Guitar Player's Thread

Hey, I am going to buy a new Metal guitar soon, I have $2300.

I have been looking at the Dean Razorback 225 (24 frets, emg 81 and 85pickups.

And I have been looking at the Jackson stars J2SP, but I have a rr24 and they are kinda similar.

Any suggestions?

save up more and buy a custom... :D
that's what i would do...

Either that or get an ESP SV. They're belived to be quite good. Or an Ibanez Prestige/Jem, those guitars rock :kickass: If I had that money I'd go for the new 24 fret S Series. ZR Trem, 24 frets, DiMarzio, S Shape (really light body with great sound)... it's gorgeous IMO :lol:
@Mystique: Hey how's your arm doing? Are you having the cast removed or what? I have mine removed some hours each day atm and in two weeks I'll get it 100% removed finally!!! :kickass: This two weeks I'll be doing light exercises to re-gain shoulder and elbow motion so when I get it removed finalyy I can handle a more or less normal life. Of course I'm going to be out of hockey team for at least 5 months more but for other activities I'll be ok.

Yay I can't wait!!! After 6 fucking weeks with useless right arm it's coming to an end! :kickass::kickass:

No problem dude!

the SV is great, but i would change pickups to passives, so you might want to think about that if you're more into tonewood rather than sterile high gain

As for the Jem, beware. It's got a flat fretboard, which can be a huge change if you're picky about what you play on. I would suggest trying out one, or a similar guitar with flat fretboard before you think about getting one.
I've decided that my next guitar based buy will be a Gold OFR and some Dimarzio pups for my Ibanez RG320FM

It'll be like an RG version of the Herman Li sig :lol:
As for the Jem, beware. It's got a flat fretboard, which can be a huge change if you're picky about what you play on. I would suggest trying out one, or a similar guitar with flat fretboard before you think about getting one.

That's true, i had a real hard time learning to play on it when i got it, but now i can shift between my RG550 and my Jem without feeling that there's anything wrong.
Just out of curiosity, what string gauge do you guys use and what are they tuned to?

Right now I use 11s and am mainly tuned to D standard. Just wondering if you guys think 10s would be fine for D standard as I kind of want to give those a go.

On my RR24 i tend to think that 10s feel a bit slack. Ever since i went to 11s it hasn't felt slack and is perfect for playing.
Edit: I'm also tuned in D
I thought you guys have to see this video, this is how all shredders should be like:

Or else a very funny/nice scene in a movie: