Guitar Player's Thread

Right, I have 2 J-50BC' in my BC Rich and the other in my Jackson. The BC Rich has a thinner, drier tone that sounds more like COB, whereas the one in the Jackson sounds shit. It sounds like it has too much mid because it's really muddy all the time.

Is it the pick up?
Is it the wiring/soldering?
Is it the guitar's woods?
Right, I have 2 J-50BC' in my BC Rich and the other in my Jackson. The BC Rich has a thinner, drier tone that sounds more like COB, whereas the one in the Jackson sounds shit. It sounds like it has too much mid because it's really muddy all the time.

Is it the pick up?
Is it the wiring/soldering?
Is it the guitar's woods?

I would imagine because of the wood, but I am not entirely sure (or even certain for that matter). I doubt it is because of wiring or soldering *shrugs*

What kind of woods are your guitars? I imagine your BC Rich is thicker/more dense (like a Les Paul) than the thinner construction of your Jackson.
I'm not skilled enough to gig yet,only skilled enough to annoy my neighbors!:)

Oh then with 100 Watts you can definitely achieve that!:lol:

Right, I have 2 J-50BC' in my BC Rich and the other in my Jackson. The BC Rich has a thinner, drier tone that sounds more like COB, whereas the one in the Jackson sounds shit. It sounds like it has too much mid because it's really muddy all the time.

Is it the pick up?
Is it the wiring/soldering?
Is it the guitar's woods?

Idk man, im not a real expert on pickups in general, I dont see how you could mess up the wiring on your jackson cus its just the volume pot and the PA2 right? double check the wiring on the PA2, and check if the battery is running low (i used to use EMG's and when the battery was low the pickups started sounding really muddy and like shit) lol

I dont really know how a pickup could be damaged, but thats also a possibility, if you feel like being adventurous and want to further troubleshoot try switching the pickups between the two guitars, if the pickup sounds really bad in the BC rich after that you'll know its the pickup
oh Mitch just throwing this out there in case for some reason you didn't know about this, with active pickups or electronics (like your PA2), the circuit is on when a guitar cable is plugged in, so if you leave it plugged in while your not playing it, its still running the battery
Eh, I decided to go ahead and start " My Loneliness. " Coming along pretty well, I think I have it 99% accurate so far and I'm up to the first chorus. If anyone wants to check it out, and give me some feedback, that'd be great. Here's the sendspace link.


EDIT: I have no clue why the second guitar is panned all the way to the left, but just but it right in the middle or wherever you want. That wasn't intentional.
Right, I have 2 J-50BC' in my BC Rich and the other in my Jackson. The BC Rich has a thinner, drier tone that sounds more like COB, whereas the one in the Jackson sounds shit. It sounds like it has too much mid because it's really muddy all the time.

Is it the pick up?
Is it the wiring/soldering?
Is it the guitar's woods?

Woods definitely have a big impact on tone. Maybe the mud is caused by the PA2 boost?
I meant when the boost is off!!! When it's on, it's just unbearable for rhythm.

Although, when I was at band practise, I had the boost on and just turned down the gain on the amp and it was fine. It's just the BC Rich sounds better.
I got my poweramp today,but I don't know what to plug in to I need a little help.

Did you just buy it because Alexi used it? I would have thought you'd read up a little bit first before buying something like this.

I'm sure it's just guitar -> input of preamp -> output of preamp into input of power amp -> output of power amp into speakers/cab.

Or if you have a combo amp of some sort, switch it to clean and use the SP-1000 instead of the combo's inbuilt power amp.
Did you just buy it because Alexi used it? I would have thought you'd read up a little bit first before buying something like this.

I'm sure it's just guitar -> input of preamp -> output of preamp into input of power amp -> output of power amp into speakers/cab.

Or if you have a combo amp of some sort, switch it to clean and use the SP-1000 instead of the combo's inbuilt power amp.

I thought so,I'm using a combo amp.
I didn't buy it just becuase of Alexi but if he uses it,it must be good eh!:)
I got my poweramp today,but I don't know what to plug in to I need a little help.

I thought so,I'm using a combo amp.
I didn't buy it just becuase of Alexi but if he uses it,it must be good eh!:)

.......well typically a rack setup is preamp, poweramp, cabinet (or speakers), and you can of course have MIDI/effects stuff or whatever. but thats it. what warheart said should work fine