Guitar Player's Thread

hmm...must've missed that. i just did a quick skim thru the on-topic and off-topic sections, didn't see it. could you link please?

edit: just found it. nevermind :D
Check this Meshuggah song out!!!

It's off their new album and it's called Bleed. That intro riff and the guitar tone are AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the kinda tone Alexi should have. :mad:

That song was a whole lotta nothing. Sounds like the guitars and drums fused together to get a trash can sound (tone if you will). I'm no Messugah fan but that was boring to listen to.
Notice that I said INTRO riff and TONE. I didn't say I thought it was the most creative song ever, I never said I liked the whole thing. I just personally think that the first 30 secs or so is really cool.
Notice that I said INTRO riff and TONE. I didn't say I thought it was the most creative song ever, I never said I liked the whole thing. I just personally think that the first 30 secs or so is really cool.

If COB came to that, I would hang myself :lol:

For the record, Sikth > Messuggah :p
Check this Meshuggah song out!!!

It's off their new album and it's called Bleed. That intro riff and the guitar tone are AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the kinda tone Alexi should have. :mad:
that would be killer but first he must have Lundgren pickups and he would need to change to 8 string guitars or atleast to drop F# and scoop the basses out of his sound abit
Alexi should go back to passives and get over that active-fad.

Also, I think he should focus more on doing good songs, than them being metal.
Atleast, that's how I see he's doing it right now. So sad about him disliking neo-classical, I mean, that influence really strengthened CoBs music.

These are all speculations, IDK how it really is of course, since I never talked with him. And I still like CoB, and their new songs (that I heard), but I dislike the song Blooddrunk really much. And since that is the title song of the album, I fear the rest is gonna be like that. idk yet tho, and am going to buy the album. I really like Tie My Rope and Banned from Heaven
i saw part of the DVD, bootleg it was pretty good but nothing no one who plays metal doesnt already know

New Alexi's instructional DVD! Buy it for 49.99 and learn some classic (ie:boring) alexi's stuffs such as : diminished arpeggios, pentatonic runs, E-minor tapped arpeggios and scale runs that you can get free from Mitch on the COB board! Buy it now!
Check this Meshuggah song out!!!

It's off their new album and it's called Bleed. That intro riff and the guitar tone are AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is the kinda tone Alexi should have. :mad:


One of the best riffs I've heard recently is the first proper riff in this video:

Yeah, it's an awesome (yet somewhat generic) riff, reminds me of "I spit on your grave". And I love the guitar sound, very heavy. But "New stunning album"? LOL! And the singer's voice is just like Mark Anthony!:lol:
I was thinking about swapping the pickups but I dno if I can be bothered.

That's a good idea!

I have 3 J50BCs. The one in my RR PRO sounds better than the one in my Custom RR with JE1000. These two J50BCs are a bit different though...the one that does not sound as good has longer screws sticking out on the bottom, the other one has not. I could blame guitar woods aswell...poplar vs. alder.

The 3rd one is in my Grover Jackson, but it's without any boost and I can't really compare it just yet...that one is the same as the one in my RR PRO.
Even I was thinking about getting Alexi's pink ESP, it's the only one of his that I would.

Altitudes, yes, I have more.

And I played my show today with the band I've been working with for a couple of weeks.

We were the first band on the first of three days so we ended up playing to about 20-30 people max, including the sound guys, people working at the bar and the guys taking photos. :lol: At first, I got depressed knowing it was a "Cospic Puffin" thing for charity, meaning there'd be mums, dads and kids of all ages there. I thought, fuck it, there'll be someone there who'll watch and like us. But as I say, it turned out that hardly anyone turned up at all. Still, I gave it my all and headbanged like a motherfucker, Alexi style in my COB shirt with my WildCHild RR. :lol:

I played well I think, drummer kept stopping and fucking up everything though and I couldn't hear the other guitarists' amp through the monitors or just from the amp itself. I was going through my ADA MP-1 (for distortion) through a Line 6 Spider II (on clean) so my tone was ok but it could have been much better.

The guy that spoke to me beforehand let us know that he's making a 5-cam DVD of it all so hopefully when he's done editing the whole thing, it'll look quite good. I noticed that guy had his cam mainly on me the whole time because I seemed to be the only person doing anything. :kickass:

I'll post vids/pics when I get 'em, could be a while though.

Hah, sounds brilliant dude!:kickass: Can't wait for these pics/videos, unless you've posted them and I've missed them sifting through pages I missed.

Guys, anyone know the differences in the TS-9 and a TS-9DX (turbo) tubescreamer? I noticed PG uses/has used the turbo in his pedal board.