Guitar Player's Thread

OMFG d00d!!!11!!!!1!one!!!!

4re u H3rm4n £i????

Seriously though, great playing. You should toss a video up on youtube so you can bask in the plentiful comments that greatly resemble what I said above. :lol:
Sweet, that clip makes me anxious to install my J50BC really bad lol

I recorded a quick idea for a bridge riff or something, cus i was bored, dont mind my sloppy playings, i get ideas in my head and then dont bother to practice them before i record clips haha

Im planning on having like some sort of synth chords behind it.
OMFG d00d!!!11!!!!1!one!!!!

4re u H3rm4n £i????

Seriously though, great playing. You should toss a video up on youtube so you can bask in the plentiful comments that greatly resemble what I said above. :lol:

:lol: No way, I did that in like 5 seperate parts just to make sure I didn't mess any of it up while I was trying to get to the next section. Playing it "live" would result in terrible failure...much like Herman and Same themselves. :Smug:

Sweet, that clip makes me anxious to install my J50BC really bad lol

I recorded a quick idea for a bridge riff or something, cus i was bored, dont mind my sloppy playings, i get ideas in my head and then dont bother to practice them before i record clips haha

Im planning on having like some sort of synth chords behind it.

That was actually just a stock Ibanez pickup...unless you mean just recording in general or something?

Your riff was cool, reminded me slightly of Lamb Of God's newer stuff.

And last recording from me tonight before tucking up in bed, awww.

I've been learning the songs by a band that I'm playing with on Friday and I was never satisfied with their studio recording of one of the songs because the drummer is shit which = out of time playing which = angry mitch.

So, I merged the two, the original and my version to see how it should have been done. :heh:

I dunno if that flanger was a good idea but trust me, without any effect on that intro riff, the tone was so bad.

umosay said:
Nice Mitch... your recordings always sound really pro. You have any compositions?

@Lowberg: Sounds decent, could do with a bit of variation maybe.

Here's a song i've been working on lately if you want to check it...

Cheers, I try. :)

I have about 90 compositions but none are finished and I don't think I really like any of them enough to put on an album or anything. I need to start writing properly though.

And the Castle of DOOOOOM reminded me of Wintersun, which I think is a good thing for you because you like them?
I have about 90 compositions but none are finished and I don't think I really like any of them enough to put on an album or anything. I need to start writing properly though.

And the Castle of DOOOOOM reminded me of Wintersun, which I think is a good thing for you because you like them?

Oh yep, yeah i often start writing stuff.. have a block, then go back to it and get a lot done really quickly.

Quite a few people have said my songs sound like Wintersun... i am a Wintersun nerd so i guess that's my main inspiration :p
Love that song, one of my favorites!

I found out that my uncle in Spain is aquainted with Paco De Lucia.

haha wow, nice.

you know, I've been having amplifier trouble, and I was wondering how I'd go about getting it repaired. It's not even a year old, still under warranty I assume.

I had the volume on my guitar off, and the wah pedal on. I wanted to see how bad the squeak is at gig volume (i have a wah with a gainbooster). So I turned it up pretty damned high, I'd say around 80%ish. It squeaked real bad and then made a resounding "pop." The guitar sound then refused to distort; sound was coming out of the amplifier, it just sounded like a clean channel. I decided to let it rest, and tried it again the next day, at ~1/16 volume (my normal practice volume). It sounded fine for about 30 min, until it made the same pop, and then again, refused to distort. I'm no expert, but the tubes looked fine (like they weren't black or anything that would suggest popping), so I'm kind of stumped. What did I blow?
lmao stolen straight from esp boards
i stole it from else where but what does it matter where was it stolen from any way?
i thought this might be interesting for people here so i "stole" it.
dude next time you find something cool worth checking on their boards "steal" it over here your self then.

I recorded a little bit of a DF song, I didn't tab it myself so I think there's a few wrong harmonies but nevermind.

I'll do a more complete one one day.
wow very well done.
what drum samples did you use for it?

Sweet, that clip makes me anxious to install my J50BC really bad lol

I recorded a quick idea for a bridge riff or something, cus i was bored, dont mind my sloppy playings, i get ideas in my head and then dont bother to practice them before i record clips haha

Im planning on having like some sort of synth chords behind it.
nice tone dude

And last recording from me tonight before tucking up in bed, awww.

I've been learning the songs by a band that I'm playing with on Friday and I was never satisfied with their studio recording of one of the songs because the drummer is shit which = out of time playing which = angry mitch.

So, I merged the two, the original and my version to see how it should have been done. :heh:

no offense but this band sounds shit too much for you to play in
the tone is o..k.. but the composition is the most annoying progression i just fucking hate this line countless times this progression have been used particularly by n00bs i can't hear it, its just like A, G, F, G, etc chords progression has been used countless times i fuckin' can not hear it
any how i can hear your good work there right away and well done once again.
I received a message from Centaurus-A guitar player that they're looking for a bass player and if I'm interested. Too bad that I don't want to play bass.

But check out their music, there are some kickass tunes and harmonies, especially in the mix on myspace:

That's really cool actually, except the vocals. They have a great mix, similar to necrophagists, since you can hear both guitar tracks and the drums very well.
i'll let this pictures speak for them selfs o_O





Hey, I like it a lot! Nice, nice, nice guitar Ruins!! Those colours are great together! :)

I recorded a little bit of a DF song, I didn't tab it myself so I think there's a few wrong harmonies but nevermind.

I'll do a more complete one one day.
Very nice, Mitchy, you play so well...

And last recording from me tonight before tucking up in bed, awww.

I've been learning the songs by a band that I'm playing with on Friday and I was never satisfied with their studio recording of one of the songs because the drummer is shit which = out of time playing which = angry mitch.

So, I merged the two, the original and my version to see how it should have been done. :heh:
You make everything better... :D

And... I've just booked the plane ticket so see you tomorrow, I'll be there in the crowd screaming oooout looooud! :kickass:
┼Victim of the Night┼;7079333 said:
Hey, I like it a lot! Nice, nice, nice guitar Ruins!! Those colours are great together! :)
i agree. this is the only guitar that i have seen so far with pink colors that i liked and even could consider my self buying one
Ive got a debate here with myself over pickups

Im building an strat that's body is made completely of alder

I bought a J-50BC for it, thinking i would put that in there.

I recently put a Dimarzio tonezone in my Jackson Soloist which is Alder with a Maple top. I like the tonezone but it is a little too bassy for my tastes in the soloist.

Should i put the J-50BC in the Jackson instead and put the tonezone in the strat?
no offense but this band sounds shit too much for you to play in
the tone is o..k.. but the composition is the most annoying progression i just fucking hate this line countless times this progression have been used particularly by n00bs i can't hear it, its just like A, G, F, G, etc chords progression has been used countless times i fuckin' can not hear it
any how i can hear your good work there right away and well done once again.

Yeah, I know. Me and the singer were talking about it the other day, how the guy is cool for writing songs so quick but they all sound the same and nothing they do is original at all. I was learning one of their new songs the other day and I could predict what was coming next, even though I'd never heard it before. :ill:

If I joined the band, I'd make him change his tone, make the drummer practise more and do stuff that's less predictable, but I doubt I'll join.

┼Victim of the Night┼;7079333 said:
And... I've just booked the plane ticket so see you tomorrow, I'll be there in the crowd screaming oooout looooud! :kickass:

:lol: I wish.
So i decided to take off the pickup cover of my new J-50BC just to check it out, and i know there was going to be some glue in there but holy freakin shit, theres a ton of freakin glue or tape gunk all over the top of the pickup,

Makes me wonder how much that shit plus the plastic cover ontop affects the magnetic field and the sound of the pickup

and dont tell me it doesnt, like holy balls look at all that shit haha

i will support warheart's opinion, this plastic cover and glue had no interference with the magnetic field at all.
it does looks crappy but it did not effect the functionality of this pick in any possible way at all.
The cover doesn't affect the sound at all, neither does glue, taco shells, magazine pages, human excrement, or anything else that isn't magnetic.
whew i was worried about my prototype taco-pickups :lol:

Ive decided im going to put that pickup in my jackson soloist, now i just have to make the pickup ring work, the pickup ring that came with the J-50BC is of the thicker les paul type, where the pickup rings on my soloist are really thin and flat

OH and do you think its possible to convert a tone-pot sized hole to fit a EMG PA2 sized hole? maybe with some spacers or somthing?

I took my tone pot off of my guitar and theres a hole available, I want to put an EMGPA2 in but i dont want to drill another hole into this guitar