Guitar Player's Thread

haha, sick man! At least you headbanged like a motherfucker :kickass: Too bad to hear there wasn't much of a crowd.

*cough* join a better band *cough*

Although it had nothing to do with the band, it's just the fact that we were the first band on the first night AND there was other entertainment. It's their choice to come to the live music bit so I'm sure that even if a more known local band were playing that weren't metal, they'd still get the same crowd.
I bet I look stupid, everytime I split my legs, I nearly fell over 'cause the stage was so slippery. I was fucking wobbling all over the place so I had to kinda stand still or only headbang for short periods. I'm hoping no one noticed. :lol:
:lol: hope you had fun at least.

Yeah, it was quite cool having everyone watch me when I was doing the Alexi natural harmonic stuff with the bar and then lift my RR up as high as I could above my head with the bar. :D

Playing solos on one knee with insane vibrato (I shook it as hard as I could), Yngwie style ascending picking runs on one string, harmonised sweep picking and random headbanging inbetween whatever.

It was an experience and I definitely did more than I ever have on stage before. Ever other time, I've just stood there and stared at my guitar, John Petrucci style.
New guitar :D

bought a new guitar yesterday. It was a totally lucky one, I got it for 2900 kr. (about 550$ or something). It's an Ibanez s540, maple fretboard from '93



a little closer look at the freboard. Yes, very nice. :D


Costom maid!!1 :mad: :peace:


whole guitar, and candles


family pic :p:


scallops on my other guitar XD. (those scallops needs a few adjustments I can see :p: )

And, at last my Laney. Just for the fun of it.


I'm sorry all I have to take these pictures with is a phone.

I'm so happy, words can't describe it. This kicks a** :kickass:
congratulations dude!
this ibby is sweeeet! but why the fuck EMGs in it ?:yuk:
this guitar deserves some passive pups for the ultimate seksness.

dude, wtf did you do to the black ibby??? this yellow strips just ruins it
congratulations dude!
this ibby is sweeeet! but why the fuck EMGs in it ?:yuk:
this guitar deserves some passive pups for the ultimate seksness.

dude, wtf did you do to the black ibby??? this yellow strips just ruins it

Because I had some unlucky happening with some paint. :rofl: I don't have the time to sand it down and paint it again.

I didn't put EMGs in. Some jazz guy who once owned it did.
I'm a fan of passives. I will try doing the 18v mod, because people say it will give the same kind of headroom that passives have, instead of this annoying cold sound. If that doesn't work, I'll give it passives (Dimarzio+Caparison passives ftw!)
well i mean i like the neck through feel, but its so hard to find affordable neck through guitars with naked maple necks

that, and you can't replace necks if they ever break. :erk:

I don't even think neck-through feels better than a good bolt-on or set neck guitar. Idk about the RR3 tho, never tried it
dude, wtf did you do to the black ibby??? this yellow strips just ruins it

well, I can see the look he was trying to go for with those yellow stripes, kinda 80s-ish. although it does have a power rangers type of feel to it...

and very nice guitars, hardcoreflake. they look good together :D
well, I can see the look he was trying to go for with those yellow stripes, kinda 80s-ish. although it does have a power rangers type of feel to it...

and very nice guitars, hardcoreflake. they look good together :D

The way his sticked his yellow pinstripes makes it look like an unscaled Alexi guitar. Cut those sides XD.