Guitar Player's Thread

Eww, damn that's bad.

I got asked last night by a friend from school/college if I wanted to help out his band play a festival. Of course I said yes and luckily, I have the day off from work, as well as most of the month. I don't know what to expect but I know I'm taking my Jackson and gonna rock out. We'll be the first band playing.

And you shoul get someone to record it and let us see some parts, :lol:

BTW what stuff are you going to play?

Pђoenix;6981769 said:
Hah, awesome Mitch, tell us how it goes!

Kind of on the subject, how do you guys conquer stage fright? I've played gigs before, and everytime I've been shit scared and fucked up important parts :erk: So basically just wandering how some of you cope with a large groups of people glaring you :p

I play a bit to warm up, have a beer/red bull/wine+coke(my fav, :lol:) BUT JUST ONE , take a look at the setlist and then, depending on venue, chat with my bandmates (big venue where you can't get out of the backstage) or with some friends that come to the show (small venues).

As anecdotic I'll say that once I got really drunk before playing and I made my weirdest performance: totally screwed up Amon Amarth's Pursuit Of Vikings, nailed SNBN and Slayer's Angel Of Death and played all the solos from our own stuff without looking at the fretboard because I was so drunk I couln't distinguish the upper frets on my fretboard, :lol: I've never done it again and never will, and I encourage you not to do it, it's not good at all, :lol:

I got that drunk by drinking half a bottle of rum and half a bottle of absinth in an hour long gig and the previous half an hour warming-up, :cool::D

I think I have some pics if you want, :lol:

This happens to me all the time. What usually helps is like drinking a pint of beer before you go on stage, that way you get more relaxed. BUT not more than one, or else you'll play sloppy as hell :lol:

Also remember that if you play live there WILL be mistakes. Live = mistakes. So when you do fuckups, just pretend as nothing happened and just keep going. If you're getting annoyed over your mistakes you will probably just do alot more of them.

Fully agreed:kickass:

They just noticed there once was this dude Randy Rhoads who designed this RR shape...

I lol'd, :lol:
as much as i like to say "looks dont matter, playability and feeling does", i say that when its butt ugly, its an exception.
Pђoenix;6981769 said:
Hah, awesome Mitch, tell us how it goes!

Kind of on the subject, how do you guys conquer stage fright? I've played gigs before, and everytime I've been shit scared and fucked up important parts :erk: So basically just wandering how some of you cope with a large groups of people glaring you :p

Dude, I am the same way, even with public speaking :lol: You know what the honest and truest answer is? You have to be full of yourself when you go on stage. You have to believe you are the shit and after a while you get over that anxiety. Its hard to say just ignore all the people but you must forget who ever is in the crowd and focus on the band. Sorry if this doesn't help. Watch a video of Yngwie and you'll see he doesn't give a shit. Just try not to be like him off stage :lol:
Pђoenix;6981769 said:
Hah, awesome Mitch, tell us how it goes!

Kind of on the subject, how do you guys conquer stage fright? I've played gigs before, and everytime I've been shit scared and fucked up important parts :erk: So basically just wandering how some of you cope with a large groups of people glaring you :p

idk its really easy to go out there for me. the only thing im nervous about is getting all my gear ready before. you just gotta know that fuckin material and fuckin jump around the stage and have fun

God whats with the recent birth of shitty RR ripoffs?

:erk: wow
^Haha:lol: Wow i can't believe im not v& is good!!!! If you exclude the test im going to have tomorrow :lol: On other news...I hate my peavey! I want my Randall back :cry:
I got asked last night by a friend from school/college if I wanted to help out his band play a festival. Of course I said yes and luckily, I have the day off from work, as well as most of the month. I don't know what to expect but I know I'm taking my Jackson and gonna rock out. We'll be the first band playing.
Ah, I just read this... I'm glad for you, Mitch! I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun.
When is it gonna be? Ahhh, if I was there, haha, I'd like to see/hear ya play live with your lovely Miss Jackson! :)

Laiho's retarded cousin's guitar.

OhMyGoodGod, even Barbie has "better" guitars, I think... :(

sorry for the double post but talking about alexi laiho guitar...


further info and aspects:

Ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! :eek:
Thanks guys for the responses.


and also being on stage = evening host, entertainer.
you have to be confident of your self and literally glow with positive mood and attitude. people that come to see some one live want to be entertained and have good time, this is our duty on stage to provide it to them

Excellent perception. I've never really looked at it this way before, as obvious as it seems now.

Thanks man! :)
you get used to it. Same with fretless, I played a Vigier Surfretter at NAMM and it only took me a minute to get used to it.
I play a guitar with no inlays, took me a matter of minutes to get used to. Not to mention there's always the binding markers.