Guitar Player's Thread

You get more sounds with the DX

dudes i need help! i want to learn how to tab and stuff but i have no knowledge like with music theory and stuff. My question is is there anywhere i can go in the internet that i can learn that any of u recommend or books or something i can buy so i can learn?

Yeah, from the same book called "Learn how to shred in 1 hour".

Seriously, there's no "trick" to it, just start by tabbing easy stuff, and move on to harder stuff when you feel you can pull it off. Mitch knows more than anyone, but from my experience, i've only gotten better by starting with the easy stuff.
You get more sounds with the DX

Yeah, from the same book called "Learn how to shred in 1 hour".

Seriously, there's no "trick" to it, just start by tabbing easy stuff, and move on to harder stuff when you feel you can pull it off. Mitch knows more than anyone, but from my experience, i've only gotten better by starting with the easy stuff.

yeah i can kinda tab small things it's just i want to learn stuff like for example i play a note and would like to know like what notes might go after instead of just the usual guessing i want to make an educated guess not just hit every note until i find the right one if that makes any sense. Kinda like improvising, i guess i just need to learn more scales!
It's pretty useless spending your time memorizing scale patterns for tabbing songs, learn to sing major and minor first of all, so you know how they sound, and then try to learn the intervals between all the notes.
dudes i need help! i want to learn how to tab and stuff but i have no knowledge like with music theory and stuff. My question is is there anywhere i can go in the internet that i can learn that any of u recommend or books or something i can buy so i can learn?

and if you need any help, feel free to post questions and some of us here can help you with theory stuff. I actually enjoy the theory stuff altho my memory on it is not too fresh cuz I haven't done anything for about a month. but i'll do my best to help if you need it.
If COB came to that, I would hang myself :lol:

For the record, Sikth > Messuggah :p

No way, gtfo.

fuck yes. Every Meshuggah album is amazing! I wonder how they are gonna play that machine gun riff in Bleed live. My arm dies after 10 seconds of it

I wanna see it too. It's so hard, that they're even started a MySpace competition where you have to record a video of you playing it, and the best person gets a phonecall from Hakke with a congrats and signed merch.

But is that really worth hours of intense pain? :lol:

that would be killer but first he must have Lundgren pickups and he would need to change to 8 string guitars or atleast to drop F# and scoop the basses out of his sound abit

I think they're using 8's tuned to F.

New Alexi's instructional DVD! Buy it for 49.99 and learn some classic (ie:boring) alexi's stuffs such as : diminished arpeggios, pentatonic runs, E-minor tapped arpeggios and scale runs that you can get free from Mitch on the COB board! Buy it now!

:lol: Exactly!!

That's a good idea!

I have 3 J50BCs. The one in my RR PRO sounds better than the one in my Custom RR with JE1000. These two J50BCs are a bit different though...the one that does not sound as good has longer screws sticking out on the bottom, the other one has not. I could blame guitar woods aswell...poplar vs. alder.

The 3rd one is in my Grover Jackson, but it's without any boost and I can't really compare it just yet...that one is the same as the one in my RR PRO.

I'm not actually sure what they both look like on the back, but I suppose it could be a little project on one of my days off or something.

Pђoenix;7094249 said:
Hah, sounds brilliant dude!:kickass: Can't wait for these pics/videos, unless you've posted them and I've missed them sifting through pages I missed.

Nah, not yet. I don't even know when to expect the DVD.

dudes i need help! i want to learn how to tab and stuff but i have no knowledge like with music theory and stuff. My question is is there anywhere i can go in the internet that i can learn that any of u recommend or books or something i can buy so i can learn?

If you pay for a book to learn theory, you are a fool!!! The internet is fucking packed with info, you just need google, a pan & paper and the time and dedication to learn it and apply it. Once you get that down, tabbing will be much easier, but there's no trick to learning how to do that, just like Inhe said.

and if you need any help, feel free to post questions and some of us here can help you with theory stuff. I actually enjoy the theory stuff altho my memory on it is not too fresh cuz I haven't done anything for about a month. but i'll do my best to help if you need it.

^ and yeah, what she said.
I might just have to see Meshuggah when they come here. They're playing in Chicago 3 nights in a row (wtf, are they filming the concert or something?), and it's the end of the US tour. Should slay balls.
Is it actually 4/4 in the beginning? I'm not too good at deciphering odd time signatures.

Probably, yeah. But I did 3 bars of 6/4 repeated and it works. I haven't gone any further but it seems to work. I think maybe the snare is off but I haven't listened to anything more to find out.