you do shatter your shoulder or something? Get well soon man, I know how much it burns not to play guitar for long periods of time.
I landed bad a drop skiing and the tendom that keeps the clavicle and the acromion (the pointed bone on your shoulder) united got broken. So I have got my whole right arm fixed and unable to move for 6 weeks at least and then another two for re-building strength and coordination. It sucks. If I get my sister to take a pic I'll podt it in the ''post a picture of yourself now'' thread. Now I'm off to watch Some Kind Of Monster.

Thanks for caring:D
Oo yuh, snapping a tendon doesnt really hurt but takes an incredibly long time to heal my finger still isn't fully healed, and I don't think it ever will be. Lucky you didn't break your collar bone though (clavicle) that really does fucking hurt :(

Are you having it operated on?