Guitar Player's Thread

Anybody else wants to give his/her opinion about the pedals I'm thinking?

SD-1 or Tubescreamer

Ive heard great things about both

Really? About Tubescreamer I've heard great things but I'm not sure it is what I want, but about SD-1 I haven't heard that great things.

I'll try and explain what I want as accurate as possible: I want something that increases the volume of the signal X dB but modifying it (gain/mids/etc) the minimum possible). Just something that works as similar to turning the volume knob on the amp up as possible, because at live gigs you can't go running at the amp and increase the volume randomly for the solos and then get it back to normal while playing, :lol:

Yeah, it's definitely not a copy. I came up with that intro lick a while ago and then descended in a way that I've been playing alot lately.

The main riff is inspired by The Bitch Is Back but it wasn't intentional, I only noticed it afterwards.

I think my fave bit is the end where I do that whammy thing and I put it so high that it "frets out" and makes some weird noise. :D

Anyway, check out the 4th variation of the main riff:

:lol: First bar seems like you had taken TBIB first riff and changed a pair of notes, but then it developes into a cool and different riff.

for the PTTR jam, how many of you did your solo over the Emin part and how many did it over the F# minor part? and did some of you do both parts?

I did both, but listening at it after sending it to Mitch I think that on the first part I did the same scale twice (once as a scale and one sliding from note to note, :lol:). Have you checked it Mitch? And if yes, have you noticed it or am I paranoid for nothing? :lol:

But writing 2 solos iz betta!! I still haven't written mine yet, I always wait until everyone send me theirs and I do it at the last minute.

Anyway, my GP-1000 is here. I'll post pics later, gotta go to work now. Be home at 11pm. :zombie:


Pђoenix;7115478 said:
GP Backing track -

Oh and I just came accross this DIRT CHEAP Engl halfstack, just incase anyones interested. I'd grab it quick before he realises what an ass mistake he'd be making.

Now I wish I had some money, :lol: I mean, if you don't like it you can even sell it for more money, :lol:
Anybody else wants to give his/her opinion about the pedals I'm thinking?

Really? About Tubescreamer I've heard great things but I'm not sure it is what I want, but about SD-1 I haven't heard that great things.

I'll try and explain what I want as accurate as possible: I want something that increases the volume of the signal X dB but modifying it (gain/mids/etc) the minimum possible). Just something that works as similar to turning the volume knob on the amp up as possible, because at live gigs you can't go running at the amp and increase the volume randomly for the solos and then get it back to normal while playing, :lol:

Isn't there something like a volume boost pedal? Any boost pedal is going to colour the tone a bit.
@COCOB: I think you should add MXR M-108 to that list.

I rest my case. :lol:

EDIT: Seriously it can do it all! Gainboost,volumeboost,toneshaping!
I'll try and explain what I want as accurate as possible: I want something that increases the volume of the signal X dB but modifying it (gain/mids/etc) the minimum possible). Just something that works as similar to turning the volume knob on the amp up as possible, because at live gigs you can't go running at the amp and increase the volume randomly for the solos and then get it back to normal while playing, :lol:

Don't know him that well then.
Here's a video of me playing Deadnight Warrior's 2nd solo:

My Jackson Stars Custom RR with J50BC and JE1000 boost and directly into a Peavey 5150 halfstack.

If anyone is wondering...I played over the Tokyo Warhearts version, with the audio panned all the way to the left, that way you can't hear Alexi playing at all and you can freely play over this "live backing track" ;).


I have now re-uploaded the video with slightly better sound quality and no text over the video :). Feel free to rate it and comment it!

If you find the video to be very dark, turn off all the lights in the room and maybe brighten up your monitor...I can see it fine on my pc ;).
Nice one Nagzul. I posted this on your old vid and on ur new one too.

Nice one Uros!! It's just a shame that we can't see or hear that Custom RR a bit better!! :D

Take some proper poser photos like I do. :D :lol:
I'm probably not the only one who's thought this, but Nazgul and Mitch look awfully alike while playing their RR's standing up :lol:

Btw Mitch. Did you make a guitar pro file of your composition? Do you mind uploading that one, or atleast some leads from it? There were some really cool parts in there that i would like to steal! :loco:
I must be dumb as hell but I didn't get it: Do You mean the Windows Audio control, the audacity controls or my soundcard control panel?

Maybe I'd record something for the jam but I'm not sure. Wasn't there a GP file of the backing track (i dont mean the one in the tab thread)?

Something like that yeah. I don't know what it looks like on your computer so just mess about with it and do test recordings and see what works.

Nice! Welcome to the club!

Cheers! :D

I played through it for about 5minutes earlier but I actually did notice a difference in sound when I adjusted the gain and treble. The volume on the left is also basically a gain control and the master gain just sets the actual volume without modifying anything else at all.

I'll probably see if I can get some recordings tomorrow with me mum's digital camera. I don't know how it'll sound but it should be ok. You'll have to excuse my playing though.

What shall I play?

I'm probably not the only one who's thought this, but Nazgul and Mitch look awfully alike while playing their RR's standing up :lol:

Btw Mitch. Did you make a guitar pro file of your composition? Do you mind uploading that one, or atleast some leads from it? There were some really cool parts in there that i would like to steal! :loco:

RR's ftw. :kickass:

Here's the GP file. I think I pretty much played it note for note, so there's nothing missing except the outro solo, which I made up on the spot.

Which bits were you referring to?
Lee Jackson Perfect Connection GP-1000

The Package:

The bubble-wrapped preamp:

Another type of wrapping:



The knobs:

Lee Jackson GP-1000 & ADA MP-1: (Alexi Laiho & Paul Gilbert FTW!!)

Jackson Stars RR & Both Preamps:
Here's the GP file. I think I pretty much played it note for note, so there's nothing missing except the outro solo, which I made up on the spot.

Which bits were you referring to?

Thank you!

Nothing in particular, just all the leads!

That Gp-1000 looks pretty clean, isn't it kind of old? And aren't you going to buy a power amp and some sort of speaker so you can use them z0oN? :cool:
Cool, nice to know someone likes one of my compositions. :)

I believe it was made in 1988 so yeah, it's pretty clean considering it is pretty much the same age as me!!

I would get a power amp and set of speakers ASAP but I just don't have the space for them. I could, of course, replace my cabinet that holds some videos/my cd player/alarm clock/other random bits 'n' bobs with a speaker cabinet and have all my music stuff there but I don't think it'd "work". I suppose a power amp could fit underneath my two preamps until I get a case for them but as I say, speakers are just too big for the amout of space that I have.
Pђoenix;7115478 said:
GP Backing track -

Oh and I just came accross this DIRT CHEAP Engl halfstack, just incase anyones interested. I'd grab it quick before he realises what an ass mistake he'd be making.

damnit im either getting this or the savage, that is an awesome price

Cool, nice to know someone likes one of my compositions. :)

I believe it was made in 1988 so yeah, it's pretty clean considering it is pretty much the same age as me!!

I would get a power amp and set of speakers ASAP but I just don't have the space for them. I could, of course, replace my cabinet that holds some videos/my cd player/alarm clock/other random bits 'n' bobs with a speaker cabinet and have all my music stuff there but I don't think it'd "work". I suppose a power amp could fit underneath my two preamps until I get a case for them but as I say, speakers are just too big for the amout of space that I have.

it looks in great shape, try and build a nice rack setup :) if i was gonna get a rack i would get

the lee jackson and the ada, but definetly a mesa triaxis, vht power amp, tc g-major (those things are awesome), furman power conditioner, genz benz cabinet
I'm definitely getting a Rocktron HUSH next. When I played with my friends band the other week, it was my Jackson RR into the ADA MP-1 and the soundguys were like "hmm okay, who's the guitarist with the hissing sound???!!" :lol: WHOOPS!

That was with the gainboost OFF, gain low, presence low etc. If I'm going to be using a boost with the GP-1000, then a noise gate is EXTREMELY important because it will actually sound TERRIBLE without it.

I don't even know how to use the buggers.
Really? About Tubescreamer I've heard great things but I'm not sure it is what I want, but about SD-1 I haven't heard that great things.

I'll try and explain what I want as accurate as possible: I want something that increases the volume of the signal X dB but modifying it (gain/mids/etc) the minimum possible). Just something that works as similar to turning the volume knob on the amp up as possible, because at live gigs you can't go running at the amp and increase the volume randomly for the solos and then get it back to normal while playing, :lol:

Well from what your saying, Im getting that you want a pedal that will boost the volume of your amp for solos, but you don't want it to affect the tone of your amp, just the volume level.

O/D pedals will definitely color or change your tone, making it more grainy or with a spiked EQ, So you probably don't want that.

I would reccomend an EQ pedal, it can have two functions, it can just plain Clean boost your overall tone, but say you wanted to change your lead tone a bit you can shape your lead tone without adding distortion or radically changing the timbre of your amp.

A plain old Clean Boost pedal would work two, but without the tone shaping capibilities.

Also! This type of boosting would be most effective in the FX-loop of your amp (if it has one). The FX-Loop is after the Pre-amp of the amp (gain/EQ knobs/ect) so you would be just boosting the input of the poweramp section of the amp, giving you a pure volume boost.

If you put a clean boost in front of the amp instead, It wont really change the volume of your amp radically, just distort the pre-amp and Might not sound as natural.
O/D pedals are put in front of the amp to change the tone of the amp, not the volume

I'm definitely getting a Rocktron HUSH next. When I played with my friends band the other week, it was my Jackson RR into the ADA MP-1 and the soundguys were like "hmm okay, who's the guitarist with the hissing sound???!!" :lol: WHOOPS!

That was with the gainboost OFF, gain low, presence low etc. If I'm going to be using a boost with the GP-1000, then a noise gate is EXTREMELY important because it will actually sound TERRIBLE without it.

I don't even know how to use the buggers.

Noisegates are pretty easy, a threshold knob that controlls the sensitivity of the gate (it cuts off the signal after it senses the signal noise is X amount quiet), and another knob thats a decay knob that determines how long it takes to gate on and off