Guitar Player's Thread

Still trying to decide what pickups i want, the ones in the pic are just temporary, Im looking for good metal pickups but not terribly high output, I like string being able to hear string definition and picking dynamics alot

i would say seymour duncan blackout for the bridge (they rawk! my friend got a set, amazing clarity) and two emg sa's for the SC's.

Idiot :lol:
Yea dude Dimarzios FTW, i have a USA Jackson solist and it came with duncan jazz and JB pickups, and they sounded like totall shit, did the EMG thing for a while, and put in Dimarzio Tonezone and Paf-pro and it rules.

I really dont know much about good single coil pickup choices for rock/metal, I think im gonna go with an Yngwie Malmsteen Pickup for the neck haha
Oh man, you have no idea how many people I would kill for this :lol:


.... or this


I have a thing for blue + gold :rofl:
Guys/gals, how I should oil the fretboard of my MMV? Like should I do anything specific before I start the progress, brush the board a bit before oiling, use any kind of special cloth on some parts of process etc.?


Recommend me some good mixers which are really worth their price.

fuck dimarzio they are more nicely described then they sound.
go for passive Seymour Duncan, i can't recommend you specific model as it is very individual mater though for sounds clips and suggestions go the the duncan forum lurk around or simply ask them directly to recommend you for this project

and dude i am glad to see some one building his own project here
please keep posting pictures of your progress.

and get rid of that gay pickup guard or at least make it black for the contrast

The majority of my favorite tones are aquired by dimarzio's.

On another note, my internet is dead at home, and my new song is pretty much finished, but i can't upload it :lol: I'm at work today, but i'm not working this weekend.

John Butler ftw
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The majority of my favorite tones are aquired by dimarzio's.

On another note, my internet is dead at home, and my new song is pretty much finished, but i can't upload it :lol: I'm at work today, but i'm not working this weekend.

Get your internet fixed and post it man, looking forward to it! :kickass:

┼Victim of the Night┼;6989151 said:
Hey hey, you you!
I just noticed your new sig... :lol:'s awesome, expecially the parts dedicated to the Tab Thread, Guitarplayer's Thread and Guitar Compilation's Thread! :kickass: :)

Thank you Eli :D
Anyone knows about acoustic guitars?
Im going to buy one... I will spend around 750€, anyone recommends me something?
Anyone knows about acoustic guitars?
Im going to buy one... I will spend around 750€, anyone recommends me something?

Whatever you do, do NOT get ovations or ovation copies. They have a round back and are extremely uncomfortable to play because of the back shape. This is all IMO of course. Your best bet is to just go to your nearest guitarshop and try out a lot of acoustic guitars and decide for yourself. That's the way I did it when I bought mine. I have a Washburn acoustic guitar, and I'm quite satisfied with it.
Buy an Alhambra classical guitar and you're done. Fucking sweet guitars. Or do you want metal strings? Then dunno. About Ovations, I like them, and I kinda like the round back, so you see it's a matter of taste, so you should go and try some and then decide.