Guitar Player's Thread

I have a tendon slip on my ring finger on my right hand, doesn't affect guitar thankfully but i can't straighten it and it's rather bent >_< Although it has improved.

Good luck with your recovery children of COB.
I landed bad a drop skiing and the tendom that keeps the clavicle and the acromion (the pointed bone on your shoulder) united got broken. So I have got my whole right arm fixed and unable to move for 6 weeks at least and then another two for re-building strength and coordination. It sucks. If I get my sister to take a pic I'll podt it in the ''post a picture of yourself now'' thread. Now I'm off to watch Some Kind Of Monster.

Thanks for caring:D

Ahh, sucks. Well, hope you'll recover faster than what the doctor said.... :ill:
@umosay & SomeoneWild:

Thanks! :)

P&#1106;oenix;6961643 said:
Oo yuh, snapping a tendon doesnt really hurt but takes an incredibly long time to heal my finger still isn't fully healed, and I don't think it ever will be. Lucky you didn't break your collar bone though (clavicle) that really does fucking hurt :(

Are you having it operated on?

Nope. Doctor says it can heal without surgery, so it'll be 6 weeks with my right arm sticked to the body, 2 of serious recovering and 4 more or less for completing recovery. I should be able to play in two months. It sucks.

About pain, it doesn't hurt a lot, but as the tendon I broke plays an important part on keeping the shoulder tight and well now the rest of tendons and shit are doing extra work and it hurts a bit. I hope Nolotil'll be able to calm it.

BTW thanks for the tab, I'll practise over it for recovering, :lol:
Hey Mitch (or any other tabber), can you do a tutorial/explain how to tab out drums in gp (or even by ear)? Maybe it is because I am not experienced with a drum set and do not recognize/understand the correct terms (like how to differentiate between a splash, crash, ride, or hi-hat :lol:), but I simply cannot tab out drums! I'm guessing some of you guys aren't drumers either so can you explain the process? In the mean time, I'll learn what each piece of the drum set sounds like :lol:

Ask Mystique if she still got the conversation I had with her about that, she said it really help.
I'm using a YJM pick, and i noticed how much it contributes to the tone. Just thought you guys should know :lol:
Hey Mitch (or any other tabber), can you do a tutorial/explain how to tab out drums in gp (or even by ear)? Maybe it is because I am not experienced with a drum set and do not recognize/understand the correct terms (like how to differentiate between a splash, crash, ride, or hi-hat :lol:), but I simply cannot tab out drums! I'm guessing some of you guys aren't drumers either so can you explain the process? In the mean time, I'll learn what each piece of the drum set sounds like :lol:

If you don't know the difference between a hi-hat and a cymbal, you've got a bit of learning to do before you attempt to accurately tab drums.

I am a drummer so it's easy for me, but the basics of it is to just do it part by part. Work out the time signature by listening to it and tapping your leg and counting, 1-2-3-4, 1-2-3-4. When I was tabbing "The Rhino" by PG, it ended up being 6/4, 6/4, 7/4, 6/4, 6/4, 9/4, 6/4, 7/4. :zombie:

Also, knowing what the "4" actually looks like on paper (or PG) is kinda helpful otherwise you could work out the rhythm of the snare but not know how to tab it.

I'd advise you just read up on this stuff first and then when you hear a simple beat, it might make more sense in your head because you'll know what you're hearing.

Well the solo actually written in F Lydian. No accidentals. :D

Obviously, I can't comment without hearing it, but diatonically, F Lydian doesn't fit into Emin, F#min or G#min. Were you specifically trying to go for an "outside" sound? Or did you just avoid using the "F" note?

I'm using a YJM pick, and i noticed how much it contributes to the tone. Just thought you guys should know :lol:

He just uses Jim Dunlop Tortex 1.14mm, but in white with his sig on instead of being purple with the JD logo on.

At least, he used to back in 1989. I dno about now.
Well, I can play beats 'n' shit, but I'm no Chris Adler. :O

If I had my own kit, then I'd try and do a few of my own recordings.
He just uses Jim Dunlop Tortex 1.14mm, but in white with his sig on instead of being purple with the JD logo on.

At least, he used to back in 1989. I dno about now.

The purple ones with the turtle on right? I have loads of them but I never use them because I feel they have too much contact with the string :lol:
They're the ones, yeah.

I have one in my hand now but it's Jazz III size. :p

And I think I know what I'm doing for the forum jam, I'm just gonna bullshit a bunch of Alexi licks. :kickass:
The purple ones with the turtle on right? I have loads of them but I never use them because I feel they have too much contact with the string :lol:

Yeah i got the same problem. Got a couple of those myself. When you are used to a Jazz 3 you can't play those "normal" size as well anymore.