Guitar Player's Thread

Well, i guess you could call it a different mode since the EQ is changed a bit when using the High and Low dynamic ranges, but both are still regulated with the same knobs. That's the best explanation i can give you :lol:
I know Paul uses it, but it's too fuzzy at low volumes, i guess it could be useful at higher volumes. I can only play at around 1 on volume.
It actually sounds really good at low levels, so i'm perfectly happy. And one channel is fine for me!

Here's a little sound test. I'm sorry for making all my sound tests so short and shitty :lol: The volume is ~0.5, because people are sleeping.
oh, yeah thats the problem with stacks, but i've heard ENGL is really nice for low-volume levels so im not worried. im glad you got an awesome rig, but im not a fan of single channel amps.

Really? I tried a Powerball at low-ish level, and i couldn't get a good sound out of it, no matter what i tried. Switching guitars or EQ or anything.

Then again, i was trying to get rid of the "ENGL" tone, cause i dont like it. Those amps arent anything for me atleast. Felt like a 1trick pony, but i had never used one before so, what do i know
That's a pretty cool tone Inhe, I like it. Your tone always sounds similar, I think it has something to do with those pickups. They seem to have alot of mid or something and gives it a kinda "bubbly" sound. I'd be able to recognise one of your recordings if I didn't know it was you.

And I've just finished updating my composition that I uploaded earlier but I re-recorded the whole thing with my Jackson instead of BC Rich, both have the same pickup but have a different sound.

I added a second verse, where the melody is played an octave higher with a different ending.
Added another main riff with a cool 32nd note blast thing, better sounding harmony section and I did a little bit of the solo. I also changed the bass sound and I do prefer this one. :D

I think I should start working on more original stuff because it's kinda fun. :D:D

(a little edit)
Mystique said:
any plans of completing yours, Mitch?

Kinda. As I say, this is quite cool so I may just do it. I have another one that I wanna do a "demo" of but I can never get it to sound good.

Inhe said:
When are you going to start using that GP-1000 of yours? You need power amp and a cabinet, right?

It hasn't even arrived yet...:mad: It was supposed to be here by now but even if it was, I wouldn't use it for recording because it'd sound terrible if I used it direct and I don't have decent enough mic'ing equipment to do it all that way. I'd just use it in my room and for live gigs etc.

I'll probably bring it all downstairs and do a vid, using the cameras mic to see if I can demonstrate the sound.
so new question:

If you could be in any existing or formerly existing band, which would it be? And it has to be one which would make you the happiest to be in. Like you would be fuckin proud to be in this band, and wouldn't wanna do anything else but play this music.

Like one post said Dethklok! that would be awsome:kickass:

But i have three COB, Sinergy, and Metallica in that order.
dude awesome i love that pure 80's metal tone

Thanks, that is what i was going for!

That's a pretty cool tone Inhe, I like it. Your tone always sounds similar, I think it has something to do with those pickups. They seem to have alot of mid or something and gives it a kinda "bubbly" sound. I'd be able to recognise one of your recordings if I didn't know it was you.
Yeah, i love that bubbly sound! I was using my RG550 there, and those pickups seem to have some kind of compression and alot more mids as you said. I'm eventually going to change pickups on my jem, because even if it feels nicer to play on, the pickups are too high output.

And I've just finished updating my composition that I uploaded earlier but I re-recorded the whole thing with my Jackson instead of BC Rich, both have the same pickup but have a different sound.

I added a second verse, where the melody is played an octave higher with a different ending.
Added another main riff with a cool 32nd note blast thing, better sounding harmony section and I did a little bit of the solo. I also changed the bass sound and I do prefer this one. :D

I think I should start working on more original stuff because it's kinda fun. :D:D

(a little edit)

That's some really cool ideas, finish that song! Some licks sound really original, i like it!

It hasn't even arrived yet...:mad: It was supposed to be here by now but even if it was, I wouldn't use it for recording because it'd sound terrible if I used it direct and I don't have decent enough mic'ing equipment to do it all that way. I'd just use it in my room and for live gigs etc.

I'll probably bring it all downstairs and do a vid, using the cameras mic to see if I can demonstrate the sound.

Are you eventually going to use it for recording aswell?
I'm starting to dislike the idea of drilling a hole in my guitar, so before I do something I can regret I've dropped the MM04/PA2 idea and I'll get a pedal booster. I am atm deciding between this three:

MXR M133 Microamp
MXR MC-401
Ibanez Tubescreamer Reissue TS9
Boss SD-1

Right now the one I think I'll get is the MXR MC-401, but I want your opinions suggestions first.

I'm going to use it for live solos (guitar my RR24 with EMG 81 and amp Randall G3 Series 150W head). I know that active p-up boosted is bound to be noisy, but we're just 1 guit, 1 bass and drums at my band so a bit of extra noise can even be wellcome during the solos for live gigs, cos with the normal distortions and choruses from my Korg AX1500G it still feels empty.

It actually sounds really good at low levels, so i'm perfectly happy. And one channel is fine for me!

Here's a little sound test. I'm sorry for making all my sound tests so short and shitty :lol: The volume is ~0.5, because people are sleeping.

That's a cool tone! BTW, short but not shitty, it shows your tone, so it's done what it was suposed to. If we want music, you have 4 cool songs in your myspace :kickass: Right now I have Edge Of Despair on my mp3 player, :lol:

That's a pretty cool tone Inhe, I like it. Your tone always sounds similar, I think it has something to do with those pickups. They seem to have alot of mid or something and gives it a kinda "bubbly" sound. I'd be able to recognise one of your recordings if I didn't know it was you.

And I've just finished updating my composition that I uploaded earlier but I re-recorded the whole thing with my Jackson instead of BC Rich, both have the same pickup but have a different sound.

I added a second verse, where the melody is played an octave higher with a different ending.
Added another main riff with a cool 32nd note blast thing, better sounding harmony section and I did a little bit of the solo. I also changed the bass sound and I do prefer this one. :D

I think I should start working on more original stuff because it's kinda fun. :D:D

(a little edit)

Kinda. As I say, this is quite cool so I may just do it. I have another one that I wanna do a "demo" of but I can never get it to sound good.

It hasn't even arrived yet...:mad: It was supposed to be here by now but even if it was, I wouldn't use it for recording because it'd sound terrible if I used it direct and I don't have decent enough mic'ing equipment to do it all that way. I'd just use it in my room and for live gigs etc.

I'll probably bring it all downstairs and do a vid, using the cameras mic to see if I can demonstrate the sound.

Looking forward to what you can do with the GP-1000. Could we expect some FTR stuff? :D BTW nice twist to the composition, I like the harmonies and the fast blasts are really cool.
dude over 100 files and none finished????? damn you get to work!!!!
and nice clip by the way, please post your next clips with higher bit rate because on 128 most of the highs are gone. i like your tone and the midi bass is... welll..... midi :erk:
if you want i can do your bass lines in the future.

congrats with your buy dude :metal:
How would I export it at a higher bitrate? I just save it all as an mp3 in Cool Edit Pro.

Btw, I've got another clip ready that I only just "wrote" earlier today as I was messing about. It's a mix of Necrophagist and Sinergy. It's fucking crazy to play. :lol:

I'll upload it in a few minutes.
cool, looking forward.
when you export click advanced and you can choose there higher bit rate
I just found it, yeah. Cheers.

I might have to re-record this newer thing 'cause it's pretty hard to get these high notes clean. :erk:
dude don't get obsessed with absolute perfection, some times its better to leave it as it is and get to work on another one. this way you at least will have it recorded and if you will ever like you will redo it on the future.

(this is also my problem why i have so less songs and recordings from my self i am never happy with it)