Guitar Player's Thread

You can hear it in some places but you can never tell how accurate you are when you've got the CD playing. Backing Tracks FTW.
Worse case scenerio, instead of getting the RR24 you could ghetto mod an old Jackson RR to a similar style like I did...
looks fuckin' great.
Ask Mystique if she still got the conversation I had with her about that, she said it really help.
nope sorry, didn't save it.

┼Victim of the Night┼;6972831 said:
I'm glad that there's gonna be another forum jam soon ! :D

Gotta say that the third one's been my favourite so far... :)

Hmm, and seems like more people is going to take part in this fourth jam, so this is aaawesome.

But where's Mystique? I haven't seen her around lately... hope she comes back, so she can participate in this jam too... the backing track is great once more!
let'a just say that i'm lucky to still be alive. literally. i was in a horrible car accident, my car is comlplety smashed up...and its a good thing thinhg i got out of it when i did. I've been trapped trapped in the hospital for the past 9 days with no recollection of the first 5 days. i just got released today but with my left hand in a cast and my ribs still seriously injured. i haven't tried picking up my guitar yet, but it's been the foremost thing on my mind :( let's just hope i can still partake in this jam if the deadline is late enough :(
glad to know you got out of it. fast recovery and don't push it with playing guitar until you are absolutely able to, injuries like that are not a joke.
let'a just say that i'm lucky to still be alive. literally. i was in a horrible car accident, my car is comlplety smashed up...and its a good thing thinhg i got out of it when i did. I've been trapped trapped in the hospital for the past 9 days with no recollection of the first 5 days. i just got released today but with my left hand in a cast and my ribs still seriously injured. i haven't tried picking up my guitar yet, but it's been the foremost thing on my mind :( let's just hope i can still partake in this jam if the deadline is late enough :(
:OMG: I don't know what i'd do if i couldn't play guitar. I get agitated after just 1 day. I'm sure Mitch
can hold the jam off till you get better:)
let'a just say that i'm lucky to still be alive. literally. i was in a horrible car accident, my car is comlplety smashed up...and its a good thing thinhg i got out of it when i did. I've been trapped trapped in the hospital for the past 9 days with no recollection of the first 5 days. i just got released today but with my left hand in a cast and my ribs still seriously injured. i haven't tried picking up my guitar yet, but it's been the foremost thing on my mind :( let's just hope i can still partake in this jam if the deadline is late enough :(

Shiiiit, that's unlucky, I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope you aren't in too much pain or anything :( Sounds so serious, but at least it doesn't seem as if any of the injuries won't heal eventually. Here's to a quick recovery :kickass:
looks fuckin' great.

nope sorry, didn't save it.

let'a just say that i'm lucky to still be alive. literally. i was in a horrible car accident, my car is comlplety smashed up...and its a good thing thinhg i got out of it when i did. I've been trapped trapped in the hospital for the past 9 days with no recollection of the first 5 days. i just got released today but with my left hand in a cast and my ribs still seriously injured. i haven't tried picking up my guitar yet, but it's been the foremost thing on my mind :( let's just hope i can still partake in this jam if the deadline is late enough :(

I'm sorry to hear that, hope you recover fast atleast.
let'a just say that i'm lucky to still be alive. literally. i was in a horrible car accident, my car is comlplety smashed up...and its a good thing thinhg i got out of it when i did. I've been trapped trapped in the hospital for the past 9 days with no recollection of the first 5 days. i just got released today but with my left hand in a cast and my ribs still seriously injured. i haven't tried picking up my guitar yet, but it's been the foremost thing on my mind :( let's just hope i can still partake in this jam if the deadline is late enough :(

Oh god, I'm so sorry! :(
Well, yeah, it'd be nice that you could play in the jam again but I think that what counts more right now is that you can recover at all as soon as possible... god, I really hope you're feeling better soon.